Supernatural Evil Power

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'Witchcraft In Disguise', featuring key message points and themes.





The third thing that witchcraft seeks to control is human beings: to get other people to do what we want them to do. One particular, obvious way is to get a man to marry a woman. A woman sees a man she wants to marry; she goes to the witch doctor, gets a potion, and gets the man to take the potion, or does some similar thing, convinced that once he’s taken the potion, he’ll fall in love with her.

The aim is always control, and the power is always evil. But it is supernatural. Do not for a moment imagine that God is the only power that works supernaturally. The devil has a lot of supernatural power, and much of the power that’s exercised in witchcraft, though it’s evil, is supernatural.

Witchcraft In Disguise

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