Out of One Kingdom - Into Another
Declaring God's Word
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14 January 
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Out of One Kingdom - Into Another

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
14 January 

By Derek Prince

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Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil

The Lord redeemed us so that we are no longer in the hand of the enemy but in the Lord’s hand.

“Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.” (Colossians 1:12–13)

It is a fact that God has delivered us from the power of darkness — that is, Satan’s kingdom — and conveyed us into the kingdom of Christ. Thus, we have redemption — our sins are forgiven. We are no longer in Satan’s territory, nor are we under his authority. The unbelieving, those who reject Christ, the rebellious, and the disobedient are under Satan’s legitimate authority, but we Christians are not.

The fact is that when we repented and surrendered to Jesus Christ and made Him Lord of our lives, we were conveyed (translated, or carried over) — spirit, soul, and body — out of the kingdom of Satan and into the kingdom of Christ. These are facts. We believe facts from the invisible realm of God’s Word because we no longer go by our feelings. The shield of faith covers every area of our lives. No fiery dart need ever get past it (see Ephesians 6:16).

Prayer Response

Thank You, Lord, for the blood of Jesus. I proclaim that by His blood, I have been delivered from darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love. Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Amen.

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