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Transmitting God’s Power
The Holy Spirit presents to us in Hebrews 6:1–2 the basic tenets of the Christian faith.
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Embracing a New Season

Dick Leggatt
President, Derek Prince Ministries USA
Dick Leggatt
President, Derek Prince Ministries USA
Dick Leggatt
President, Derek Prince Ministries USA
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Are you facing a season of change in your life? Do you find it somewhat unsettling? Are you struggling to accept the adjustments the Lord seems to be bringing to you?

New seasons are a normal part of life. We experience them individually, and they are also a normal part of the landscape for organizations like Derek Prince Ministries. In fact, this will be—for all of us—the focus of this letter: embracing a new season.

A Growing Awareness

On this theme, we at DPM are pleased to announce a change of season. Philip Wyns has been appointed the new leader and president of Derek Prince Ministries–USA. Philip and I, in close cooperation with the U.S. board, have been growing in our relationship over the last seven years, exploring God’s will for us and for DPM. (Let it never be said we have caused “whiplash” through sudden decisions thrust upon you.)

At a time when some Christian organizations here in the United States are dealing with unplanned changes for the wrong reasons, we are grateful that our transition at DPM is not the result of a problem of some kind. Rather, it comes with the full endorsement of the worldwide leadership of DPM—the result of the leading of the Holy Spirit and deliberate succession planning. It is a good reason for this new season!

An Intentional Step

Dick’s comments: From the early years of my DPM service, which officially began on April 17, 2006, I have been looking toward this moment of succession. A well-known business expert and author, Peter Drucker, has famously said, “There is no success without succession.” The biblical counterpart to this statement is Paul’s mandate in 2 Timothy 2:2 (NASB): “The things which you have heard from me…entrust these to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.” That is exactly what we are doing.

From the beginning, I have been on the lookout for a faithful person to step into leadership at DPM. Throughout my time here, I have kept up the process—identifying candidates and working with them in terms of succession. For the U.S. office, nothing really clicked until 2017, when Philip Wyns and I met for the first time. I sensed the Lord’s guidance, almost as if He was saying to me, “This is the person.” Over the course of our days of meeting together, I eventually shared with Philip my conviction that, if he was willing, he could be the one the Lord was selecting to succeed me in this role. 

That began a process where we prayed about it, submitted it to those in authority over us, and worked systematically to bring about the transition we are announcing with this letter. It is a good step, and we hope you will embrace this new season with us.

The Story Begins

Philip’s comments: Meeting Dick for the first time was a very significant turning point in my life. Here were the events leading up to that encounter.

As the pastor of two churches in the Toronto area, I had been trying to minister to a person in one of our congregations who was struggling with very severe seizures. Our pastoral team, along with deliverance ministers and others who had been praying for this individual, had not been successful in bringing freedom to her. Somewhat in desperation, I decided to call Derek Prince Ministries in the States. They connected me with Juanita, the prayer coach at the U.S. office. As I talked with her, I ended up inviting her to come to Canada to pray for this afflicted girl, which she did with great success.

After this initial ministry, and during her visit with us, Juanita said that I needed to meet Dick Leggatt, the president of DPM–USA, whom I did not know. When Juanita returned to Charlotte, she said the same words to Dick: “You need to meet Philip Wyns, pastor of Alive Church from Canada.” So, the meeting date was set.

On March 12, 2017, I met Dick for a group dinner in Charlotte, and we had a significant conversation. The next morning, although unscheduled, Dick and I had a breakfast together that lasted about four hours. The product of our time together, along with the evening prior, was a knitting of our hearts, and the start of a strong bond.

(It wasn’t until later that I found out what Dick had told his wife Cindi that evening. He felt strongly I was the one to succeed him as president of DPM–USA.)

The Prayer Vigil

On my trip down to Charlotte, I had sensed the Lord saying that Dick had a “word” for me, which I told him that first evening. Toward the end of our time together, Dick shared the word the Lord had placed on his heart—that I was to be the one to succeed him. My jaw dropped. There were so many thoughts racing through my mind as Dick spoke with me. How would I give this news to my wife, Lisa, and our four daughters? How would it affect the churches I pastor? How could we move away from family and friends whom we love and to whom we had committed our lives in ministry?

Lisa and I genuinely wrestled with God over this decision, and I told the Lord I couldn’t leave my present ministry without knowing for sure that it was His plan. Lisa and the girls were very much a part of that prayer vigil, asking the Lord’s direction for our family. As time progressed, the Lord made it clear through many confirmations—prophetic and otherwise—that this is His will. As we met numerous times with the board members of DPM–USA, the conviction grew stronger. Our hearts were also knitting with Dick and Cindi—and Lisa and I are honored to continue partnering with them in the transition of leadership from Dick to me. We are embracing the new season.  

God Is the Initiator

Now that you have read about the transition happening at DPM, what about your own new season? Are there some biblical principles to help in coping with your change?

A very helpful passage on this subject is Isaiah 43:19, where God says: “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” Other versions say, “Will you not be aware of it?” (NASB). Or, “Do you not perceive it?” (NIV).

Here are some important realizations. 1) God is the Author of change. He is the One who initiates the “new thing” He desires to do in our lives. 2) It may come suddenly and unexpectedly, and we need to be ready for that fact. It “springs forth.” 3) We must be aware and receptive. It is possible to miss it completely through inattention. Even worse, we can tend to ignore it or resist it. We need to embrace the new season.

A Public Commissioning

As Philip and I have shared this change of season in leadership with DPM friends, we have regularly compared it to Moses and Joshua (not that either of us hold those kinds of claims to greatness). The passage we regularly reference is Numbers 27. In his message, “Transmitting God’s Power,” Derek Prince provides these helpful insights:

The LORD said to Moses, “Take Joshua the son of Nun with you, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him. Set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation and commission him in their sight, and you shall give some of your authority to him” (vv. 18–20).
I like that. Not “all of your authority,” because Moses had unique authority. But give him a good portion of your authority, because he is going to need it. “You shall give some of your authority to him that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient…. At his [Joshua’s] word they shall go out and at his word they shall come in, both he and all the children of Israel with him—all the congregation” (vv. 20-21).
You see, the whole congregation had to see this transmission of authority from Moses, the one whom they followed for forty years, to his successor. It was a vital transaction for the wellbeing of all of God’s people.

A Simple Response

Having heard all that has been shared so far, are you ready to let the Lord know your willingness to embrace the changes He may be bringing? Let’s pray together.

Dear Lord, I see now that You are the Author of the new season I have been sensing in my own life. Help me to receive it with wisdom and joy. You are a good Father, always providing only that which is best for me.

With that understanding, Father, I receive this new season You are bringing. I welcome it, opening my mind and heart to all it may mean for me and for my future. Thank You, dear Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Helping in Your Transition

You may want to expand upon the short prayer we have just articulated, adding specific details about the season change you sense the Lord beginning in you. The primary response to maintain is what we prayed: a total receptivity to His plans.

If we at DPM can be of any encouragement to you in that response, we stand ready to assist. One way we can help is by providing the full message from which we took Derek’s quote: “Transmitting God’s Power.” We know this enlightening message will help—not only with our transition but with whatever change you are facing personally.

We are grateful to be able to supply you with Derek’s excellent teaching. Our goal in doing so is to strengthen your relationship with Jesus—and providing materials to you is just one small way for us to thank you for your prayers and generosity to us. 

We’re In This Together

We hope this letter about handling a change of season has been helpful to you. Whether it is a personal change or a positive leadership transition like the one happening here at DPM, the key for each of us is embracing the new season.

The temptation is always to keep things as they are—following the old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, one of the clearest elements of the change occurring at DPM is this conviction: the Holy Spirit is directing us, in preparation for the future, to install a new generation of leadership. God is the One initiating the change.

Let’s look again at one of the points Derek made in his comments about Numbers 27, beginning at verse 18, where the Lord said to Moses: “Take Joshua the son of Nun with you, a man in whom is the Spirit [the NIV says “in whom is the spirit of leadership”—both are true regarding Philip], and lay your hand on him; set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation, and inaugurate [commission] him in their sight.” The sense is that together, they embraced the new season coming to them.

You are a vital part of Derek Prince Ministries, and an aspect of that partnership involves the transition that has taken place. For the new season the Lord may be bringing to you, please know that we are standing with you in love and support. What is our prayer? That together, with God’s help, all of us will embrace our new season.

Sincerely in Christ,
Philip Wyns
President, DPM–USA

All the best,
Dick Leggatt
Executive Consultant/Senior Editor

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Transmitting God’s Power

The Holy Spirit presents to us in Hebrews 6:1–2 the basic tenets of the Christian faith.

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