Do you believe in the judgment of God? We may not like to think of our Heavenly Father this way, but His power will shake all things.
(Chronological order)
Has the predicted final shaking of all things already begun? If so, you need to know how you can come through victoriously.
Bend The Church And Bow The World
‘Bend the Church and Bow the World’ was the theme of the revival that shook the little nation of Wales in 1904. It is still true today and just as relevant. If the Church will bend, the World will bow.
Derek Prince searched for life's purpose in many different forms—highbrow, lowbrow, intellectual, aesthetic—then found his answer at midnight in an army barrack room. Discover the key to a wholesome, meaningful and fulfilling life.
Release from the Curse
Are you frustrated? Defeated? Never fully satisfied? There could be a spiritual reason behind it. Discover how you can pass from the dark shadow of a curse into the sunlight of God's blessing!