The Administrator of the Blessing
Declaring God's Word
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4 May 
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The Administrator of the Blessing

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
4 May 

By Derek Prince

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Jesus was made a curse that we might enter into the blessing

The Holy Spirit is the administrator of all the inheritance of “the blessing of Abraham” (Galatians 3:14). In Genesis 24, we find a beautiful story to illustrate this truth. The story tells how Abraham obtained a bride for his son Isaac. It is a very simple but beautiful parable with four main characters, three of whom are the following: Abraham, who represents God the Father; Isaac, Abraham’s son, who represents God’s only begotten Son, Jesus; and Rebekah, the bride, who represents the church (the bride of Christ). There is one other individual, and he is, in a sense, the main character. That character is the nameless servant, who represents the Holy Spirit. If we read the chapter with those personalities in mind, it will reveal almost limitless truths to us.

Notice that at the beginning of the chapter, it says that everything that Abraham owned was under the control of the servant. He was the administrator of the entire estate of Abraham the father and Isaac the son. That is true of the Holy Spirit, too; He is the administrator of the entire wealth of the Godhead. We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. But the administrator of our inheritance is the Holy Spirit. Apart from the Holy Spirit, we cannot receive or enjoy our inheritance.

When the Bible speaks about our inheritance as the children of Abraham, it refers specifically to receiving the promise of the Spirit, who alone can bring us into all the blessings that are our inheritance. The blessing of Abraham is “in all things” (Genesis 24:1), but the administrator of the blessing is the Holy Spirit. Hence Paul’s specific mention in Galatians of receiving the promise of the Spirit.

Prayer Response

Thank You, Jesus, for Your work on the cross. I proclaim that the administrator of my inheritance is the Holy Spirit, and I receive the promise of the Spirit by faith—“the blessing of Abraham” in all things—because Jesus was made a curse that I might enter into the blessing. Amen.

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