Learn the all-encompassing totality of the work of the Cross, and the four essential steps to receiving this tremendous gift.
(Chronological order)
Our salvation through Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross is totally complete, and yet many Christians have a limited understanding of what this means. They are living in a tiny portion of a house when there is a great mansion God has prepared for them. Expand your knowledge and embrace the all-encompassing totality of the Cross and its tremendous gift to people everywhere.
Continuing this theme "Complete Salvation and How To Receive It", Derek Prince expands on Jesus' loving sacrifice on the Cross and the tremendous gift this presents to believers everywhere.
Derek Prince searched for life's purpose in many different forms—highbrow, lowbrow, intellectual, aesthetic—then found his answer at midnight in an army barrack room. Discover the key to a wholesome, meaningful and fulfilling life.
The Roman Pilgrimage (Volume 3)
Welcome to Part 14 of The Roman Pilgrimage. Derek continues this study of Paul's letter to the Romans with a detailed examination of Romans 9:14-33.
The Roman Pilgrimage (Volume 1)
A comprehensive study of Romans 5:1-21.