November/December Prayer Focus Update

Derek Prince Ministries USA
Derek Prince Ministries USA
Derek Prince Ministries USA
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As a child, you may have been fascinated by stories about knights and battles or carrier pigeons delivering secret messages. One of our outreach workers in a “closed” country recently shared an update of a similar nature. Instead of birds, however, “donkeys” (former drug addicts) are trained to find their way across borders and along narrow mountain trails to deliver Bibles and Derek’s teaching to pastors of underground churches. “Donkeys” is a term often used to refer to Bible smugglers. The resources they take to these pastors are like water to a thirsty land for secret believers. Please pray for this strategic part of our ministry!

You will find more prayer requests in our Outreach Prayer Focus for November-December. Space and safety don’t always allow us to share some needs but, in eternity, the importance of your prayers for these projects will become clear. So, thank you for setting aside time to pray for our outreach workers and the people they are reaching out to.

May the God of hope fill your heart with a confident expectation of good and mighty things to happen – by His grace and for His glory.

Click here to see today's prayer focus and download a prayer guide to keep with you.


Tess Hughes
Prayer Support Coordinator

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