By Derek Prince
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Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended to build up the church. In this three-part series, Derek Prince offers insight into how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and exercise these gifts with wisdom and responsibility.
Once again, by the title, âReceive the Holy Spirit.â This is a very central theme to the whole of the New Testament. Itâs a theme which vitally concerned every Christian because every Christian is expected to receive the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately within the church, particularly, shall we say, the Evangelical/Pentecostal/Charismatic section of the church, there is a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about what it means to receive the Holy Spirit. For instance, your good Baptist will say, âWell, I received the Holy Spirit when I was born again. Thereâs nothing more to receive.â The Pentecostal will say, âNo, you didnât receive the Holy Spirit when you were born again. You donât receive the Holy Spirit till youâre baptized in the Spirit and speak in tongues.â And they tend to get rather angry with one another.
Now, as in most cases where sincere Christians disagree on the basis of scripture, the truth is that each of them is partly right and partly wrong. And I believe I can help you today to unravel this confusion. The fact of the matter is that the New Testament speaks of two different ways in which people receive the Holy Spirit. When we distinguish these two ways, then thereâs no more confusion. Iâm going to use two historical situations from the New Testament to define the two ways, to describe them and to distinguish between them.
Iâm going to refer to two Sundays, two Sundays of tremendous historical importance for the Christian church. The first I call Resurrection Sunday; the second, which came seven weeks later, I call Pentecost Sunday. Now on both those Sundays the believers had an experience of receiving the Holy Spirit. But, it was different. And when we can see the nature of each experience, then we can understand where we are in relation to this personally. Have I received the Holy Spirit, is there something more for me to receive? What is involved in receiving the Holy Spirit?
Iâd like to read therefore, first of all, the account of the Resurrection Sunday first appearance of Jesus to His disciples in a group as itâs recorded in John 20. John 20:19â22:
âThen the same day at evening, being the first day of the week...â
You know, of course, that the first day of the week is what we call Sunday. The sabbath is the seventh day of the week, Sunday is the beginning of a new week. In Hebrew itâs called yom reshon, the first day. So, Hebrew is actually much more faithful to the Bible in its titles for the days of the week than we are. Regrettably, our days of the week in English, and in most European languages, are named after pagan deities. Like Wednesday is ?Wodenâs? day. Thursday is Thorâs day. Sunday is the day of the sun, you understand? Itâs a regrettable fact that we are very pagan in the way we define the days of the week. Whereas in Hebrew itâs day one, day two, day three, day four, day five, day six. Then day seven is ?shabbat?, the sabbath, and then Sunday is yom reshon. If you live, for instance, as we do in Jerusalem, the busiest day of the week is Sunday. Everything takes off. Theyâve been resting on the sabbath and then everybody gets going the first day of the week. And most or many congregations of believers in Israel hold their worship services on Saturday because Sunday is a day of work. You understand? Thatâs just by the way but as I say, thereâs no extra charge for that!
So, going back to verse 19:
â...being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, âPeace be with you.â Now when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side.â
Why did he do that? To convince them they were looking at the same body that they had seen pierced on the cross. Gloriously transformed but still the same body.
âThen the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Then Jesus said to them again, âPeace to you: as the Father has sent me, I also send you.â And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said, âReceive the Holy Spirit.ââ
Now, I want to comment on that last verse that I read. The word thatâs translated breathed in secular language is used of a flute player blowing into the mouthpiece of his instrument to produce music. The suggestion to me is not that Jesus stood at a distance and breathed at them collectively but that he breathed into each of them, and as he did so, said, âReceive the Holy Spirit.â
The Greek language is very sensitive about tenses. Thereâs more than one tense of the imperative. And this particular tense indicates that they were to receive when he said the words. So at that time, each of those disciples received the Holy Spirit. Thereâs no question about that.
What was the implication of that? My understanding is that at that point they passed from Old Testament salvation to New Testament salvation. You understand, there were people who were saved in the Old Testament. They were saved through faith in a sacrifice that had not yet been offered but was promised through prophecies and types. So, their faith looked forward to something incomplete. But in the New Testament, we are saved through faith in sacrifice, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross which is historically accomplished. When Jesus died, He said, âIt is finished.â We look back to a finished work.
Now, in order to experience New Testament salvation, Paul says there are two things that are needed. In Romans 10:9:
âIf thou shall confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.â
So, for New Testament salvation there are two requirements. You confess Jesus as Lord and you believe that God has raised Him from the dead. Well, those disciples had already confessed Jesus as Lord but this was the first moment that they believed that God had raised Him from the dead. They passed out of the Old Testament dispensation into the New Testament dispensation. And, itâs a pattern. And it happened to them through encountering the resurrected Christ face to face, and through receiving from Him the inbreathed Spirit.
Now, the word in Greek for spirit, pneuma, is also the word for wind and for breath. So when He breathed into them and said, âReceive the Holy Spirit,â he was saying receive holy breath. It was a direct person to person transaction between them. They became part of the new creation. Your mind goes back to the first creation when God formed a body of clay there in the garden, in order to make him a living soul, what did He do? He breathed into him the breath of life and he became created, he became a living soul. The new creation follows the same pattern but itâs not the Lord in the garden, itâs the resurrected Savior who has passed through death and come out of the tomb and who breathes into His disciples a life that is totally victorious. Itâs a life that has conquered sin and Satan and death and the grave. Thatâs the inbreathed breath of the resurrected Savior.
I personally believe that itâs a pattern for everybody who is to enter into new salvation. I donât believe you can be saved without meeting Jesus. I donât mean that you meet Him visibly as the disciples did, but I donât believe thereâs any way into the true church of Jesus Christ except Jesus. He said, âI am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved.â So, I believe this is a pattern for the new birth for every person. We have to meet Jesus. Not just believe a doctrine or join a church, but have a personal encounter with the resurrected Christ and receive from Him the inbreathed breath of God which is the Holy Spirit, and become a new creation. We pass from death to life.
I remember when I met Jesus face to faceânot visibly but face to faceâin an Army barrack room in the British Army in World War II. I didnât have any doctrinal knowledge of salvation. I couldnât say I was born again, I didnât know what you had to do to be saved but believe me, I was saved. Later on I got the doctrine but I had met Jesus. I just want to tell you, dear friends, that you cannot meet Jesus and stay the same. You can join a church and remain unchanged. You can believe all sorts of things with your head and remain unchanged. But when you meet the resurrected Christ, itâs transforming. And, itâs permanent. Thatâs 45 years ago, thatâs stood the test of time. There was nothing in it of doctrine for me. Really, there wasnât for the disciples. They didnât have a sudden scriptural revelation, they met Jesus and they received the Holy Spirit. Divine, eternal, resurrection life. Incorruptible life, life thatâs undefeatable. John says later about that, âWhoever is born of God overcomes the world.â You canât be defeated with that life in you, itâs undefeatable. Itâs conquered all evil. Itâs supreme. Thatâs wonderful.
Now, I read from my outline at this point. At this point the disciples received divine, eternal resurrection life. But, they still lacked direction for ministry. It wasnât many days later that Peter went out fishing again. He still didnât know what Godâs destiny for him was. And, they made no impact on the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem just went on the same. They were in the temple praising and blessing God every day but it didnât change anything in Jerusalem. And Jesus told them after this experience in the period between this Resurrection Sunday and the time of His ascension, Jesus told them, âThere is more to receive. Donât believe that youâve got it all.â When I meet people who tell me âI got it all when I was saved,â I say, âIf youâve got it all, letâs see it, where is it?â It should show.
I want to read two passages in which Jesus made it very clear that there was more to receive than they had received through a new birth, wonderful though that was. Luke 24:48â49. And bear in mind these words were spoken shortly before His ascension. Something like 40 days after His resurrection.
âAnd you are witnesses of these things [Heâs talking to the disciples]. Behold, I sent the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.â
So he said thereâs more to come. The Fatherâs promise you havenât yet received. But when you receive it, youâll receive power to be my witnesses.
And then again in Acts 1:4â5:
âBeing assembled together with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father which, he said, âyou have heard from me.ââ
And then he explains what the promise of the Father is:
âFor John truly baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.â
Thatâs the promise of the Father. Somebody has estimated there are 7,000 promises of God in the Bible. But, this is the promise, the promise of the Father for His children. âYou shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.â
And then He explained the purpose in verse 8. He said:
âYou shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.â
So, thatâs the promise to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. And the purpose: to receive power to be witnesses. That had not yet happened. This was approximately 40 days after the resurrection Sunday experience where they had received the Holy Spirit in new birth. But Jesus said, âThereâs another experience coming in which youâll be endued with power to be my witnesses.â And almost all commentators of the Bible from every background agree that that second promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost.
So we turn now to Acts 2 and we read some verses that describe the fulfillment of the promise. First of all, weâll read the first 4 verses of Acts 2. Weâre talking now about Pentecost Sunday.
âNow when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance [or gave them to speak].â
Now this is the fulfillment of the promise. I want to point out to you three successive phases of this experience. First of all, the Holy Spirit descended like a mighty wind and filled all the house they were sitting. Bear in mind that linguistically, the word baptize means to dip or to immerse. This is an unquestionable linguistic fact. So, every baptism has to be an immersion. Baptism in water is an immersion in water. But baptism in the Holy Spirit is an immersion in the Holy Spirit. You see, baptism in water, you go down into the water and come up out of it. But baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit comes down upon you and immerses you from above. You can compare going down into a swimming pool, being baptized or walking under Niagara Falls. Each of them is an immersion. But the second one is an immersion from above.
I remember the first time I watched Niagara Falls, I said to myself you couldnât be half a second under that without being immersed. But itâs not an immersion by which you go down into, itâs an immersion by which it comes down over you. And so, every one of the disciples in that upper room at that point was immersed in the Holy Spirit descending upon them from above. It says it filled all the place where they were sitting. So, they were totally immersed in the Holy Spiritâphase one.
Phase two, it says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Each one received the Holy Spirit within to the point of being filled.
And phase three is what I call the overflow. They began to speak with new languages as the Spirit gave them to speak. In Matthew 12:34, Jesus says this:
âOut of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.â
In other words, when your heart is filled to overflowing, the overflow will take place through your mouth in speech. So, this is scriptural. When they were filled and could contain no more, the overflow took place. They began to speak as the Spirit gave them to speak. Those are the three phases of that experience. Immersion from above, infilling, and outflow.
Now, theoretically you can stop at any point. They could have been immersed but not filled. Or they could have been immersed and filled but not had any overflow. But my question is why settle for less than the best? I often preach to Catholics, and when I do so, I always remind them that their two favorite figures in the New TestamentâMary and Peterâboth received it that way. I say to them, âIf thatâs how they received it, why should you receive it any other way?â When I put it that way, Iâve seen hundreds of Catholics receive the Holy Spirit in the next few minutes.
Now let me read my commentary on this second experience. âThe disciples now received manifest, supernatural power.â Letâs emphasize those words. It was manifest. Everybody knew it had happened. It wasnât just an inward experience. It was supernatural and it was power. They received boldness to witness, which they hadnât had before. Theyâd been born again but they had no boldness in their witness. They received insight into scripture. In the next few minutes, Peter without any concordance, without any notes, stood up and said, âThis is that which the prophet Joel prophesied.â He couldnât have said that an hour earlier, he wouldnât have had any insight. Instantly the scriptures became alive to them in a new way. And thirdly, they were released to the apostolic mission. Peter never talked about going fishing after Pentecost. And, finally, all Jerusalem felt the impact. Within a few hours, everybody in Jerusalem knew that something unusual had taken place.
Now, when they were born again, it didnât get around. But when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit, it got around. How many of you know from experience it doesnât stay hidden for long! And somehow it stirs things up, have you ever noticed that? Somebody asked my friend Bob Mumford whatâs the evidence of the baptism. He replied trouble!
Now letâs look at this little summation at the bottom here. I just want to put the two Sundays side by side. On the left-hand side, Resurrection Sunday. And on the right-hand side, Pentecost Sunday. And you notice there are three differences. That exclamation mark down there in my original outline was up here, but never mind about that, thatâs okay. Resurrection Sunday, the resurrected Christ. Pentecost Sunday, the ascended glorified Christ. Resurrection Sunday, the inbreathed Spirit. Pentecost Sunday, the outpoured Spirit. Resurrection Sunday, the result was life. Pentecost Sunday, the result was power. Neither contradicts the other. It isnât a question of either/or, both are Godâs purpose for all of His people. But the fact that youâve had the Resurrection Sunday experience doesnât mean that you donât need the Pentecost Sunday experience. Is that clear to you? So, the Baptist who says, âI got it when I was saved,â heâs right. But, he didnât get it all. In fact, I donât think most of us have got it all, to tell you the truth. I think thereâs a lot more for most of us to get. I hope that makes it clear. To me, when I saw that and put those two Sundays side by side, I no longer had any problemsâwho has received the Holy Spirit, who hasnât received the Holy Spirit. Every born again child of God through rebirth has received the Holy Spirit as life. But, every born again child of God, according to the New Testament, needs to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and receive the supernatural power for witness. They donât conflict, they fit together perfectly.
Now weâve got the exclamation mark in the right place. Receive the Holy Spirit. I want to point out to you that that was not a recommendation, it was a command. Jesus doesnât usually make recommendations, He gives orders. Hereâs something very crucial. From Acts 2 onwards, in the New Testament the phrase âreceiving the Holy Spiritâ always refers to the Pentecost Sunday experience. Okay? This is simply a matter of New Testament usage. It doesnât set aside the other but it means from Acts 2 onwards, wherever it speaks about receiving the Holy Spirit, itâs the Pentecost Sunday experience which is being referred to.
Letâs look quickly at three examples. Acts 8, the events in Samaria after Philip went there and preached Christ to them. It says in verse 12 of Acts 8:
âWhen they believed Philip, they were baptized, both men and women.â
Jesus said, âGo into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.â So we have to acknowledge that those Samaritans were saved. They believed, theyâd been baptized. But their experience was not complete. And they didnât get any more from Philip. We read now in verse 14:
âNow when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit...â
They were saved but the apostles prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit. Not the Resurrection Sunday experience but the Pentecost Sunday experience.
â...for as yet he [the Holy Spirit] had fallen upon none of them.â
Notice everywhere it speaks about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, it always indicated the Holy Spirit comes down from above. He had fallen upon none of them, they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. They were saved, baptized believers but the Holy Spirit had not fallen upon them.
âThen they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.â
Okay. Three times weâre told there that these saved, baptized believers still needed to receive the Holy Spirit. Not the Resurrection Sunday experience but the Pentecost Sunday experience.
And then in Acts 10:47, the events in the house of Cornelius. You remember Peter went there and brought them the testimony of Jesus. And, the Holy Spirit fell. It interrupted Peterâs sermon and all these Gentiles began to speak with tongues. Then this is the comment made by Peter:
âCan anyone forbid water that these should not be baptized to have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?â
He was referring to the fact that theyâd heard them speak with tongues. So, they had received the Holy Spirit the Pentecost Sunday way.
And then in Acts 19:2, when Paul first came to Ephesus, he met some disciples. But he felt there was something lacking in experience so he asked them this question. He said:
ââDid you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?â And they said to him, âWe have not so much heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.ââ
Now, if everybody automatically received the Holy Spirit in every sense when they believed, that would be a meaningless question, wouldnât it? So he was not talking about being born again, he was talking about receiving the Pentecost Sunday experience.
Now I want to come down to being very practical. I want to tell you how to receive. Doubtless, many of you have received. I think itâs improbable that in a gathering this size all of you have received. Not merely am I telling you this for the sake of those who have not receivedâalthough I have you first and foremost in mindâbut Iâm also telling you this as a pattern for instructing people on how to receive the Holy Spirit. I want to tell you that I know it works. I have proved it in experience. Iâm not offering theories. Ruth and I were with a team in Zambia about two years ago now and there was a gathering of about 7,000 Africans in a very remote part of Zambia. I taught them very carefully and systematically the work of the cross, deliverance from curses, deliverance from demonsâwhich is essential in Africa. And then the fourth morning I brought them to the teaching on the Holy Spirit. I taught them almost exactly what Iâve been teaching you. Then I said, âNow I want to teach you how to receive.â When I brought them to the point of receiving, I said, âFrom now on I donât want you to talk another word in your own languageâonly a new language.â There was a pause of about one minute and then one man began to speak in a new tongue and in the next thirty seconds I think at least 4,000 people received the baptism in the Holy Spirit simultaneously.
This, not on the same scale, Iâve seen duplicated in many places. I was in a Catholic church in Austria some time earlier. The Catholic priest invited me to tell the people about the baptism and speaking in tongues. When youâve got the priest on your side in the Catholic church, you canât lose. I mean, youâre just the same as if you were the prophet Elijah. So I told them just what Iâm telling you. There were about 900 people in that church. When I said, âHow many of you want to receive?â at least 500 came forward. I gave them simple instruction and away they went, speaking in tongues. And then singing in tongues. Iâll tell you, that beautiful stone and marble building heard sounds that I think had never been heard in it before. What a wonderful sight! 500 people all newly baptized in the Holy Spirit worshipping the Lord, singing in tongues. You see, once you turn Catholics loose, thereâs no stopping them. You just donât know where theyâll end up. âIs this rightâ and âIs this doctrine sound?â As long as it comes from the authority in the Catholic church, thatâs it. Thereâs a lot to be said for that though it does breed problems also.
Now I want to say one more thing, very important. The distinctive seal of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is speaking with tongues. Some people call it the evidence. Actually, I prefer myself to call it the culmination of the baptism. Itâs not the immersion, itâs not the infilling but what is it? Itâs the outflow. Now, you can stop short of the outflow. Lots of people have been filled with the Spirit but they never have the outflow. But why stop short of the outflow? Paul speaks about receiving the seal of the Holy Spirit both in Ephesians and in Corinthians. A seal is something thatâs placed on an object, whatever it may be, a package, whatever, that marks it out visibly. Itâs not invisible, itâs something that distinguishes it from all others. Thatâs what the seal of the Holy Spirit is. It distinguishes those people from all others. Youâre a marked person once youâve received the Holy Spirit. Marked by men and be warned also, marked by Satan.
Now, the seal that I see in the New Testamentâthis is my personal viewâis speaking with other tongues. I make these four comments. Number one, it was the seal the apostles received. They tarried for about ten days but once they spoke in tongues they never tarried again. And incidentally, nobody ever did tarry for the baptism after that. The idea that you have to wait around for weeks, months or even years is unscriptural. After Pentecost there was no more tarrying. I met a man in a Pentecostal church once, he said, âIâve been tarrying for the baptism 25 years.â I said, âI know your problem, you want God to do it all.â He said, âThatâs right, I want it all to of God.â I said, âYouâll never get it. God will do His part, you have to do yours.â I can easily believe he went to the grace without speaking in tongues. Tarrying is not scriptural after Pentecost.
It was the seal the apostles received, it was the seal they recognized in others. The outstanding example is the household of Cornelius. Peter didnât even believe that Gentiles could become Christians. The moment he heard them speak in tongues he said, âBaptize them, theyâve received the same as we have.â He didnât wait around for fruit, he didnât check if they knew the doctrines; he said theyâve received. They never asked for any other seal. And the New Testament offers no other alternative seal.
Now, coming back to how to receive. Letâs look, first of all, in Luke 11:11â13. These are words of encouragement. Jesus is speaking, He says:
âIf a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?â
In essence Heâs saying a father whose child asks him for something good will never give him something bad. Then He applies that to our heavenly Father. He says:
âIf ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.â
You see, Iâve heard Christians say itâs not scriptural to ask for the Holy Spirit. But Jesus said if youâre a child of God, born again, then you have the right to ask for the Holy Spirit. And He actually places the responsibility upon us to ask. Bear in mind if you are a born again child of God and you come to God your Father through Jesus the Son, the only way; if you ask for something good and scriptural, you will never receive something bad. Thatâs your guarantee. But the responsibility to ask is placed on you.
And then the actual steps to receiving, we turn to John 7, and we read three verses, 37â39.
âIn the last day, that great day of the feast, [which I believe was the Feast of Tabernacles] Jesus stood and cried out saying, âIf anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart...ââ
But thatâs too polite. The Bible says âout of his belly.â I remember as a boy growing up in the Anglican church, I was always a little shocked when they read that passage that you would speak about anything so vulgar as the belly in church. The truth of the matter is thatâs where it comes from. There is an area in us, itâs interesting the Greek word means âa kind of concave place.â Itâs the same root word thatâs used for the vault of heaven. So, there is an area in the body of the believer which is reserved for the Holy Spirit. Did you know that? See, donât be too spiritual. This brings the Holy Spirit right down into your body. Out of his belly. When I received the baptism there in an Army barrack room, without anybody else present, I felt it in my belly. I thought whatâs going to happen next? Then I said out loud to God, âIf you want me to speak with other tongues, Iâm ready to do it.â I wasnât ambitious. The moment I said that, this fire moved up from my belly to my chest, to my throat. The next thing I knew, there was something like a piece of hard rubber bouncing about in the back of my mouth. I realized it was my own tongue. I opened my mouth and these strange sounds started to come out. But itâs always been so vivid to me it started in my belly. And thatâs what Jesus said.
âOut of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.â
Isnât that a marvelous transformation? We have a thirsty man who doesnât have enough for himself, he receives the Holy Spirit and he becomes a channel of riversânot a river but rivers of living water. What a transformation!
Now, the comment is put in by the writer of the gospel:
âBut this Jesus spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him [Jesus] would receive.â
All right. Believers are to receive the Holy Spirit.
âFor the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.â
The Holy Spirit in this sense could not be given till Jesus had been glorified. When was Jesus glorified? When He ascended into heaven and took His place at the right hand of the Father.
If you go back to Acts 2, just very briefly for a moment, youâll see that Peter summing up what happened on the day of Pentecost says in verses 32â33 of Acts 2:
âThis Jesus God has raised up resurrected, of which we all are witnesses. Therefore, being exalted to the right hand of God [thatâs being glorified], and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he poured out this which you now see and hear.â
So, the glorified Christ received from the Father the gift of the Holy Spirit and poured it out on the disciples and the result, notice, was something that could be seen and heard. It wasnât just an invisible inner experience, it was an experience that impacted their bodies and impacted their senses.
We come back to John 7, how to receive. Iâve got here four very simple steps. The problem is not that itâs complicated, the problem is that itâs simple. The people who are theologically minded and want complication sometimes find it too simple to believe and to act on. What are the steps? Number one, be thirsty. If anybody is thirsty. Okay. Thatâs your qualification. You donât have to be able to quote scriptures, you donât even have to have a record of paying your tithes but you have to be thirsty. Thatâs essential. I tell people when they come to me, âRemember this, the baptism is for those who are thirsty and deliverance is for those who are desperate.â When people come to me for deliverance, I sometimes say to them, âListen, I canât help you, youâre not desperate. Come back when you are.â
However, weâre not talking about that now, weâre talking about receiving the Holy Spirit. Itâs for one group of people, for the thirsty. Itâs not for theologians unless theyâre thirsty. Itâs not for the super-spiritual, itâs for the thirsty. So if you feel very inadequate, very weak and really incapable of producing what God requires of you, youâll qualify. Thatâs your qualification. You know you need more of God than you already have. That is to be thirsty. Thatâs all God asks.
Number two, Jesus said, âCome unto me.â Brother David DuPlessis has said so clearly thereâs only one baptizer in the Holy Spirit and His name is Jesus. I didnât hear that. Jesus, thatâs right. So if you want the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you have to go to the baptizer. Thereâs no other place you can get it. No human being baptizes in the Holy Spirit. They baptize in water but only Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit. Fortunate for us Jesus said, âHim that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.â So if you come, you know He will receive you.
Whatâs the next thing you have to do? Hereâs the problem. Hereâs where it becomes so practical and so simple that religious people have problems. You have to drink. Nobody can force you to drink against your will. You know the old saying, âYou can lead a horse to water but you canât make him drinkâ; thatâs true of church members, too. Nobody else can make you drink. Itâs a decision of your will and itâs something very simple that you have to do. I tell people this, no one ever received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with his mouth closed. It never will happen. You have to open up your physical being and begin to drink in the Spirit of God. Youâre not drinking visible water but youâre drinking the invisible Spirit of God which Jesus is pouring out over you. Why is He pouring it out over you? Because you asked Him to. Itâs that simple. He said, âIf you come, Iâll do it.â
Now, the simplest way to drink is just to begin to breath in. Iâve seen hundreds of people doing it at one time but I tell you what, not one person who did it failed to receive. People who have stood there with a hmm, hmm, hmm, didnât get anything. I saying this because this is the problem. See, people are self conscious. âWell, they never taught me to do this in church.â Maybe not.
One more stage. Youâve drunk, now you have to release the outflow. âOut of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. But this he spoke of the Holy Spirit.â So, the final phase is the outflow. How does that happen? Through the mouth in speech. âOut of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.â Because itâs a supernatural infilling it will be a supernatural outflow. Youâll not speak a language you know, youâll speak a language the Holy Spirit gives you, one youâve never heard, one you donât understand, one you never learned and you probably never will understand.
How do you know itâs right? The answer is because you asked the right thing. Godâs given you a written guarantee, Luke 11:11â13, if you ask for the right thing you will never get the wrong thing. Iâd like you all to say that. âIf I ask for the right thing I will never get the wrong thing.â Now turn to your neighbor and say it to him. âIf you ask for the right thing you will never get the wrong thing.â Okay! Now weâre convinced.
Now let me just come to Satanâs two objections. If I were to ask for hands up here amongst those who have been baptized in the Spirit, youâll find 90 percent of the people would put their hands up. Objection number one, the old accuser is right there by your side and when you begin to speak in tongues he says, âThatâs not real, youâre doing it yourself.â How manyâjust put your hand up for a moment. You see? Itâs almost everybody here. All right. Whatâs the answer? You need to have the answer. The answer is, âYouâre quite right, Satan. I am doing it myself. I am doing the speaking but the Holy Spirit is giving me the language.â You see, in Acts 2 it says âthey all began to speak as the Spirit gave them utterance.â The Spirit didnât do the speaking, He gave them the words. They did the speaking. Thatâs why I said to that man who tarried 25 years heâd go to his grave without receiving because he wanted God to do it all. God wonât do it all. You do your part and God will do His. But Heâs not going to make you speak. Iâve heard people say the Holy Spirit made me do this and that. I donât believe that. The Holy Spirit never makes a child of God do anything. The apostle Peter said, âThe Holy Spirit bade me go.â But he didnât say, âHe made me go.â You have a free will and God will never overrule your free will because He created you that way. Youâve got to decide to speak. And you canât speak with your mouth closed.
Iâve helped so many people. I say, âListen, open your mouth, move your tongue, move your lips. Speak articulately. Form every word. Youâre in the driverâs seat. You make the decisions. Your will is the switch. The power is there but only you can switch it on.â
All right. So the answer to Satan is, âThatâs right, Satan. I am doing it myself, Iâm doing the speaking and the Holy Spirit is giving me the words.â
The next objection is how do you know you got the right thing? It sounds very silly. Well, almost any language you donât know sounds silly. Iâve heard scores of languages I donât know in different parts of the world, they all sound strange to me. An unknown language is strange. But how do you know youâve got the right thing? Well, weâve just told one another. How do we know we got the right thing? Because we asked for the right thing and God guaranteed weâd never get the wrong thing if we asked for the right thing. Brothers and sisters, the basis of this thing is faith. There is no other way to come to God. âHe that cometh to God must [do what?] believe that God is [thatâs not enough], that Heâs a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.â
The only thing there remains to do now is receive. There are some of you who have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit in the sense you donât have this seal. You may have received but you donât have the outflow. And there are some of you who have had an outflow but you wondered whether it was the right thing and you never had the faith or the courage to go on doing it. Youâve never had a real release. If you would like that full release this morning here before this meeting closes, I want to help you. Iâm going to ask you to stand to your feet. Donât be embarrassed. And when youâre standing Iâm going to lead you in a prayer by which you can come to Jesus and receive. We donât have long so if you want to receive, just stand to your feet now. Wherever you are, donât be embarrassed, donât be ashamed. Itâs nothing to be ashamed of, itâs common sense to go to God for the best.
There are some of you who are not quite sure whether youâve received. You said a few words, your lips moved but you donât really know. Iâd like you to stand, too, because you can have a clear river. I tell people, âRemember, this thing isnât a puddle, itâs a river. It goes on and on and on.â You donât just say in l974 I spoke in tongues once. Thatâs not the story. Thatâs not a river, thatâs a puddle.
Any others that want to stand, you do so. About how long do we have, somebody tell me? Five minutes. Okay, thatâs ample. We can get it in five minutes. Thatâs really a super amount. Okay? It doesnât take long.
Now, Iâm going to pray a prayer out loud and I want you to pray it after me sentence by sentence. Bear in mind you are not praying to me. Youâre praying to the baptizer, the Lord Jesus Christ. I will cause you to say those things which qualify you as a thirsty person coming to Him. When youâve said the final word, weâll say amen so you know to stop praying. After that, donât do any praying. Okay? What do you do? You begin to drink. All right? You donât need to gasp, just quietly take in the Spirit of God. Shut yourself in with the Lord, forget there are any other people here. Then thereâs that moment of faith when you begin to release the new language. Some of you are right ready to do it right now. Youâve got to break the sound barrier. You donât need to shout, you donât need to scream, but you need to say it loud enough to hear yourselves so that when you walk out of this place you know youâve heard yourself speak with other tongues. Okay? Remember, when we come to amen, no more English, no more Filipino, no more whatever it might beâSpanish, no more Chinese, no more Japanese. Okay. These are the words:
âLord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Son of God and that on the cross you died for my sins and rose again from the dead. I trust you for forgiveness and for cleansing. I believe you have received me as a child of God. And because you have received me I receive myself as a child of God. If thereâs any resentment in my heart now, any unforgiveness against anyone, I lay it down, I forgive every other person as I would have God forgive me. If Iâve ever been involved in the occult I acknowledge that as a sin, I ask your forgiveness and I loose myself now from every contact with Satan and with occult power, in the name of Jesus. And now, Lord Jesus, I come to you as my baptizer in the Holy Spirit. I present to you my body to be a temple of your Spirit. I yield to you my tongue to be an instrument of righteousness, to worship you in a new language. By faith I receive this now and I thank you for it in the name of Jesus, amen.â
Now just begin to drink. Just breathe in, take it in. Then, begin to speak out. When you speak, just open your mouth, move your tongue and your lips and give Him your voice. Many of you are ready to do it now. Thatâs right, thatâs right. When your lips and your tongue are moving, give Him your voice. Thatâs right. You donât have to be ashamed that the Holy Spirit has come in. Heâs an honored guest. Hallelujah, thank you Lord.
Letâs all stand to our feet and worship God together in tongues. Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Jesus. We praise you Lord, we give you the glory. Hallelujah. Amen.
Now, itâs legitimate to get excited. Okay? Just enjoy yourself for a few moments. Amen, we praise you Lord Jesus. We give you the glory. Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen. Heâs triumphed over sin and death and the grave! Heâs risen from the dead! Heâs ascended to the Fatherâs right hand. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. Praise Him. Glorify His name. Give Him thanks. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Now turn to your neighbor and say, âPraise the Lord.â
This teaching includes both a free sermon outline and transcript to download for personal use, message preparation or Bible study discussion.