Study the Bible

Daily Devotionals
Browse free biblically inspired daily devotionals by Derek Prince for practical teachings to uplift your Christian faith.

Teaching Letters
A free collection of concise, yet thorough Bible teachings covering a broad range of topics for every stage and phase of life.

Legacy Radio
Listen to inspiring 10-minute messages and connect faith to life with the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcast.

Online Store
The complete range of Derek Prince books, videos and audio material for purchase from your nearest official online store.

Watch original and digitally remastered sermons by Derek Prince. Includes full message transcripts (free download).

Bible Courses
Study God's Word and equip your faith with our flexible self-study Bible courses that bring the classroom to you.

Free eBook
Get a free eBook by Derek Prince when you subscribe to our newsletter. Available for a limited time.

Sermon Outlines
View your favourite Derek Prince message on a page with our free selection of sermon outlines to download and study.

Video Library
Explore our vast video library for short and extended messages by Derek Prince on a variety of Bible topics.

Illuminate and expand your understanding of the Bible with the Derek Prince collection of Christian books.

Declare life and experience the transformative power of God's Word with our bible-based Proclamations.

Official App
Available free, download the official Derek Prince Ministries app and enrich your faith, anywhere, anytime.