Bought Back Totally
Declaring God's Word
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8 February 
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Bought Back Totally

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
8 February 

By Derek Prince

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Through the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God

In Romans, we read about two kingdoms with their opposing laws of operation. The devil’s law is the law of sin and death; the law of God’s kingdom is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2)

We are no longer in the devil’s territory, no longer under the devil’s law. His kingdom does not apply to us because we are in another kingdom. We have been translated, carried over—spirit, soul, and body. And this transaction occurs through the blood of Jesus—we are sanctified, set apart to God, by the blood of Jesus.

Now, let’s consider the implications in relation to the body of the believer. I can say by experience that this is where it really begins to operate, when we bring it down to the realm of our physical bodies. Consider this:

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:19–20)

The words “bought at a price” take us back to the theme of redemption. We are bought back out of the hand of the devil with the blood of Jesus. How much of us was bought back? Just our spirits? No, both our spirits and our bodies belong to God because Jesus paid the total redemption price of His blood.

Prayer Response

Thank You, Lord, for the blood of Jesus. I proclaim that I have been bought back totally from the devil’s kingdom and brought into the kingdom of God. My spirit and body belong to God, because Jesus paid the total redemption price of His precious blood. Through the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart to God. Amen.

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