Watch powerful full-length sermons by Derek Prince for practical Bible-based messages that inspire faith and draw you closer to God.
Derek said, "Your attitude to money actually reveals your attitude to God Himself." Right handling of our money determines our relationship with God and is a key to spiritual progress.
We live in an age when obesity, heart disease and cancer are killing more people than ever before. Does God hold us accountable for how we treat our bodies? This bold challenge by Derek Prince might save your life.
By the perfect all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus canceled forever the effects of sin and provided complete well being for every believer. These messages unfold fourteen main aspects of this sacrifice, and four steps by which to appropriate its provisions.
Where Are We In Bible Prophecy?
Bible prophecy reveals much concerning the end of the age. The "secret things" remain hidden, but it is our responsibility to study and to act on the "revealed things." This assures our preservation and ultimate victory.
I Will Shake All Things
Has the predicted final shaking of all things already begun? If so, you need to know how you can come through victoriously.
Seven Steps To Revival
The Lord allows His people to reach a place of utter helplessness and total reliance. But, when our prayer is based on this realization, the Lord's compassion prevails.
(Alphabetical order)
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