Harvest is a major theme of Scripture, which runs throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. At the end of the age, Derek Prince illustrates that there will be not one, but two harvests as depicted in Revelation 14.
- A harvest of mercy for the righteous.
- A harvest of judgment for the wicked.
As the end times approach, every individual is presented with an inescapable and crucial decision. Will they embrace God's merciful offer of salvation, or will they face His judgment.
By examining the role and significance of the Holy Spirit, Derek Prince guides readers on how to be used by God to increase the harvest of mercy and establish Christ's Kingdom on Earth.
This book will inspire you to take action and spread the Good News with a world in desperate need of salvation.
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"An eye-opener in terms of knowing the period of time we're in and most importantly how to behave and get ready for Jesus’ return."