A signature Bible teaching sermon series by Derek Prince detailing the reality, power and enduring affects of blessings and curses.
(Chronological order)
Are you frustrated? Defeated? Never fully satisfied? There could be a spiritual reason behind it. Discover how you can pass from the dark shadow of a curse into the sunlight of God's blessing!
God's heart for men is to see them walking out the destinies He has created for them. But before that can happen, they need to understand the primary roles God has assigned to them. Discover man's true calling—and learn how to fulfill it.
Prophetic Guide To The End Times
Are you perplexed or fearful as you contemplate the chaotic, threatening world around us? This series on biblical prophecy will equip you for all that lies ahead.
Who Am I?
Analyze the components of total human personality from creation to climax. Confronts you with yourself: your potential, your problems, and your ultimate destiny.