Overcoming the Flesh

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'The Holy Spirit As Guide', featuring key message points and themes.





And what Paul says is, through marriage, you bring forth offspring. When we were married to the flesh, we brought off the offspring of the flesh. And in Galatians 5, he lists the works of the flesh. There’s not one good thing in them.

By the Holy Spirit, we can be united to the resurrected Christ, and we bring forth the fruit of His righteousness in us, which is the fruit of the Spirit.

So you understand in a way, it’s not what we try to do, it’s what we’re united with that determines the way we live.

This is really the essence of the Christian message. See? As long as you are just trying to be good and do the right thing, you haven’t grasped the message.

The message is, get united to the right Person, and it’ll work out naturally.

The Holy Spirit As Guide

Expand your knowledge. Watch the full sermon online for a deeper, comprehensive study of the Bible.

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