Connect faith to life with the Derek Prince Legacy Radio podcast featuring over 100 series on an extensive range of Bible teaching subjects.
Waiting for God
In this revealing message Derek explains that those who wait for the Lord receive an impartation of divine supernatural strength. He shows us how this proved true in the life of Abraham, and what happened when Abraham didn’t wait on God. The results produced because he was willing to “wait” were radically different from the results produced when he did not. It’s an unforgettable picture!
Don’t miss this broadcast! Derek gives us a multitude of reasons for waiting on God. For instance, we wait on God so we might become mature and complete, wanting nothing… We wait so we might be serene instead of anxious or angry… We wait so we might walk in the fullness of what God has planned for our lives. We wait on God so we might undergo supernatural transformation!
Today we begin a new series about a little-understood subject: “Waiting on God.” In today’s society, we don’t want to wait on anything. We are all about fast food, fast communication, and fast travel, but God’s Word promises amazing benefits from the discipline of “waiting.” Listen as Derek explains what it means to wait on God — and the benefits associated with waiting.
(Alphabetical order)
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