Michael Tracy

Director, Derek Prince Ministries Germany

Michael Tracy is a vibrant, young leader at the helm of Derek Prince Ministries in Germany. Since 2008, he has been passionately involved in various aspects of the ministry, including marketing, publishing, donor relations, fundraising, communications, personnel management, office management, and technical innovation. Michael's dynamic approach ensures that DPM-Germany remains effective and impactful in its mission.

Personal Insights

Michael’s journey with DPM began at a young age. His father, Daniel Tracy, served as the director of DPM-Germany for as long as Michael can remember. At 18, Michael sought God's direction for his life and received a clear, albeit unexpected, answer to follow in his father's footsteps. Initially viewing DPM as merely a Christian bookstore, Michael’s perspective shifted as he experienced the blessings and opportunities the ministry provided. He pursued studies in Business Administration and Marketing, preparing himself for a future leadership role. By God’s grace, Michael now leads DPM-Germany, working alongside his siblings and their spouses, united in their mission through the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Influence Of Derek Prince

Growing up in the ministry, Michael’s biblical foundation is deeply rooted in Derek Prince's teachings. One of the most valuable lessons he learned is from Derek’s book Marriage Covenant. This book helped Michael understand God’s design for marriage and the roles of husband and wife. He realized that a man, as the head of the family, is incomplete without the support and guidance of his wife - the ‘neck’ that stabilizes, nourishes and steers the head. This revelation has profoundly impacted Michael’s marriage, leading him to honor and cherish his wife’s role, contributing to their strong and fulfilling relationship.

Some Final Thoughts

Michael is driven by a vision to make DPM a significant spiritual influence within Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Despite the perception that these regions are spiritually dormant, Michael believes that DPM can be a catalyst for change by providing practical, well-founded biblical teaching to those seeking answers. He is committed to using modern tools such as the internet, smartphones, and AI to make Derek Prince’s teachings more visible and accessible. Michael’s passion is to fulfill the vision God gave Derek Prince, transforming it from a small stream into a mighty ocean of spiritual impact.

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