Spanish Bible School Launch

Derek Prince Ministries USA
Derek Prince Ministries USA
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Launch of the first School of Ministry in Spanish

From August 7th through 11th our Hispanic outreach team will be traveling to Cartagena, Colombia, to inaugurate Derek Prince's first ministerial Bible school in Spanish. After two intense years of developing the curriculum, the first group of Hispanic pastors is about to receive this training.

Reaching the Hispanic Community

The challenge to reach the Hispanic world with the Gospel is huge. Spanish has 496 million native speakers and 595 million total speakers. Native Spanish speakers make up 6.3 percent of the world’s population. How do we meet the needs of equipping them as disciples of Jesus Christ?

For many years, Derek’s Bible teaching has been translated into Spanish, but true discipleship requires more than just reading a book. We see many pastors and leaders in the Spanish-speaking world who need equipping to adequately minister to the needs of the people in their congregations.

School of Ministry

To serve them, our Hispanic outreach team has developed a school of ministry in Spanish with a curriculum based on Derek Prince's books. Themes that are part of the training include family life, being led by the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit in His Church, prayer, spiritual battle, God’s provision, and how to break generational curses. All these areas will be covered in one year of training, with an average of 92 hours of class, taught by local pastors. We believe that this school can be a model to follow for other countries.

Association of Ministers of Bolívar

God is working greatly in Cartagena, Colombia, a region with great need and great hunger for the word of God. Already, approximately 100 pastors have registered for classes. The lessons will be given by a group of about 10 local pastors from the city.

Another great blessing is having the support of the Association of Ministers of Bolívar “AMEB”, an entity that represents more than 300 pastors of the city with more than 50 affiliated denominations.

Online courses

Another part of our vision for reaching the Hispanic community is through online courses. We are in the process of completing two Hispanic online courses. The first is Derek’s Self-Study Bible Course; the second course is about Passing from Curse to Blessing. Both courses are expected to be launched this Fall on our online learning platform. They combine book study with short videos by Derek Prince, proclamations, prayers and interactive study questions. This approach helps believers to deeply understand and apply God’s Word to their lives, thus growing stronger as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We appreciate your prayers and support for our Hispanic outreach team, as we seek to expand our School of Ministry to other cities and to further develop online courses. If you feel led to contribute to this outreach, please use the link below.

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