By Derek Prince
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Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
In our previous studies we have glanced at the whole field of what we might call charismatic gifts. We have already pointed out that the nine gifts are readily divided into three groups of three: the gifts of revelation, the gifts of power, and the vocal giftsâthe vocal gifts being those that must necessarily operate through human vocal organs.
In our previous studies we have examined the three gifts of revelation, that is, a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge and discernings of spirits. In this study we want to begin to examine the gifts of power which are faith, the gifts of healing and the workings of miracles. In this study I want to concentrate on the gift of faith.
Before we can study the gift of faith itself itâs necessary to clear up certain distinctions. Faith is used in a good many different ways in the New Testament and I want to point out to you three different kinds of faith which are all referred to in the New Testament.
The first kind of faith is the faith that comes through hearing the Word of God. This faith is necessary for salvation. Any person who is saved necessarily has this kind of faith. Letâs look at a few Scriptures that, I think, make this clear. Weâll begin with Romans 10:17 which says in the King James Version:
âSo then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.â
Some of the modern versions are based on a different text which sometimes is considered to be more reliable and if you have one of them you might find that it says, âFaith comes by hearing, and hearing by the preaching of Christ.â As far as weâre concerned, the difference is not important. In fact, itâs only a difference of emphasis because itâs the preaching of Christ if itâs the preaching of the Word. This is just a variation in the text. But, this is the faith that a person receives through hearing the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Word of God. As a person opens his heart and receives this Word, it produces faith within that person. As I said already, a person cannot be saved without faith of this kind.
In Ephesians 2:8 Paul states the requirement for salvation:
âFor by grace are ye saved through faith...â
The grace of God that brings salvation comes into us through our faith. Paul goes on to say:
â... and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.â
Even the faith we cannot boast about, because God gave it to us as we opened our hearts to hear the preaching of the gospel.
The fact that faith is absolutely essential for salvation is emphasized also in two other Scriptures that we could look at briefly. Romans 4:4â5.
âNow to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.â
So, in order to receive righteousness we must have faith. Our faith in Jesus Christ that comes through the hearing of the gospel is imputed to us by God as righteousness.
This is pointed out again in Hebrews 11:6:
âBut without faith it is impossible to please him [that is God]; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.â
This kind of faith is essential. No one can please God, no one can approach God, no one can receive salvation without faith in this form: the faith that comes by hearing the Word of God.
Now, it is clear that every Christian must have faith of this kind, otherwise he couldnât be a Christian.
This also is stated by Paul in Romans 12:3.
âFor I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man a measure of faith.â
Not âtheâ measure of faith but âaâ measure of faith. Of course, itâs clear that Paul is speaking only to people who are Christians. This does not apply to unbelievers. He says âevery man that is among youââ heâs talking clearly to Christians. But as far as every Christian is concerned, God has dealt each one a measure, a certain proportion of faith. This is what is often called âsaving faithâ or âfaith for salvationâ or âfaith that goes with salvation.â
The second kind of faith that I want to speak about is the faith that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is listed in Galatians 5:22â23. Letâs turn there for a moment.
âBut the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.â
If you have the same accounting ability as I have, youâll discover that the fruit of the Spirit is ninefold. The gifts of the Spirit are also ninefold. And remember, Paul did not sit down to write abstract theological treatises, but these were letters written under pressure of circumstance sometimes in prison, sometimes on a journey. I think itâs one of the marks of the beautiful inspiration of the Holy Spirit that thereâs exact balance between the gifts and the fruit. I personally believe that all the fruit of the Spirit is love but love manifested in various different aspects which are those listed here.
In that list youâll find that the seventh word is faith. The fruit of the Spirit is faith. This is not the type of faith that we must have to be saved. If you want an alternative definition or description you could offer either of these: either âcontinuing quiet trustâ or âfaithfulnessâ or âdependability.â The Greek word thatâs used there, which is the regular word for faith, could mean either. Every one of the ninefold forms of the fruit of the Spirit is a mark of character. We have to use a word that denotes an aspect of character. As I say, it could be that aspect of quiet, continuing trustâa person who doesnât get flurried or flustered or overemotional in any situation or circumstance. This doesnât usually come immediately. Very few people are like that the moment they are saved. It comes by experience and by cultivation.
Or, you could translate it âdependability.â Remember, this is according to the Greek usage. A man of faith is a faithful man. This doesnât come out so clearly in English but a real man of faith is a man you can put your faith in. Heâs dependable, heâs reliable. If he says heâll meet you on Tuesday night at 5 p.m., heâll be there on Tuesday night at 5 p.m. If he says heâll take a Sunday school class, heâll be there to take the Sunday school class. Heâs a man who keeps his commitments. Personally, I believe that both these are included in this type of faith which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
It is important at this point to make a very basic, logical distinction between fruit and gifts. Many, many Christians lose what God has for them in some measure through failure to make this distinction. Iâve heard people say quite often, âBrother, love is the best gift and thatâs the one I want.â I donât find anywhere in the Bible that love is called a gift. It is fruit, it is not a gift. As I said before, if you make love an excuse for not desiring the gifts of God, itâs a very strange form of love. Any kind of love that I know of desires the gifts of the person who is loved.
Fruit does not come instantly. It would be absurd to expect an instant, readymade orange or apple on a fruit tree. The truth about fruit is it has to be cultivated by labor and patience and skill. This is stated by the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:6:
âThe husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.â
Or, you can translate it alternatively, âThe farmer, laboring first, must be partaker of the fruits.â In other words, the fruits do not come forth without labor. I think this is a fact that we often overlook. We speak about fruit growing spontaneously without effort. That is perfectly true, but in the markets of the world today you could not possibly market any kind of fruit that was simply left to grow by itself. All fruit requires very careful and often intensive cultivation, which involves time, care and labor.
Iâm persuaded that the same is true of the fruit of the Spirit. No one will bring fruit to perfection who does not cultivate it. Itâs a process that requires time, care and labor. A gift is completely different. It takes no time, no care and no labor to receive a gift. The mere receiving of a gift does not in itself make the least change in a personâs character. If a person was lazy and irresponsible before he receives a gift, that person will be just as lazy and just as irresponsible after receiving the gift. Of course, the exercising of the gift may produce a change in character but the actual receiving of the gift does not change a personâs character.
This is something that people must lay hold of. For instance, we see a Christian who obviously has certain gifts of the Spirit and then our faith is almost struck down when we see them behave in an irresponsible and unreliable wayâwhich, unfortunately, happens. But we fail to realize that that gift in itself did not produce any change in their character.
On the other hand, the gift is still valuable but it is not going to be effective as it should be unless the fruit is cultivated alongside of it. Some Christiansâand I suppose youâve met themâspeak as though God is offering us two alternatives. Either fruit or gifts. The people that donât believe in gifts of the Holy Spirit say, âBrother, Iâve got the fruit, you can have the gifts.â Iâve learned by experience to question just how much fruit that kind of person really has. Secondly, itâs totally unscriptural because the Bible says follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts. One of the evidences that we are following after love is that we are desiring of the spiritual gifts. In fact, spiritual gifts are the tools by which love work. Love without the gifts is left largely impotent and frustrated. As Iâve said before, imagine a mother sitting beside her sick child and saying, âHoney, I love you,â but doing absolutely nothing about it. Neither praying nor calling for the doctor nor taking any steps whatever to alleviate the childâs suffering. We would say that is a strange and unreal kind of love.
The Christian that says, âI have love; I donât need gifts,â is really in the same category because the gifts are the means by which love is made effective. For instance, if we want to edify the church because we love the church then weâll covet the gift that edifies the church, which is the gift of prophecy. Or, if we love the sick weâll covet the gift that will enable us to minister to the sick, which is maybe the gifts of healings or the gifts of miracles or whatever it may be. But love in the New Testament, in fact, in the whole Bible, is always very practical. It does not sit and use nice phrases, it does something. One of the main means by which love is enabled to act and be effective is the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
However, they must be distinguished. Iâve given you there in your outline a very simple and familiar example. Consider the two types of tree, the apple tree and the Christmas tree. The apple tree bears fruit and the Christmas tree carries gifts. You know, thereâs a complete difference. You donât expect instantaneous fruit on the apple tree. You know itâs going to take a considerable period of time for that apple tree to bear apples that are worth eating. On the other hand, with regard to the Christmas tree, somebody hangs a gift on it, it takes a moment to hang it on. Somebody else comes up and takes the gift off it. That takes a moment likewise. There is this clear distinction.
We have spoken so far about the fruit of faith, an aspect of character that is cultivated by care, labor and requires time.
Now letâs move on to the third kind of faith, which is the real subject of this study, which is miraculous faith that is a gift. It is enumerated in that verse given there, 1 Corinthians 12:9. I think it would be good to look at 1 Corinthians 12:8â9 for a moment because I believe in the context we get some light.
âFor to one is given by the Spirit a word of wisdom; to another a word of knowledge by the same Sprit; to another faith by the same Spirit...â
I pointed out that when itâs a word of wisdom God has all wisdom but He doesnât bother us with all wisdom. In the moment of need, by the Holy Spirit He imparts to us a word of His wisdom, just a little fragment that meets the need of that situation. God has all knowledge. He doesnât impart to us all knowledge because weâd stagger under the load. But in the moment of need, by the Holy Spirit He imparts to us a word of knowledge.
I believe faith is very, very similar. Paul does not say a word of faith, but I believe essentially thatâs what it is. God has all faith. Through this gift He imparts to us a little tiny portion of His faith. Itâs divine faith; itâs Godâs faith. Itâs not human faith, itâs not faith thatâs cultivated; itâs faith that comes instantly, supernaturally, as a gift direct from God by the Holy Spirit. It is very, very frequently in the form of a word. This gift, like the others that weâve examined so far, as I understand it, is operated only under Godâs control. No man as far as I know has a word of knowledge at his will. No man has a word of wisdom. No man discerns spirits at will. And no man, as far as I understand it, has this gift of faith at will. God has not given us control over these gifts. They remain under His control but we make ourselves available to Him that He may operate them through us as He desires.
If we had these gifts at our operation at any time, you and I, being the kind of persons we are, the world would be in chaos because we would use them to suit our own moods and needs and one would be moving the mountain east while the other was moving the mountain west. The result would be confusion. There are certain gifts that God has to keep very strict control over. This definitely is one of them.
Now, this gift then, as I understand it, is a tiny little portion, a mustard seed of Godâs faith supernaturally imparted by the Holy Spirit in a moment of need to meet a specific need or situation. Letâs look for a moment at the nature of Godâs faith. This is a fascinating study. You see, Godâs faith in His own Word brought the entire universe into being. This is what the universe came out of, Godâs faith in His own words. Letâs look in Psalm 33:6:
âBy the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.â
I like the King James Versionâs breath because itâs so vivid. When your word goes out, your breath goes out with it. You cannot speak without breathing. But on the other hand, the word in the Hebrew is spirit. âBy the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the spirit of his mouth.â In other words, all creation is the product of Godâs Word and Godâs Spirit going forth together. Or, Godâs Word going forth through His Spirit.
See, this is a fascinating study to me. I had to learn a little bit about phonetics and I must say it was futile to try to teach Africans to speak English the English wayâwhich is a problem in itself. I took a little course in phonetics. I discovered some fascinating things. You canât speak without breathing. Essentially, speech is breath expelled out of your lungs and what happens to it in your throat and mouth decides what comes out. Iâm sure some of you know much more than I do about this. Either your vocal chords are open or closed and then itâs the position of your lips and tongue. Does it go through your mouth or does it go through your nose? Every form of speech in all the languages in all the world are just variations on the way air comes out of our mouth. When you think of the uncountable number of variations and what is achieved by them, itâs really a fascinating thing to contemplate.
But, the basic point that Iâm trying to make at the moment is that no one can speak without breath coming out. It is impossible. So, when God speaks, His breath, His spirit, goes with it. Itâs the breathed out word of God that produces all that ever was created. By the word of the Lord and by the breath of His mouth.
If you want two confirming Scriptures, turn to Genesis 1 and notice the accuracy of this historical record. Genesis 1:2, the latter part of the verse.
â... the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters [or hovered upon the face of the waters. What was the next thing?] God said, Let there be light.â
The word of God went out and when the word and the Spirit of God united, the word light turned into the thing light. This, again, is fascinating, because in both Hebrew and in Greek the same word means âwordâ and âthing.â This is no accident. You see, things are Godâs words spoken by His Spirit. When God said, âLight,â there was light. This is the basic nature of all creation.
Now in Hebrews 11:3 the same truth is presented again, particularly in relation to the word. But remember, it is the word breathed forth by the Spirit.
âThrough faith we understand that the worlds [or the ages] were framed [or fitted together] by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.â
What is the basic force behind all created things? The Word of God.
Today, as far as I understand it, physics is basically in agreement with this statement. Iâm no physicist but I had to dabble a little bit in the philosophy of physics at one time. As I understand it, you ask a physicist what this desk in front of me is made of, heâll give you an answer in terms of atoms. Then you ask him, What atoms are made of? and he gives you an answer in terms of protons, neutrons, electrons and things like that. You ask him, Has anybody ever seen any of these things? and the answer is no. You ask him to express any of these things and the best he can do is give me some kind of mathematical formula or equation, which really is just about getting to where the writer of Hebrews was 19 centuries ago when he said, âBy the word of the Lord were all these things made.â So, the things which are seenâ the visible, the tangible, the perceptibleâwere not made of things which do appear. We can say completely Amen! to this in the light and conclusions of modern physics. Itâs true experimentally, itâs true scientifically, and itâs true by the Scripture.
This, I think, should leave every one of us to consider the immense power there is in words. It is impossible to overestimate the power of words. Most Christians sadly underestimate it. So, everything that was in being, came into being when the breath of God came forth bringing a word. The breath of God is the Spirit of God. Of course, you immediately see the possibility that if the breath of the Spirit of God is within you and me, that same breath can bring forth a word out of you and me which is just as effective as if Almighty God had spoken it in the first place. And this is exactly what the gift of faith is as I understand it.
Letâs look at His other statement here in Ezekiel 12:25, only the first part of the verse because the verse has two completely, separate divisions. Ezekiel 12:25, the first part:
âI am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass...â
In other words, âI am God and when I say a thing, it happens. When I say light, light happens.â Thatâs the nature of God. I am the Lord. Itâs His unchanging, eternal nature.
Now letâs look at some of the words that Jesus spoke to His disciples in this connection. I want you to look at the incident of the fig tree which Jesus cursed and I want you to compare two gospel versions. Weâll take the one that comes first in Scripture, Matthew 21:18â22.
âNow in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered. And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward forever. And presently [which is the Elizabethan English for immediately] the fig tree withered away.â
Within 24 hours, as weâll discover in the other gospel.
âWhen the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away! Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.â
Notice there are two ways of using words that are brought out there. One way is towards things on behalf of God, the other way is towards God on behalf of things. So, Jesus did not pray about the fig tree, he spoke to the fig tree on behalf of God. And, the fig tree did what He told it to do. He also said if you are in prayer to God on behalf of things, whatsoever you say in prayer believing you shall receive. Notice these two ways; Iâll bring them out more completely later. Itâs according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, you may either speak to the thing on behalf of Godâthatâs the fig treeâor you may speak to God on behalf of a thingâthis is what we would normally call prayer. The first is not prayer. Jesus did not pray about the fig tree, He did not pray to the fig treeâwhich would have been in a sense, idolatryâHe simply told the fig tree what to do and the fig tree did it within 24 hours. He said to His disciples, âYou can do what was done to the fig tree. Whatâs more than that, if you speak to a mountain it will have to obey you just the same.â
Letâs read the same incident as recorded in Mark 11 because thereâs one further thing said there by Jesus which really is the key to understanding it all. Mark 11:20:
âAnd in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. But that is not a literal translation, and I think the literal translation is right. It says, âHave the faith of God.â Itâs Godâs faith expressed in utterances which are just as authoritative as if God Himself had spoken them. Because, in a certain sense, being breathed forth by the Spirit of God they are God-given utterances.â
Then He went on to say in verse 23:
âFor verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.â
Leaving out the example of the mountain and just taking the opening and closing words of that 23rd verse, you have the most remarkable truth. âWhosoever shall say ... shall have whatsoever he says.â That doesnât leave anybody out and it doesnât leave anything out. Itâs whosoever and whatsoever. Whatâs the condition? Divine faith. Have the faith of God. The suggestion is that God is more willing to give us this faith than many of us are to receive it. Jesus said, âDonât marvel. You can do it. Have the faith of God.â
Then you notice He went on also to make this statement about prayer in verse 24:
âTherefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that youâve received them [thatâs the literal], and you shall have them.â
I often ask people, When do you receive? And the answer, of course, is, When you pray. The moment you pray you receive. You donât necessarily have but youâve received. Having may come later, but receiving comes when you pray. This is the great secret of getting things. The devil always has a tomorrow and if you let him keep you at bay with his tomorrow youâll never get what God has. But, the Bible says, as far as God is concerned, now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. God lives in an eternal now. Thereâs this point of settling it.
Iâll tell you, thereâs a certain supernatural faith involved at times. I remember when I was planning to marry the lady who is now my wife and I was contemplating what was involved in becoming a faith missionary in the land of Israel. I remember some of the stories my wife had told me about having to get up in the middle of the night to pray for the childrenâs breakfast the next morning. I can see this scene vividly in my mindâs eye. I was walking along the Mount of Olives from south to north just in that little bit between the Mount of Olives and Mount Scopus. I was telling the Lord, âLord, I donât really think that Iâve got that kind of faith.â I at that time told the Lord, âI never want to be brought so close to the margin as that.â I settled it forever with God. I know it will never happen. I just look back to that point, at that point I received. It wasnât a struggle, it wasnât an effort, I just knew that that was the way it was going to be. I can look back on very nearly 25 years of married life and know itâs been that way.
I canât take any credit for that, but thereâs just a moment when God dropped that mustard seed of divine faith into my heart and I settled it for the rest of my life. This is possible, you can do it. You canât do it by a lot of struggling and effort, but you can do it by receiving divine faith when God imparts it to you.
Letâs go on looking at Scriptures that are listed there. First Corinthians 13:2. Paul is here pointing out that all these gifts without love are of no value to the person that has them. This is very interesting because they still may be valuable to somebody else. See? If I have the gift of healing and I exercise it without love, it doesnât profit me anything, but it may profit the person that gets healed. I heard Brother Oral Roberts relate an incident about that Iâve never forgotten. A woman was bothering him after a meeting. She had no right, and she was running after him. He said, âThe meeting is closed; I donât pray for people privately.â She stuck to him so long that eventually in a fit of impatience he put out his hand and touched her and she got healed. She got healed but he said, âI got no blessing from it, it didnât profit me anything.â So there you see youâve got to be very careful how you read the Scripture. It doesnât say it profits nobody anything, it doesnât profit the one whoâs exercised in the gift unless itâs exercised in love. Iâve had some similar experiences at times. Iâve been surprised at the results considering how I felt! But, God is greater than we are.
Notice now Paul is giving a list of possible gifts. Itâs not complete, but he speaks of quite a number.
Verse 1:
âThough I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity [love ... verse 2:] And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries [the word of wisdom, though I have] all knowledge [the word of knowledge]; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains [thatâs faith]...â
Notice faith is the mountain-moving gift. You donât lay hands on a mountain, you donât perform a miracle over a mountain; you just speak to a mountain. If you speak with divine faith, that mountain has to do what you tell it to do.
Now letâs look in Matthew 17 for a moment. Matthew 17:20. The disciples had failed to cast out a demon out of an epileptic boy and when they got alone with Jesus they said, âWhy could not we cast him out?â You see that in verse 19?
âThen came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?â
And you know, of course, today some would say, âItâs not the will of God to heal,â or âThat was too difficult a case,â or anything like that. But Jesus had one simple answer. Because of your unbelief. Then He went on to say:
âFor verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.â
Letâs compare with that Luke 17:6.
âThe Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea...â
Have you ever noticed that? The tree is not just cast into the sea but itâs planted in the sea. It actually starts to grow in the sea.
Notice, in both these cases the Lord says all you need is a mustard seed of this kind of faith. This is not true of every kind of faith but this is divine faith. One little mustard seed is sufficient to move a mountain. Itâs not the quantity, itâs the quality of faith that Jesus is speaking about. If itâs Godâs faith you donât need a great spoonful of it, you just need a mustard seed.
Letâs look for a moment at what to me is always a very dramatic example of this type of faith and its power illustrated in the calling of the prophet Jeremiah. I donât know why, but this Scripture always appeals to me. Jeremiah 1:5, God says:
âBefore I formed thee in the belly I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.â
Jeremiah said, âI canât; Iâm too young. And God said, âDonât tell Me youâre too young because youâre going to do it.â Then in verses 9â10 of that chapter it says this:
âThen the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.â
Here was a man who thought he was too young to be a prophet and God says, âFrom now on, youâre over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out, to pull down, to throw down, to destroy, to build and to plant.â How was that achieved? Verse 9 is the answer. âI have put my words in your mouth.â And when Godâs word went forth out of Jeremiahâs mouth by Godâs Spirit, it was just as effective as if God Himself had spoken it.
If you care to study the prophecies of Jeremiah youâll find that many, many nations: Israel and many Gentile nations, nations of the Middle East and other nations for the past 2,500 years, their destiny has been settled by the prophecies of Jeremiah. This was exactly fulfilled. Thatâs the power of the word of God through the Spirit of God in the human mouth.
Notice also the condition for being a mouthpiece of God in Jeremiah 15. This is very important also.
Jeremiah 15, and Iâll read verse 16, 17 and 19. This is Jeremiahâs testimony:
âThy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.â
If we are to bring forth Godâs word, we must have digested Godâs word first. Youâll find likewise with the prophet Ezekiel when God called him he stretched forth a roll in his hand and said, âEat that which I give thee.â Then he said, âGo and prophesy.â See, prophecy and spiritual gifts do not come out of the natural mind. It isnât just getting it into your mind; itâs digesting it in your spirit. When itâs digested there, and youâve hidden Godâs word in your heart, as David says, then itâs available for the Holy Spirit to bring it forth as He sees fit.
But you see, Jeremiahâs testimony was that âwhen thy word was found, I ate it, I lived on it, I fed on it.â The testimony of Job was âI esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.â I would say when I was newly saved as a soldier in the British Army in North Africa this was really my testimony. I preferred the Word of God to my food. If it was a choice between eating breakfast and reading the Bible, I would take the time to read the Bible. For about three years in the desert I lived on Godâs Word. I have to look back and say it made the most profound and permanent changes in every area of my being. I had nothing else, there were no churches, there were no chaplains, there were no padres, there were no preachers. I had two things: the Word and the Spirit of God. We have no right to cut ourselves off from fellowship or preaching if itâs available, but when itâs not available we have all that we need in the Word and the Spirit of God.
Let us read on, verse 17:
âI sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced; I sat alone because of thy hand: for thou hast filled me with indignation.â
When we are identified with Godâs word it separates us from many things. Again, I learned this in the army. I learned what it was to sit alone simply because I could not identify myself with the things that were being said and done. And itâs very lonely being alone in a crowd. But looking back, I realize that was a formative process in my spiritual dealings, Godâs dealings with me. When I lived on His word and ate His word, it separated me, it sanctified me, it set me apart. I just could not react, I couldnât think, I couldnât speak like the people round about me. There was no one following me up with a list of rules, donât go here and donât go there and you mustnât drink this and you mustnât drink that. But there was something inside me that was so alien to the things of sin in this world that they could not mingle. Believe me, if youâre ever going to be truly sanctified itâs going to come from within, itâs not a list of donâts and doâs and you mustnâts. Thatâs what the Bible calls âa humility of the will.â Itâs not the inward spiritual humility of the heart.
And then notice in the 19th verse of the same 15th chapter of Jeremiah:
âTherefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me...â
This is the position of the prophet, the one who stands before God, hears His word and delivers it.
â... and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth...â
God wants a pure mouthpiece. And then He said thisâand this, too, is very important:
â... let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.â
When God sets a standard, we cannot lower it. When God sets conditions, we have no authority to change them. We cannot go down to manâs standards; we have to stand where God sets us and let them return to us, but we cannot return to them.
Now letâs look a little further in detail on the two different ways of exercising this kind of faith which Iâve already spoken of briefly. The two ways are listed there in your outline if youâre interested to read.
A. Words spoken to God on behalf of a person or object or situation.
B. Words spoken to a person or object or situation on behalf of God.
The first is what we would call prayer, the second really doesnât have a name in common theology but I would say itâs the power of the believerâs decree.
Letâs look in 1 Kings 17 for a moment. Hereâs one of my favorite Bible characters emerging with this dramatic utterance. He has no background, nothing is told of his past except that he came from Gilead and hereâs the prophet Elijah. In a time of total wickedness and backslidingâmy wife and I were reading these chapters together just the last few mornings. I got an absolute picture of chaos and disorder of the kingdom in which Elijah emerged. He came and said these words, and I can never read them without being thrilled. Reading 1 Kings 17:1:
âAnd Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand [thereâs the prophet again standing before the Lord], there shall not be dew nor rain these [three] years, but according to my word.â
Thatâs a word, isnât it? Thatâs power. When you control the rain and the dew, thatâs authority. And the Bible reveals for three and a half years there was no rain and no dew. We were reading this morning the 18th chapter. It says that Ahab, the king of Israel, sent to every kingdom and every nation looking for this troublemaker Elijah. Because he thought if he could get a hold of him and somehow torture him into saying the right thing then the rain would fall. See? And then when they met, Ahab said to Elijah, âArt thou he that troublest Israel?â Youâre the one thatâs making all the trouble; youâre the reason why we donât have rain and dew; youâre the reason why the crops are all failing and the beasts are all dying. It was a responsibility.
But notice, it was under the control of Elijahâs word. Not Godâs word, but Elijah, because Elijah was the visible representative of God. And the 18th chapter, the first verse, see what God said to Elijah? He said:
âGo, [and] shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.â
Elijah was the message. He didnât take the message, he was the message. âShow thyself and Iâll send rain.â As I quoted in another context the other day, God uses men and not methods. Elijah was Godâs message.
Then when Elijah wanted the rain, notice, he had to pray through. This is a remarkable fact. Although he was the one that had withheld the rain he had to pray through for the rain. Iâd like to read that prayer theme for a moment at the end of the 18th chapter of 1 Kings. Verse 41:
âAnd Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain. So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees...â
I wonder if youâve ever been in that position. I must say I have. There are times when I felt God had bent me into that position in prayer. I wouldnât say Elijah was praying, I would say Elijah was his prayer. The whole of Elijah was a prayer: spirit, soul and body. He was totally identified with his prayer. He prayed until the little cloud appeared and by his words spoken to God he liberated the rain.
That is what James calls âthe prayer of faith.â Youâll notice that James in the 5th chapter takes Elijah as the example. Maybe we should look there for a moment because James says one interesting thing about Elijah. He says he wasnât any special kind of person; he was a man just like you and me. James 5:15:
âThe prayer of faith shall save the sick, ... [Verse 16, the latter part:] The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.â
Some churches, they donât like fervent praying but the Bible says sometimes you have to be fervent.
Then the example is given, verse 17:
âElijah was a man subject to like passions as we are [just the same person as you and I], [but] he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.â
In other words, you can do the same. The same power is available to you and to me.
Now letâs look at the other example, which is in the book of Joshua only briefly, just for a moment.
Joshua 10:12â14. In the middle of a battle:
âThen spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [verse 14:] There was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man...â
You see, although it says Joshua spoke to the Lord, when we get his actual words, he told the sun and the moon what to do. âSun, stand still. And Moon, you stay over there.â I heard somebody say once, âGod didnât bother to explain to Joshua that it was really the other way around. He just saw to it that the results followed.â I mean, today we understand that it isnât the sun and the moon, itâs the earth that changes its behavior. But that wasnât important. The result followed. A man by the words that he spoke affected the course of the heavenly bodies. Tremendous!
I believe that, and I, furthermore, believe exactly the same privileges are available to you and me today. Thatâs my personal conviction.
In closing this study, letâs look at some examples of this type of faith: the utterance of faith, the word of faith, miraculous faith found in the New Testament. Weâll commence in Mark 4:39â41. Jesus is at sea in this small boat and a tremendous storm arises. The disciples come and awaken Him and say, âMaster, carest thou not that we perish?â Verse 39:
âHe arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.â
He didnât lay His hand on the sea; He just spoke to it. Here is the utterance of faith, divine authority. Actually, what He said was, âBe muzzled,â in the Greek. It would appear to me, I donât want to speculate about this now, but it would appear to me that behind that storm Jesus saw something satanic. See, itâs very interesting. He was on His way to what I would call His toughest case of deliverance, the Gadarene demoniac, whom He met on the other side. I cannot but believe myself that all Satanâs forces ganged up against Him to prevent Him getting to the scene of the deliverance of that man. I have seenâand probably you haveâsometimes when weâre on a particular assignment which means a lot to the kingdom of Satan heâll have his agents planted all the way along every situation and circumstance. Even a traffic light will seem to be abnormal in their behavior. Thatâs a good sign Godâs going to do something special if you donât get discouraged and lose the victory on the way. So, behind this abnormal, sudden, dramatic storm Jesus saw an enemy at work and said, âBe muzzled.â Itâs very, very vivid. And the storm was muzzled, it shut its mouth immediately. It couldnât utter another sound.
The authority of God. Think of that. When Israel went out of Egypt on the passover night not a dog wagged its tongue. God can silence anything if we have faith.
Notice the three cases of Jesus raising a dead person. The first two are in Luke. Chapter 7, verses 12â 15, the son of the widow of Nain.
âNow when he [thatâs Jesus] came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on herâŠâ
The Greek word means âHis bowels were moved.â
â... and said unto her, Weep not.â
This is divine compassion. And here is another sure evidence that God wants to do something. When you are moved with divine compassion itâs God thatâs doing it.
âAnd he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak.â
I donât know whether you notice that every time Jesus raised the dead He was very specific. He always called the person, designated. Some people will tell you that if He hadnât designated the person, all the dead would have arisen because He has the power to call them out of the grave.
Letâs look in Luke 8:54â55, the daughter of Jairus. There was a great weeping and a wailing and it says in verse 54:
âHe put them all out, and took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise. And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway: and he commanded to give her meat.â
Some people say this never happens these days. But in East Africa where we worked as missionaries there are many well authenticated cases of people being raised from the dead. During the time that my wife and I worked there with students, we were in contact with two occasions in which by all normal standards the person was brought back from death. One was very like this. One of our woman students, the whole family was in the clinic and the body was stretched out on the bed and they were weeping and wailing and praying. We said, âWould you like us to pray?â They said yes. We said, âYou all go out.â We didnât plan this thing, but we just knelt down on either side of the bed and prayed and at a certain moment we both got the assurance of victory and the girl sat straight up. Do you know the first thing she said? âHas anybody got a Bible?â I said yes, and she said to read Psalm 41. I read Psalm 41, we took her home with us, and she was perfectly well within a day or two. I afterwards said to her, âWhy did you want us to read Psalm 41?â She saidâand the African never talks about a visionâshe said, âAt that time two men in white stood beside me and I walked with them on either side down a very, very long, straight pathway. It took us to a place that was full of lights and people in white clothing all singing. There was a man reading out a very big book and he was reading Psalm 41 and I wanted to know what was in it.â So, thatâs what happened. So far as we could say, we didnât have a medical certificate, she told us what happened to her spirit when it left her body.
Then in John you have the raising of Lazarus, John 11:43â44.
âAnd when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth...â
What a dramatic moment! Youâll notice in every case He didnât lay hands on the sick, He spoke.
And the same thing happened in Acts 9:40 when Peter raised Dorcas. Just looking at that one Scripture, Iâm going very rapidly now. Dorcas was dead, sheâd been washed and laid out ready for burial. Verse 40:
âPeter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; [then when he got the faith] turning him to the body he said, Tabitha [notice he called her by name], arise. And she opened her eyes: ... she sat up.â
The same thing.
Notice Acts 13, a very remarkable situation here. A false prophet, a sorcerer, a magician, a witchdoctor, whatever youâd like to call him, opposed the preaching of Paul and Barnabas on the island of Cyprus. Paul turned to this man in Acts 13:9 and it says:
âThen Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost [notice it was the Holy Ghost that took over], set his eyes on him [this false prophet], and said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.â
Paul really pronounced Godâs judgment on that man. The power of the spoken word. Divine faith, a mustard seed, a word of divine faith placed by the Holy Spirit in the lips of the believer.
This teaching includes both a free sermon outline and transcript to download for personal use, message preparation or Bible study discussion.