What is faith? And how can you develop it? It starts with repentance: to change the way we think and to act accordingly.
The whole message of the Bible is in this order: repent and believe. There are lots of people who might say they are struggling for faith. The truth is not that they are struggling for faith, but that they may have never met the condition of repentance. Repentance is the first of the six foundation doctrines. If that foundation stone is not in place, the building will always be wobbly.
This booklet series takes you through the central truths of the gospel as presented in Hebrews 6:1–2. This is the third segment of that teaching, from the Laying the Foundation series.
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"This book is a must for all who want to follow Christ and need to know how to change your lifes' course. Recommend the whole series actually. Very insightful."