Sparks of Spiritual Change in Brazil

Tim Sisarich
Director, DPM Connect
Tim Sisarich
Director, DPM Connect
Tim Sisarich
Director, DPM Connect
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Brazil, a nation of 215 million people, including 80 million who identify as Christians, faces a unique spiritual challenge. Many believers find themselves entangled in a blend of Christianity and pagan practices, while countless others have yet to encounter the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In 2021, after years of fervent prayer, God opened a door for our outreach in Brazil. He led us to Delma Zachi and her husband Jocelyn, both professional translators, who have since played a pivotal role in this mission. Delma explains, “In Brazil, the prosperity gospel and new age groups have taken over the country. People have lost their connection with the real Biblical gospel. I am totally convinced that Derek’s teaching can greatly help to change that.”

Delma and Jocelyn have been diligently translating Derek Prince’s Bible teachings into Portuguese and distributing these invaluable resources across the country. Their efforts have made over 130 Teaching Letters available for download on the Brazilian website. On our YouTube channel, several video sermons have been subtitled in Portuguese.

The impact of their work is evident through the heartfelt testimonies pouring in from across Brazil. Hosana Mattos shares how the Teaching Letter Barriers To Blessings profoundly impacted her life:

“The Teaching Letter has really helped me to take a definite and radical action against resentment. This is something that has haunted me all my life, but now, I can see how if we do not forgive others, our Father which is in heaven cannot forgive us.”

Similarly, Luiz Paulo and his wife Débora testify to the transformation in their spiritual health: “Since God allowed us to get to know Derek Prince’s material, especially his teachings on spiritual warfare, deliverance, and healing, our family’s spiritual health has improved considerably. We have started to effectively follow the Lord Jesus and relate effectively to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Sharing The Gospel

These personal stories highlight the profound need for Derek Prince Ministries to continue and expand its mission in Brazil. Rivaldo Francelino, an enthusiastic reader of Derek Prince’s teachings, expresses his gratitude: “I am a great admirer and an enthusiastic reader of Derek Prince’s teaching material. Thank you for making it available to us.”

Meanwhile, Eude Nabal, who runs an evangelistic project in southeastern Brazil, reaches out for support: “We evangelize constantly, and if you have any printed material available to donate, we would be very grateful and happy to distribute Derek Prince’s material.”

Delma herself has experienced the importance of solid Bible teaching. “DPM has helped me to get back on track for Jesus and to put more focus on the biblical way of life, setting my perspective of life in the kingdom of God rather than in this life only,” she shares. Her journey is a testament to the profound impact Derek Prince Ministries can have on individuals and families alike.

“DPM has helped me to get back on track for Jesus and to put more focus on the biblical way of life, setting my perspective of life in the kingdom of God rather than in this life only”

One of Derek’s teachings that greatly encourages Delma in her efforts is from The Final Four Conditions, where he writes about the essence of faith: “We plant the seed, but God makes the harvest grow. I remember years ago when I was in Ireland. I heard of a little boy of six whose parents gave him some potatoes to plant. He went out and planted his potatoes, and a week later he went out to see if they were growing. There was no sign of growth. Two weeks later he still saw nothing, so he dug them up to see if they were growing. In the end, he dug them up three or four times, and they never did grow! Some Christians are like that. They plant their potatoes and then dig them up to see if they are growing. The essence of faith is that we let God do it. We meet the conditions, but God fulfills the promise.”

Derek further elaborates on God’s abundance in connection with the restoration of Israel, quoting Jeremiah 33:6: “I will... reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” The key word here is ‘reveal’. Understanding or appropriating God’s abundance comes only by revelation. Derek concludes, “I pray that God gives you that revelation.”

As this small spark in Brazil continues to grow, there is a tremendous opportunity to ignite a powerful movement for Christ. However, this mission needs your partnership. Through your prayers and generous support, we can expand this outreach, bringing the truth of the Gospel to more people in Brazil and changing lives through the power of God’s Word.

Discover how Derek Prince’s teachings, like The Final Four Conditions, can reveal God's abundance of peace and truth in your life. Click here.

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