Touching Eastern Europe
This is the heart of our mission: to equip believers across Eastern Europe to hear, recognize, and follow God’s voice. Eastern Europe faces immense challenges.
Do Not Give Up
None of us can see the breakthrough before it comes. But just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. That’s why this word is so important!
The Basis of Communion
In his book, The Power of Communion, Derek Prince teaches on seven vital aspects of this essential sacrament of the Christian faith.
Kevin Rudd’s New Book
Kevin Rudd, a former Australian Prime Minister and current Australian US Ambassador, has recently published a 600 page book simply called “On Xi Jinping”.
Registration Open: Spiritual Warfare Course
In the spiritual realm, an invisible war is being waged—and you and I are in the midst of it. Learn about the nature of this war and how to stand strong.
Bringing Hope in Israel: A 2024 Update
Your prayers and support have enabled us to be part of spreading God’s Word in Israel and bringing hope to those in need. Enjoy our gratitude report!
Overtaken by God’s Goodness
Is it your hope to see God’s continued blessing in 2025? Does your expectation need adjustment? God wants to bless us—even more than we want to be blessed.
Year-End Update
Through your generosity, DPM-USA continues to be a debt-free organization with substantial resources. We have truly seen God’s blessing!
Reaching the Kurdish People
To reach the Kurdish people, we are working closely with local Kurdish believers who know the best ways to communicate with their people.
Laying Down Our Lives
We tend naturally toward making ourselves and our needs the top priority. But serving and bearing the burdens of our brothers and sisters is a requirement.
Battling for Our Nation
In this third and final letter, Battling for Our Nation, Derek examines the spiritual warfare we encounter as we intercede for our respective nations.
Finding Your Secret Place
Jesus talks in the Word about going into your own room and shutting the door. What Jesus speaks of is our need for finding our secret place.
Hope Streams Into Africa
We are witnessing the establishing of the Kingdom in West Africa and throughout the whole continent as people receive the Word in languages they understand.
Watchmen On The Wall
The day after more ballistic missiles were once again fired at Israel, we spoke with Tristan Hall, the Executive Director of Christian Friends of Israel (CFI).
Embracing a New Season
New seasons are a normal part of life. We experience them individually, and they are also a normal part of the landscape for organizations like DPM.
We Are the Salt
We are “the salt of the earth.” The word “the” is exclusive. It means that the earth has no other salt—we are the only salt available to the earth.
Healed after Breaking a Curse
Derek Prince's teachings on blessings and curses changed one woman's life, breaking a powerful curse. You, too, can experience the same healing and freedom
Preparing Our Fallow Ground
Do you desire to be used by God? To present your talents and abilities anew to Him? To do whatever it takes to prepare yourself for His purposes?
Opening the FSR Door to Jesus
Last year, God placed a burden for Tajikistan on the heart of Vazgen, our Outreach Director in the Caucasus and Former Soviet Republics.
Surprised by Hope
There is a future. The one who has Christ has hope for that future—a glorious, radiant, confident expectation of eternal glory with Almighty God and more.
Spanish Bible School Launch
From August 7 to 11 our Hispanic outreach team will be traveling to Colombia, to begin Derek Prince's first ministerial Spanish Bible school.
Light of the World
The Sermon on the Mount is universally accepted by Christians as the measure of faith and life that Jesus set for all true believers.
Filling in the Blanks
How encouraging it is to realize that the Holy Spirit is available to help us whenever we need Him! Let the Holy Spirit come into your life.
The Need For Victory In India
This report from our missions in India, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Islands is one of great warfare, but also one of great victory.
Derek's Teachings a Lifeline in Israel
DPM visits Ashkelon, Israel, bringing hope and spiritual strength through books and support to a resilient congregation facing ongoing conflict and challenges
God is at Work Across India
After 11 years, Derek Prince Ministries returns to Shillong, witnessing God’s miraculous work through testimonies of deliverance and salvation
China's Diplomatic Balancing Act in Europe
Uncover China's diplomatic reach into Europe and its partnership with Russia, and pray for wise leadership and the spread of God's truth in these nations.
Nothing Will Hurt You
Jesus' promise of divine protection is ours to claim - learn how to take steps of faith against the enemy and become a 'fighting unit'
May/June Prayer Focus Update
Your prayers help make victories and breakthroughs a reality. On behalf of all the people we reach out to with the Word of God, thank you.
Just the Right Time
Are you as amazed as I am by God’s timing in our lives? Why He called you and me to be alive at this particular time? How His timing always seems to be perfect?
Why Israel? Audio Book
As Christians, we need to acknowledge our unfathomable debt to Israel and to always pray on the basis of that total indebtedness.
Carrying the Burden for China
Today, there are two issues that burden the Derek Prince China team. One is the eternal destiny of 1.4 billion Chinese men, women, and children.
Helping Church Leaders in China
The Derek Prince Ministries-China team, who are themselves mainland Chinese, have a strong burden to help their brothers and sisters in China.
The Power of Intercession
Do you believe your prayers make a difference? Are you willing to intercede, even when others may have given up? Learn more about this important topic.
Staying Close to Him
Do you feel close to the Lord right now? Would you like to draw closer to Him? What steps do we need to take to enhance your relationship with Jesus?
Restoring Families in Eastern Europe
Brano serves as the Outreach Director for Derek Prince Ministries in Eastern Europe. What he is seeing is increasing spiritual attacks.
The ‘Lucky Dip’ Method
The days in which we live are perilous (2 Tim. 3:1), to say the least. It is imperative that you and I walk closely with Jesus and that we hear from Him.
Looking only at Jesus
Regarding the current tumult in the world around us, we face the prospect that instead of calming down, it may increase in intensity.
Aging Fruitfully
Dick Leggatt unpacks God's promises of hope, freedom from fears, and a faith-filled atmosphere when we embrace the biblical concept of aging fruitfully.
Touching Refugees in the Middle East
The stories coming from refugee camps in the Middle East are heartbreaking. Countless refugees packed into overcrowded camps under horrifying conditions.
Don’t Forget Thanksgiving!
Is it possible to maintain an active attitude of thanksgiving? Do we begin most of our prayers by thanking the Lord first? Discover the value of thanks.
November/December Prayer Focus Update
May the God of hope fill your heart with a confident expectation of good and mighty things to happen – by His grace and for His glory.
God’s Faithfulness at Work
Empowering Africa through Derek Prince Ministries - Radio, Devotionals, and Bibles. Your partnership transforms lives and spreads the Word.
War in Israel - Prayer for Peace
Join Derek Prince Ministries in fervent prayer for Israel amidst recent attacks. Read firsthand accounts and unite for peace in God's cherished land.
Go; but Wait
Are you moving and operating at the impulse of the Holy Spirit? Do you regularly ask for and wait for His empowerment before you begin a task?
Our Deep, Dark Secrets
Do you have a murky spot in your spirit? An issue or obstacle that hampers your progress and success in life? Learn how to overcome and receive healing.
September/October Prayer Focus Update
Your prayer support shows that you are praying not just for your own needs but purposely seeking God’s help for others. We cannot thank you enough for that.
Touching Lives in the Former Soviet Republics
Your participation in the lives of the dear people of the former Soviet Republics is absolutely vital right now. Donate to support this outreach.
Open to Correction
Have you and I embraced the truth of God’s discipline in our lives? The reality is He addresses our misbehavior and childish disobedience?
Outreach to Cartagena
September 26th, 2023, Derek Prince Ministries will begin to partner with Renuevos de Alabanza Ministry and its’ team. Our vision is to evangelize 250,000.