In the wake of the recent attacks on Israel, our hearts are profoundly burdened. The peace of the nation and its people is under threat, and at such times, the power of prayer becomes even more essential.
Today, more than ever, we urge our community to unite in fervent intercession, praying for protection, peace, and healing for Israel, God's cherished land.
Background of current conflict
On Saturday the 7th of October 2023, Israel experienced an unprecedented attack when Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants, from the Gaza Strip, stormed nearby Israeli towns. Backed by a barrage of rockets, they managed to inflict significant damage, resulting in numerous casualties. Towns and communities as far as 15 miles from the Gaza border were affected.

The Israeli Prime Minister declared the nation to be in a state of war, marking the gravity of the situation. As the conflict continued, the Israel Defence Forces were engaged in efforts to regain control of captured areas.
Reuters reported:
“The attack came 50 years and a day after Egyptian and Syrian forces launched an assault during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur...”
The human impact
This conflict has left deep scars on the hearts of real people facing harrowing experiences daily. Our ministry partners at Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) Jerusalem, including Rudy Friesen, offer firsthand accounts that underscore the severe and immediate impact on individual lives and families. Their pleas for intercession reflect the urgency and the sentiments of many who are directly experiencing the terrifying events. A member of their family, shared:
“Yesterday morning we woke up to the rocket alarm. Thousands of rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel, resulting in injuries and deaths... Hamas terrorists have entered Israel from the Gaza Strip, capturing barracks and villages. They've gone from house to house, taking innocent lives. Entire families, including children, mothers, and the elderly, have been taken to the Gaza Strip as hostages. This is one of the gravest crises Israel has faced in recent memory, and we're all grappling with how such a tragedy could occur. Much remains uncertain. Please pray.”
Rudy Friesen also shared some good news:
“I was planning to visit Sderot, because the messianic pastor there had requested a number of Derek Prince Ministries’ books (in Russian and English) for his ministry. However, this town was overrun by Hamas. The pastor texted me on Saturday, saying: ‘We have two believing friends in a Kibbutz beside Gaza. Two terrorists are in their home. Please pray.’ He later replied that they were rescued by IDF Special Forces. Praise the Lord.”
A French-speaking believer in Israel reported:
“My son is in the hospital. The terrorists shot at his car where he was with a friend. He was shot in the stomach and kidney. Yet, they were able to run three kilometers to find refuge. The terrorists arrived, shot in the door, then suddenly turned around and left. A real miracle. I pray Psalm 91 every day for him.”
A Call To Prayer
We echo the Psalmist's cry:
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure.’” (Psalm 122:6, NIV)
As a global family, let's unite in prayer:
- Pray for the Israeli leaders: Seek God's guidance for the Israeli and Arab leaders, asking Him to steer their hearts, minds, and actions towards a path of peace, unity, and righteousness for the entire nation. (See 1 Timothy 2:1-14)
- Pray that the situation in the surrounding countries remains calm, despite the attack in Egypt and rockets from Hezbollah on the northern borders.
- Pray for soldiers and those in reserve and compulsory service who are currently fighting to free hostages and places that have been taken by terrorists. Also pray for the hostages held in the Gaza Strip.
- Pray for the missing, from whom there is still no sign of life, and for the injured who are now fighting for their lives.
- Pray for the families that have lost loved ones.
- Pray for Our Ministry Partners: Ask God to grant strength, wisdom, and protection to our partners, such as those at CFI Jerusalem, and all those serving affected communities.
Helpful Resources
For those looking for more ways to stand in prayerful solidarity with Israel, Derek Prince Ministries offers resources that have been highly sought after since the onset of the conflict:
- How To Pray For Israel (Sermon)
- Seven Ways To Pray For Israel (Teaching Letter)
- Peace For Israel (Proclamation Card)
Let us not be overwhelmed, but let our hearts be stirred to compassion and action. As one of our partners in Israel said, "Despite the challenging mood, I firmly believe that we are on the winning side. The Protector of Israel does not sleep nor slumber!”