Find out how you can appropriate all the blessings of complete salvation achieved by Jesus Christ on the cross on your behalf.
Salvation is more than forgiveness of sins. It's much more than a ticket to heaven when we die.
As wonderful as those gifts to us are, Derek Prince reveals that there's even more God-given benefits to be found in the gift of salvation.
“I believe that many Christians who have experienced salvation have not experienced all that God included in the salvation He has provided. It is as if they are living in a corner of a little house, whereas they have actually entered a great big wonderful mansion that God has prepared for them... I know there is much, much more for us all.”
Find out how YOU can appropriate all the blessings of complete salvation in this powerful book.
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"As always, Derek Prince is faithful to the Word, and in his clear manner of teaching and his grasp of both Hebrew and Greek, he explains the full benefits of Jesus' death and resurrection. There is far more that Jesus provided than salvation of peoples' souls, which in itself is amazing. I highly recommend it."
"This book is a must for someone who is interested in finding out the promises God has for us. A must if you're doing this kind research!"
"A must-read for a true meaning to our salvation in Jesus Christ."