By Derek Prince
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Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
Thank you for your welcome. I tell people when you invite me you get two for the price of one! Thank you.
Now, Ruth and I always begin with a proclamation. God has shown us over about the last five or six years that there is no more powerful weapon that God has committed to His people than the proclamation of Scripture. Not preaching, not explaining, but proclaiming. For many years God called me to be a teacher of the Scriptures, I always felt I had to explain everything. But then just after Ruth and I got married He began to put in my mind the word proclaim. That has had over the years a major influence in my ministry. I realize there are times when we can proclaim and the Holy Spirit will do the explaining. We donât have to explain everything.
Also, I would say I think it is no exaggeration that neither Ruth nor I would be alive here today if we had not learned the power of proclamation, because we both went through a period of serious illness and I think it was the proclamation of the Scriptures that turned the course of the battle.
So, the proclamation weâre going to make today is taken from Psalm 33:8â11, which I believe is very appropriate for the special season that weâre in. Psalm 33:8â11:
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
For He spoke, and it was done;
He commanded, and it stood fast.
The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.
The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart to all generations.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance.
I want to turn for the opening passage of Scripture to a passage thatâs already been read here, thatâs Zechariah 9. The title of my message is âSons of Zion vs. Sons of Greece.â Weâll read in verses 12 and 13.
âReturn to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope;
Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.
For I have bent Judah my bow, fitted the bow with Ephraim.
And raised up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece;
And made you like the sword of a mighty man.â
Originally I only intended to preach on verse 13 but as I was preparing I was gripped by the phrase âprisoners of hopeâ and I began to ask myself, What is a prisoner of hope? Who is a prisoner of hope?I came to the conclusion that I am a prisoner of hope and maybe many of you also are. You see, a prisoner is somebody whoâs bound, who is not free to move, whoâs held in place by something. The hope that I have in my heart determines where I am; it holds me in place. The place it holds me in is Jerusalem.
What is the hope I have? The hope that God will fulfill every covenant and every promise that He ever made to Israel concerning the city of Jerusalem, the Jewish people, and the land of Israel. I have that hope, I canât escape from it. Itâs in me. I didnât put it there, the Lord put it there. When God saved me I had no special interest in the Jewish people, I knew very little about them. I was a soldier in the British army and the British army sent me to what was called the Middle East. I spent four-and-a-half years here in the Middle East, ended up in this land, which was then called Palestine, married a Danish lady and became a resident of Jerusalem. Actually, I was living with my family in Jerusalem in 1947 and â48 when the state of Israel was born.
I wonder if thereâs anybody else here today who could say that? You were here when the state was born? So I experienced the birth pangs. I can recall when 600,000 Jews were surrounded by 40 million Arabs with six highly armed modern armies. In the natural it was totally impossible that the state would survive. But, it did. I personally consider that to be as great a miracle as some of the military victories that are described in the Bible. My association with this land goes back actually nearly 50 years.
Through the study of Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit, I am gripped to this hope. I cannot get away from it. A few years ago Ruth and I owned a small condominium in Hawaii on the big island on the west coast: two rooms on the seventh floor of a building that looked right over the Pacific Ocean. And every night we could see the sun set in its glory. Life was very simple, all we had to do was go to the grocery store and buy groceries and just keep living. Sometimes I yearn a little for Hawaii because life is not simple in Jerusalem. Youâd agree with that, those of you who live here. At the moment itâs even less simple than usual, I wonât go into those reasons.
But, Iâm a prisoner of that hope. Let me just pause for a moment. How many of you would say âIâm a prisoner of the hope of the restoration of Israelâ? Thatâs why youâre here. God bless you. So many countries, itâs wonderful.
Well, God says to the prisoners of hope, âReturn to the stronghold.â The stronghold, I understand, is the Lord Himself. Nahum 1:7 says:
âThe Lord is good, He is a stronghold in the day of trouble and He knows those who trust in Him.â
The word returnsuggests that somehow people have got away from where they should be. I believe thatâs true of the church, I believe itâs true of Israel as a nation. Probably most of us here are exceptions but I believe Godâs word is âreturn to the hope.â
While we were praying and discussing the course of these meetings the word hopewas brought up with great emphasis. I want to return to that emphasis later in my message.
Now I want to deal with the theme of the sons of Zion and the sons of Greece. I need to say that I was really as much a son of Greece as anybody whoâs not Greek had ever been. I started learning Latin when I was 9 and Greek when I was 10. I spent the next 15 years studying Latin and Greek, and the last 5 years at Cambridge University studying Greek philosophy. I became what is called in the jargon of Cambridge, a Fellow of Kingâs College, Cambridge. My two most admired persons were Plato and Socrates. I look back and I canât believe it was true, but my fellowship dissertation was entitled âThe Evolution of Platoâs Method of Definition.â Can you believe that! And I hope I wonât sound boastful but I grew up among what youâd call the ruling classes of Britain. And remember, Britain was a very class structured country, and still is to some extent, much more than most European nations, certainly more than Denmark. I mixed with the people who were to be the future leaders of Britain in every field. Eton College, where I was for 5 years, has contributed twenty-five prime ministers to Britain. I want to say that we were mostly sons of Greece. We were all theoretically Christians. I never heard about being born again till I was 25 but we respected Christ and Christianity. But, we also respected the Greek poets and tragedians and philosophers. I would say Plato was more often quoted than Paul. We would mention the names of the Greek gods without exactly believing in them but certainly not disbelieving in them. They had a really important place in our thinking. We would more often express ourselves in quotations from Greek writers than we ever would think of quoting from the Bible.
So, we were really sons of Greece.
You donât need to turn there, but in Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about an image which portrayed the future course of Gentile empires. The head of it was gold, which represented Babylon; the shoulders and the arms were silver, which represented Medo-Persia; the belly and the thighs were bronze, which represented Greece; and the legs were iron which represented Rome. That was the succession of empires that followed Nebuchadnezzar. All has been worked out in history.
But sometime ago it occurred to me that the procreative organs are found in the belly and the thighs. And if you analyze history, Babylon has had very little real influence on Western history. Persia has had relatively little influence. Rome has had a great influence but you need to remember that Rome defeated Greece militarily but Greece defeated Rome philosophically; the Romans came under the thinking of the Greeks. So, the procreative life that issued from that historical background was the life of Greece. Itâs hard for people who are not familiar with it to realize how much the thinking and the culture of Europe and the countries that have been influenced by Europe have been under the dominion of Greek thought.
It always amazes me, this is by the way, that later on a famous Catholic theologian would try to produce a version of Christianity that agreed with Aristotle. I mean, of all the impossible things to ever achieve, that probably is at the head of the list. But it illustrates the influence that Greek thinking had on so-called Christians.
Now, one reason why the world is so unstable and unsettled today, though we do not easily understand it, is the influence of humanism, which is âman is the measure of all things.â Thatâs humanism, encapsulated. What man decides is what matters. What man calls a thing is what is real. And against this, there is the background of complete instability. Nothing is absolutely permanent, nothing is absolutely settled. There are no moral absolutes, no absolutes of any kind. The whole universe is in a state of continuing flux and in the middle of it all what man decides is what matters.
So I thought I would look up the dictionary definition of humanism. Iâd always thought about humanism, if I thought about it at all, as a rather neutral influence that just expected man to work out his own problems and solve his own destiny. But when I read Collins English Dictionarydefinition of humanism, it shocked me. It says:
Humanism: the denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion in favor of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts.
The two words that impacted me were denial and rejection. I suddenly realized that humanism is a very strong negative force.
You see, there are different ways of rejecting people. You might meet me walking down the street one morning and say, âShalom, Brother Prince.â I might push you away and say, âI donât want to talk to you.â That would be rejecting you. But I think a more cutting rejection would be if I didnât pay any attention to you, if I just walked past you as if you werenât there.
Now, atheism pushes God away and says, âWe donât want you.â Humanism just walks past as if God wasnât there. And really, thatâs a very conspicuous feature of our contemporary culture, especially, I think, in Israel. The majority of Israelis live as if there was no God. There are great exceptions but I think basically that is the dominant thinking pattern of Israel.
Interestingly enough, just about the same time the present government was elected in Israel, a new administration came into being in the United States. And both of them are totally dominated by humanism. Thatâs also true of the majority of European nations, certainly Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France. Iâm not able to speak in detail about every nation but the power that dominates the thinking, the culture, the values and the course of action is the power of humanism. I never realized how powerful it was until I got involved in this study, âThe Sons of Zion and the Sons of Greece.â
And interestingly enough, the dramatic shift in emphasis in Israel and in the United States took place just about the same time. Administrations came into being that were really totally humanistic in their outlook. Prime Minister Rabin, the first day of his new office, said of the Jewish people, âWe are a nation just like any other nation.â When I heard that statement I shuddered but I didnât realize the implications of it until later.
I believe that humanism is the ultimate tactic of Satan to raise up the Antichrist. Iâve been interested in principalities and powers, Iâve taught about them for years. I recognize the power of Islam and I read a book by George Otis III called âThe Last of the Giantsâ which implied that Islam was the last. I believe Islam is a giant but itâs not the last. In fact, I believe itâs going to be crushed. I believe it has to be crushed and I believe Brother Lance Lambert gave a prophecy in 1986 which predicted the overthrow of the Kremlin and the overthrow of Islamic fundamentalism. The first part has been fulfilled and I believe the second part will be fulfilled. If you donât have a copy of that prophecy, apply to Lance. I have them, Iâve made copies of them. I distribute them. I believe that they are a guide to planning the future. I believe a lot of Christians, not to say other people, are planning their future as if everything was going to go on the same. In my opinion, it isnât. We are headed for ever-increasing crises and judgments of God. It is foolish to build your life on the supposition that 10 years from now nothing much will have changed. I doubt whether weâll be able to recognize the world if weâre still alive 10 years from now. The dominant force is not Islam but itâs humanism.
If you read in Revelation 13:18, you find chapter 13 is devoted to the Antichrist and it says at the end of the chapter:
â is wisdom, let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast [the Antichrist], for it is the number of a man [or the number of man].â
Essentially, the Antichrist will be the ultimate enthronement of man in the place of God. In 2Thessalonians 2 it says, again speaking of the Antichrist, in verse 4:
âHe opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.â
And then a little further on in verse 9:
âThe coming of the lawless one [the Antichrist] is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders . . . â
And let me say to you as someone whoâs been a Pentecostal more than 50 years, and Iâm now dubbed a Charismatic, you know the difference? Pentecostals speak in tongues, Charismatics have glossolalia, that makes the difference. So now weâve become respectable. Unfortunately we have lost an awful lot by becoming respectable, too. Anyhow, the problem with both Pentecostals and Charismatics is they look for signs and wonders. If you believe that everybody who performs signs and wonders is from God, you are a candidate for the Antichrist because he will perform signs and wonders such as have seldom been seen.
So, coming back to that verse:
âThe coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved.â
That is a thought that has been impressed upon me again and again. The only security is to receive the love of the truth. That word love, the Greek word agape, is something passionate. Itâs not just reading your Bible every day or having a quiet time, itâs having a passionate commitment to the truth. An attitude that seeks out the truth and that will not buy anything that is not the truth. Solomon said, âBuy the truth and sell it not.â Truth is costly, it has to be bought. It takes time, it takes prayer, it takes commitment. Itâs easy to sell truth. I donât want to even think of any particular personality but theyâre in the Charismatic movement. There are a lot of preachers that have sold truth for the sake of popularity.
Basically the gospel message is not a popular message. Jesus said, ânarrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and those who find it are few.â You never hear that verse quoted by multitudes of preachers today. Itâs never heard in many churches. People have sold the truth for popularity, for numbers. My personal desire is to hold on to the love of the truth, to cultivate it, because I believe that the greatest single weapon that Satan has against the human race, and always has been, is deception. The only protection against deception is the love of the truth.
Paul says âthey did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved.â Thatâs the way to be saved. Youâre saved now, but youâll only remain saved if you cultivate the love of the truth. Just as youâll only remain saved if you endure to the end. Jesus said, âhe who has endured to the end shall be saved.â Youâre saved now but will you endure? Youâre saved now but will you hold on to the truth when itâs unpopular, when itâs a very small minority that really believes the truth and obeys it? Will you hold on? Thatâs the cost of being saved.
And then, this is a frightening statement:
âFor this reason [that is because they did not receive the love of the truth] God will send them strong delusion . . . â
Have you ever pondered on that? Itâs an astonishing statement. This is not being deceived by Satan, this is being deceived by God. God will send them strong delusion. Thatâs His judgment on those who play around with the truth. We donât always like to accept it but when King Saul rejected the Word of God, God sent an evil spirit to him. Not Satan, but God. I think the ultimate judgment of God is to send you a spirit of delusion. I do believe the only safety is to receive the love of the truth and go on loving the truth. And the love of the truth is progressive. âThe pathway of the just is as the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day.â So if youâre only living in yesterdayâs light, youâre a backslider because the pathway of the righteous gets brighter every day.
The Christian life is hardly ever compared to a position, itâs always compared to a walk, and that is progressive.
And so I believe myself that this force of humanism is the ultimate weapon of Satan to prepare the world to receive the Antichrist. I want to say that I donât believe that time has yet come. It could come if we didnât do something. I think the Lord has the believers here in the world for one purpose, amongst others, is to hold back the power of Antichrist until Godâs purposes are fulfilled.
God has two, amongst others, two main purposes: the completion of the church and the restoration of Israel. I believe you and I here in this prayer conference, one of our main assignments is to hold back that force of humanism. Personally I do not have the faith to rebuke it. I canât just say, âI rebuke you,â and off you go. I do believe I can ask God to intervene. Sometimes we have to say like the archangel Michael, âThe Lord rebuke you, Satan.â Like the priest in Zechariah, âThe Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you.â God says He will be very gracious to us when He hears the voice of our cry. He waits sometimes a long while to hear that cry.
Letâs turn to the sons of Zion. Iâm glad that Lance is due to follow me. I havenât told him what to say but Iâve given him a few hints. I believe heâs the right person to say it. Iâm not really very well versed in Jewish culture or traditions or history but I think itâs no accident that December 13th came in the middle of Chanukah. Itâs strange how the Lord seems to observe the Jewish holidays for the crises. And Chanukah was the point at which the influence of Greece that had practically taken over the Jewish people was defeated and turned back. Thatâs really, when you celebrate Chanukah, if you do, thatâs what youâre celebrating, is the overthrow of the spirit of humanism that wanted to make the Jewish people just like the Greeks. Lance will go into further detail, I do believe, on that so Iâm not going to dwell on that. But, itâs a very illuminating subject.
Now I want to say that God is angry for various reasons. When Ruth and I were on our way to a sabbatical at the end of 1990 in Hawaii, and donât imagine it was a time of leisured ease, it was the hardest time of our lives. I ended up in hospital and nearly died. Ruth had to look after me and do a lot of other things at the same time. Thatâs where we learned the power of proclamation. But, we went there to seek the Lord. On our way there in Dallas, Texas, in the hotel where we stayed the night, the Lord spoke to us and He said, âI am a God of anger and I am angry with those who claim to be mine but do not live as if they belong to me.â He told us at that time to pray for His elect in the United States that they would not be dragged down into the gutter together with the rest. We do need to remember that God is a God of love, Heâs a God of grace, but Heâs also a God of anger and a God of judgment. If you donât believe in Godâs judgments you have a very limited understanding of the Bible and of history.
And so I want to speak of two situations which provoke Godâs wrath against the people of Israel. I donât think I have to explain here what I mean by the word wrath [pronounced wroth]. I have trouble with Americans because they donât know what Iâm talking about. They say wrath [pronounced rath]. I was brought up to say wrath [wroth] and Iâm going to go on saying wrath [wroth]. Anyhow, as long as you know what I mean, thatâs the important thing. I want to turn to Numbers 14 for a moment and point out to you two particular things which have provoked Godâs anger against the people of Israel. The first is described in Numbers 14:29â30:
âThe carcasses of you who have murmured against me shall fall in the wilderness. All of you who are numbered according to your entire number, from twenty years old and above, except for Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. You shall by no means enter the land which I swore I would make you dwell in.â
What provoked Godâs anger? The failure to obey Him to enter the land He had promised. Thatâs amazing to me because they had previously worshiped a golden calf. Surely that was a terrible sin but that sin did not cause God to refuse the promised land to them. But when they despised what God had provided, God said, âThatâs it. None of you will ever see that land.â
I have observed in studying Scripture and looking at peopleâs lives that one of the things that provokes Godâs anger is rejecting His grace. Thatâs what made God angry with Esau. God says in Malachi, âJacob I have loved, Esau I have hated.â And in Hebrews 12 Esau is equated with fornicators, although we never know he committed fornication. What provoked Godâs anger? He despised his birthright and for that God said, âNo more.â
I have preached both to the British and to the Americans, our nations have despised our birthright. We between us have had more light from the Word of God and more opportunity to know the truth than any other nations in history and we have despised our birthright. To me the ultimate judgment of God is inevitable. I may not be popular but I do not believe that anything can turn back the judgment of God on the United States. They have passed the point. But, God has a wonderful elect in the United States who are extremely precious to Him and for them God told us to pray.
So the first thing that made God angry, so angry that He would never revoke it, was refusing the land He had promised. Thatâs not according to our standards. We would expect God to be more angry about a lot of other things than that.
The second is described in Ezekiel 20:32 and following, and again, these words are addressed to Israel:
âWhat you have in your mind shall never be, when you say, âWe will be like the Gentiles [or the nations], like the families in other countries, serving wood and stone.ââ
God says that will never happen. The Prime Minister may say it but God has said no. It will never happen. And now listen to Godâs reaction to that desire of the Jewish people to lose their special identity. Iâm not Jewish and so Iâve had to learn this thing, as it were, from the outside. Iâm amazed that the Jewish people want to be like the other nations. Having come from one of the other nations and being a citizen of one of the other nations, I canât see what it is they want to imitate. But Iâm in a minority.
Anyhow, this is Godâs response to the desire to lose their national identity.
âAs I live, says the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out, I will rule over you. I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered with a mighty hand, with an outstretched arm, and with fury poured out. I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there I will plead my case with you face to face.â
That raises a lot of interesting questions of prophetic interpretation, but we wonât come into that. But notice God was extremely angry with the desire of Israel to lose their God-given identity and become just like any other nation. It provoked His wrath.
I think this is a recurring feature of Jewish history. As I say, it astonishes me. But I can see, for instance, prior to World War II there was that strong desire of many Jews in Europe to lose their identity, to assimilate. And I think, as a matter of fact, who would dare to offer a reason for the Holocaust. But I think, in a way, that was one major factor in the Holocaust. God said, âI will rule over you with fury poured out.â
I realize that doesnât cover everything and I realize there are wounds that some people carry that I have no healing for. But nevertheless, God will never permit the Jewish people to lose their identity. Never.
Now I want to deal with the sons of Zion only briefly. How would I define the sons of Zion? Thereâs Zionism that brought the state of Israel into being. I respect and honor those pioneers. But Iâm talking about a different kind of Zionism because most of them were Socialists and had no real faith in the Word of God. Itâs one of the miracles of history that God used them to achieve something they didnât believe in! Itâs just one of the ways God operates. Heâs used a lot of people to do things, like Cyrus. I mean, I donât know. Nebuchadnezzar. God even calls Nebuchadnezzar âmy servant.â He calls Cyrus âmy servant.â I think in some ways Winston Churchill was Godâs servant, although he never became a believer as far as I know. God has some unexpected servants and maybe youâre one of them!
Anyhow, sons of Zion I call Biblical Zionists; that is, Zionism thatâs founded on the Bible. I think they have one basic text which is the opening words of the Bible:
âIn the beginning God . . . â
Thatâs Biblical Zionism. In other words, everything has its source and its origin in God. God is the ultimate, His promises and His decrees ultimately will determine the course of human history.
I read an article in theJerusalem Postrecently which really touched my heart. It was called the In Focus section about some Jewish settlers in a place called Fardaron, which is a tiny little settlement southeast of Gaza. This is a full-scale interview. Some of you saw it, Iâm sure. A very, very beautiful photograph of a Jewish mother with her baby in her arms. I mean, it was a beautiful face. These two or three paragraphs describe the result of an interview with the people in Fardaron. They said:
âWe have had many meetings with senior IDF officers. [IDF is the Israeli army.] âAnd when we asked them about the situation on the roads, who will be in control, how they will protect us, they have no answers.â
âThis is not very encouraging. Despite the pressures, the fears, the uncertainties, the five residents of Fardaron and Netsareem spoken to this week said without exception that they have no intention of leaving their settlements. Their reasons are summed up in the handwritten petition [to Rabin] posted on the Fardaron bulletin board.â
This is the petition:
âWe the undersigned know and believe that all of Eretz Israel [thatâs the land of Israel] belongs to the people of Israel, according to Godâs Word in our Torah. We believe that God is with us and that with His help we will continue to build the state of Israel.â
âThe residents say they are acting responsibly toward their children by remaining in what is essentially the eye of an unpredictable storm.â
Then the lady who was nursing the little baby says this:
âThere are values more important than life,â says Doytch, discreetly nursing her infant. âTorah, for instance.â Doytchâs neighbor, (unintelligible), 31, the father of three, concurs. âMy responsibility is not only to my children,â he says, âit also extends to my people.â
To me, that is the material out of which biblical Zionism will be built. I notice that they were not primarily concerned about security, material prosperity, an easy life, or the safety of themselves or their families. There was another value that took precedence over all of those. How many people are there like that in the world today, in any nation? Not many. And when I read that I thought about the words of Revelation 12:11:
âThey [the believers on earth] overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.â
Now like others here, Iâve taught a great deal on spiritual warfare and spiritual weapons. Iâve taught about the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony. But I want to point out to you that thereâs only one kind of person whoâs qualified to use those weapons and thatâs stated in the last part of the verse, âthey did not love their lives to the death.â My interpretation of that is for those people to do the will of God was more important than to stay alive. I believe thatâs really a question which each of us is going to have to face. The way the world is going and the forces that are being unleashed, I think weâre going to have to ask ourselves which is more important for me, to stay alive or to do the will of God?
The early believers who had that attitude overthrew the Roman Empire. They never had any marches, they never published any manifestos, they had no TV preachers. But, they had one thing, commitment.
I donât believe that Satan in the least bit fears uncommitted believers. The only ones who threaten him, who can use the weapons of his defeat, are those who do not love their lives to the death.
I want to say that obviously as a believer in Yeshuathereâs more to it than what I read in the testimonies of the people in Fardaron. But you know one thing Jesus said, âIf you believe Moses youâll believe in Me.â The problem is the majority of Orthodox Jews donât really believe Moses. Thatâs why they donât believe in Yeshua.
This is just a subjective impression. I have a feeling that a kind of change is coming, that thereâs going to be an alignment of people who normally you wouldnât expect to see aligned together. The key to that alignment will be people who take God seriously. There are a lot of definitions of faith that are offered but one thatâs come to me many times is faith is taking God seriously. I have observed in the Charismatic movement in the United States, I think it would be true to say, the majority of Charismatics do not take God seriously.
A well known Charismatic preacher whose been a personal friend of mine for 20 years made some right off-the-wall statements while he was preaching. When he was challenged he said, âMy people know better than to take me seriously in everything I say.â Now, thatâs surprising but what was amazing was nobody reacted to that statement. It was regarded as normal.
I believe this conference is designed by God to release a new kind of seriousness into the body of Messiah. Iâm 78 years old. What have I got to live for if it isnât for the purposes of God? I believe God has kept me alive because he has a task for me to do. I believe God has a task for me to do thatâs in some way connected with Israel. And for me itâs much more important to complete my task than to stay alive.
Now, youâre not all as old as I am but one day some of you may be. Let me tell you, it will come a lot quicker than you expect!
I want to do one more thing, which is promote this little book of mine called The Destiny of Israel and the Church. Thatâs what itâs called in Britain. Unfortunately, the people who published it in the United States chose to change the title, so in the United States itâs called Prophetic Destinies: Who is Israel? Who is the Church?If you buy both books youâve only got the same message twice. So, donât say I didnât warn you! The aim of this brief book is to try to be accurate in the identity of Israel and the identity of the church. I think Satan has introduced the most tremendous amount of confusion in both. Many, many people have no idea really who Israel is. I think even more people have no idea who the true church is. I say in the book one of these statements, âBasic truth is usually simple. The truth is Israel is Israel and the church is the church.â God is not so poor that He has to rob Israel to keep His promises to the church.
Now, the most important part of the book, and this is why I held it up, is the appendices. You know what appendices is? Itâs the plural of appendix! Thatâs the problem with my classical background, thereâs some things I just canât go along with. Like, make the word media singular, I just canât do it. I mean, thereâs no way I could ever do it, thatâs all. You can do it if you wish but I canât. It is plural.
Thereâs another thing I was brought up, was never to split infinitives. You know what splitting infinitives is? Well, Americans habitually, Iâve got over that. I can split infinitives without getting indigestion. You know, splitting infinitives is to put something in between the âtoâ and the verb; like âto seriously think.â I would always say âto think seriouslyâ or âseriously to think,â but not âto seriously think.â I mean, we would have lost marks in any composition.
But, to return to the subject of appendices, there are two. There are two appendices which are extremely important. Number one is a list of all the places in the New Testament where the word âIsraelâ or âIsraeliteâ occurs. I list 77 and I give the reference and a brief extract from each one. I say on the basis of that, Israel is never used as a synonym for the church. Never. It has no basis in the New Testament. Israel is often used as a type or a pattern for the church but it is never the name for the church. So, anybody who claims that the church is Israel is absolutely in direct contradiction to the New Testament.
Now the other appendix is even more interesting. If you read the book, some of you may have, donât answer. But the other appendix quotes every passage where it is recorded that God swore with an oath to give this land to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants. It says in the letter to the Hebrews when God gives His oath, itâs done by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie. We may have strong consolation. The first immutable thing is Godâs Word, the second immutable thing is His oath. When you join Godâs Word to Godâs oath there is no way that God can say a thing more emphatically than He has said it.
Now, I have listed every place in the Bible where it says God swore with an oath to give this land. How many places do you think? Five? (someone yelled 47?) Thatâs right, you read the book. Isnât that amazing that the Bible records 47 times that God swore with an oath to give this land.
You cannot find anything else to which God has added His oath as much as four times. I think He swore four times to David. Itâs an astonishing fact. I mean, if we once really see it, it gives us a totally different perspective on the situation in the Middle East, if weâre Bible believers. If weâre humanists, what does it matter what God says?
I would like to turn for a moment to Hebrews 6 and just read from verse 13:
âFor when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, âSurely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.â And so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.â
Notice that to obtain the promise, notice Iâm splitting an infinitive, you have to patiently endure. I mean, I swallowed but I did it. Iâll never forget the first time I went to a filling station in Canada and I had to call petrol, âgas,â I didnât think the word would ever get out of my throat.
Verse 15:
âAnd so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute. Thus, God determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath, [His Word, His oath] two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie...â
And then the reason is given:
â...that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.â
You see how weâve come back to hope?
âThis hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.â
There are two pictures given of this hope. Number one, itâs like the horns of the altar. When a man was being pursued, if he wanted a place of refuge, if he could get to the altar and hold on to the horns of the altar and not allow himself to be dragged away, he was safe unless he had committed some special crime.
And number two, itâs compared to an anchor. In my simplistic way I say to myself, Why does a ship need an anchor?The answer is a ship floats in an unstable element which is water. But to secure its position it has to make contact with a stable element. It passes the anchor through the water into the rock, or whatever it may be, and itâs the stability of the rock that holds the ship firm in the midst of an unstable element.
And brothers and sisters, weâre living in a very unstable world politically, socially, economically and in every way. We need an anchor that will pass through time and fasten in eternity. The hope is the anchor. Isnât that wonderful?
First of all let me read two brief prophecies that were given in this room about two-and-a-half months ago. We had a four day conference which was unique because it was attended only by residents of Israel. No tourists. Sponsored by Israelis and paid for by Israelis. The first such conference in the history of Jerusalem in this century. I had the privilege of being the speaker. I say privilegesincerely, I consider it to be one of the greatest privileges of my life. We had only as many people as this hall could contain. The final night I spoke about entering into the exercise of spiritual gifts. We went from tongues to interpretation to prophecy. Then we went on a little further but I gave people the opportunity to exercise prophecy. I was standing here watching I would say probably 100 people at least receive the gift of prophecy. Probably many of them had before.
Then I asked if there were those who felt they had something that was for the benefit of the whole congregation. A number of people came up. The most remarkable thing was the complete harmony in the messages that were given. Iâm going to read just two of these messages. The first was given in English, the second was given in Hebrew and has been translated.
This is the first message:
âLift up your heads, for your redemption is very near. I have told you that I will move swiftly and I am moving swiftly. There are things that are happening in this nation that you do not understand. I say to you do not try to understand everything that is happening, for behind the leaders of this land is my strong hand and I am in control. I know my people and I know what I am planning, and it is too high for you. Do not try to understand every detail but understand this, I am in control. You can trust me and I will keep you if you will continually lift up your eyes to me. Again I say, your redemption is very near.â
The second one which was given originally in Hebrew:
âBe strong and courageous because the times ahead are difficult times. But my strong arm is stretched behind you and the path is paved before you. But see that you are walking on this path and that you donât stumble. See that it is only my strong arm that supports you and nothing else.â
I believe really those are a word for at least all the believers in this land and probably for all believers everywhere.
I want to suggest in closing three themes for prayer which I submit to the leadership. They are prayers that I myself feel I can pray with faith. Number one, that God will intervene against the spirit of humanism.I do not feel that I can go out or even we can go out and simply challenge the spirit of humanism. It is far too big for us. But, itâs not too big for God.
Now, if God gives you faith, I wonât question that. But I have had considerable experience in spiritual warfare and Iâve seen people whoâve got into serious trouble because they went out like lone rangers challenging something that was much too powerful for them and they ended up usually in disaster.
The second is that God will raise up sons of Zion worthy to inherit this land.You have to bear in mind that Godâs problem is not the land, itâs the people. The land is here. Maybe it needs care and change but the real problem of God is the people. In Ezekiel 36:33 God says this, and this whole chapter is devoted to the restoration of Israel to the land.
âThus says the Lord God, âOn the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities I will also enable you to dwell in the cities and the ruins shall be rebuilt.ââ
So the final occupation of the land by Israel will not take place until they have been cleansed from all their iniquities. I suggest that when we pray for the raising up of the sons of Zion we should have that in mind: a people who are pure, who are holy. I happen to be naive enough to believe that God will raise up 144,000 young Israelis. Not 143,999 and not 144,001, but 144,000. Thatâs my personal belief. It says they will be virgins, they will be undefiled by immoral sex. I donât want to be cynical but youâd have to look a long way in Israel to find 144,000 that answer that description right now. But I believe God is going to raise up a generation of younger Israelis. In fact, I believe Heâs starting to do it. I believe they are going to be the ultimate messengers of the gospel to the nations.
The first half of Revelation 7 describes them, the second half describes a great multitude that no one could number out of all nations, peoples, tribes and tongues. I believe the second is the fruit of the first.
So, my faith is positive but we cannot set aside the moral requirements of God and pray into being something that is contrary to His moral requirements. Thatâs my second.
My third suggestion which is based on a word that God has given to Ruth and me twice over the last 10 years. This is personal, subjective, you donât have to accept it. God spoke to us twice and said, we believe He spoke to us, He will raise up a leader who will do His will whom the people will follow.It doesnât say heâll be a believer in Yeshuabut heâll be one who will do His will and the people will follow.
You see, if you study the history of Israel, every time Israel was in a crisis, how did God respond? He raised up a leader. He never sent a committee, it was never a parliamentary party. When Israel had parties, as they did in the time of Jesus, it was a disaster. Godâs answer is a man. Somebody said God uses men, not methods. I believe somewhere not too far away there is a man whom God will raise up.
Let me repeat those three without any further comment.
Number one, God will intervene against the spirit of humanism.
Number two, God will raise up sons of Zion worthy to inherit the land.
And number three, that God will raise up a leader who will do His will whom the people will follow.
If thereâs one thing that Israel desperately needs today, it is a real leader. The same is true of most other nations but weâre only talking about Israel.
Iâm really finished but thereâs just one more thing thatâs important. Who can tell me what it is? Weâve talked about prayer, what have we not talked about? My answer is praise. Enter into His courts with thanksgiving and into His gates with praise. Thatâs the only way into the presence of God. I want to give you two verses, favorites of mine, that will prompt us to allow excited, jubilant praise.
You see, two years ago God brought back to this land mainly from the CIS 400,000 new immigrants, which is approximately 10% of the Jewish population. Translate that into the same proportions. It would mean that in the United States they would have 27 million new immigrants in two years. The United States is a powerful, wealthy, well-equipped nation. They wouldnât even contemplate that number of new immigrants. If it were in Britain I believe it would be about 6 million. And Israel has done it. I mean, we overlook this fact. The media donât give any credit. The fact is it is an amazing miracle. If you take the regathering of the Jewish people into this land over the last 50 or 60 years, it is one of the most amazing miracles of history. The Jewish people have been scattered for 2,000 years; some of them for 2,500 years like Batiaâs family. Amongst all nations and under continuous pressure to assimilate, and they emerged unassimilated.
My first wife was a Dane. She used to say if you scattered the Danes amongst the nations and came back after 200 years, you wouldnât find a Dane anywhere. It is an amazing miracle. We need to recognize it; we shouldnât close our eyes to it. We should get excited about it.
Jeremiah 31:7:
âFor thus says the Lord, âSing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations. Proclaim, give praise and say, âO Lord, save your people, the remnant of Israel.âââ
The last one is a prayer. But before that is praise, shout and proclaim. How many of you know what the word shout means? It doesnât mean to sing loud, it means to shout. I canât sing but I can shout. Iâll shout in a moment. Iâll get my wife to come shout with me.
Verse 10 of the same chapter says:
âHear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the isles [or the coastlands] afar off.â
Now this is the word:
âHe who scattered Israel will gather him and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.â
Not merely is the Lord going to gather Israel. Brothers and sisters, Heâs going to keep him, Heâs going to guard him, Heâs going to protect him.
Come on, Ruth, and weâll say that. There are certain Scriptures we say never less than two or three times a week and many times more.
âHe that scattered Israel will gather him and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock. Amen!â
This teaching includes both a free sermon outline and transcript to download for personal use, message preparation or Bible study discussion.