Explore how Derek Prince's teachings can help you find freedom from generational curses.
(Chronological order)
If you are frustrated, defeated, or never fully satisfied, there could be a spiritual reason behind it. Discover how you can pass from the dark shadow of a curse into the sunlight of God's blessing.
This is an original Bible Study teaching by Derek Prince. In this ministry training video, Geoff Buck presents practical instructions on how to minister the breaking of curses.
The Good News Of The Kingdom (Volume 1)
And Then The End Shall Come
Biblical prophecy vividly depicts the climax of this age. In this challenging four-part series, Derek Prince reveals how we may play our part and be ready to meet Jesus at His return.
Invited to a wedding breakfast for God's Son, the Jews were "too busy." Now, as the age closes, Christians are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Will we also be "too busy"?