We Will Be Delivered
Declaring God's Word
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22 April 
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We Will Be Delivered

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
22 April 

By Derek Prince

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Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness that we might be made righteous with His righteousness

The next part of the Romans Recipe, the practical how-to, is found in Romans 6:11–13.

First, “count yourselves dead” (verse 11). The Bible says we are dead — believe it! Paul said:

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20)

Paul saw Christ’s crucifixion and death as his own. He thought that way and talked that way, reckoning it true. We must do the same.

Steps two and three are negative admonitions: “Do not let sin reign in your mortal body” (verse 12) and “Do not offer the parts of your body to sin” (verse 13). Before, we could not help yielding to sin; now, we have a choice. There is a power in us greater than sin. We have been liberated, justified. However, we must exercise our wills. When temptation comes, we must firmly and finally say, “No! I will not yield my body or my members! I do not yield to you, Satan; I belong to Jesus.”

Step four is positive: “Offer yourselves to God” (verse 13). We cannot be independent agents and remain free from sin. We must choose to serve God rather than Satan, offering ourselves as sacrifices to God, giving all we are and all we have—holding nothing back. Next, Paul said, “Offer the parts of your body to him [God]” (verse 13). Yield every part of your body to God for Him to use as He wants for His glory.

The result is that “sin shall not be your master” (verse 14). We are set free from shame, degradation, agony—all the evils sin brings. If we follow the Romans Recipe—working through our identification with Jesus in death, burial, and resurrection — we will be delivered.

Prayer Response

Thank You, Jesus, for Your work on the cross. I proclaim that through identification with Jesus, I will be delivered—because Jesus was made sin with my sinfulness that I might be made righteous with His righteousness. Amen.

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