Standing In God's Truth

Michael Tracy
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Germany
Michael Tracy
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Germany
Michael Tracy
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Germany
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Christian Living
Spiritual Guidance

As a father of two young children, I want to share something that deeply moves me personally. My daughter is now almost three years old. At this stage of her life, she keeps coming to me, saying very proudly: "Daddy, me and Mommy are girls and you're a boy!"

When she makes that announcement, her eyes are full of joy and pride.  I wholeheartedly affirm her words, and my answer to her is always the same: “Yes, that’s right! You and mom are the same! And you both are different from us guys. God created you to be a wonderful girl. You are perfect just the way you are.”

A Basic Belief

In the eyes of an outside observer, this matter could be considered as something trivial. For many years, that is how it has been regarded. Today, however, it is a criminal offense in some countries to teach your children clear gender roles and to confirm their gender. The tendency seems to be: “No! No! Children should be allowed to decide for themselves about their gender once they are old enough.”

The thought that parents would deliberately remove this foundation from the lives of their children, opening them up to a huge identity crisis right from the cradle, is beyond what I can take in. In Bavaria, the area where we live, people would say with a bewildered look: “Do griag i so an Hois!!”, which means something like, “It makes me angry!”

A Question of Humanism

How has humanity managed to confuse itself so fundamentally and extensively that such a clear and divinely ordained matter as “gender” is called into question?

The answer, in fact, is quite simple. Humanism has developed to a whole new level in the last few decades. Its basic tenet is that man is the measure of all things. There is no overarching, divine force leading us forward. Man—by himself alone—defines moral boundaries of right and wrong. A human decision—not God.

So, here we are. Female Olympic athletes are being beaten by transgender “females” who are setting record times. Girls allow themselves to be permanently sterilized by choice because they prefer to be boys. Educational policies have been proposed to equip kindergartens (children day care centers) with “body exploration rooms,” where children are encouraged to undress, touch, and explore one another’s bodies.

Does this set off alarm bells for you, just as it does with me?

A Biblical View

As born-again Christians, we have long been aware that humans are not capable of deciding everything for themselves. We need the Lord and His divine standard. We are dependent on God, and for that we should be very thankful! Given our situation today, I feel a new level of reverence for my Creator. I am eternally grateful to God for giving us His Word as a standard.

Meanwhile, we are caught in a spiritual warfare that requires us to take a stand. Scripture reveals that Satan will bring under his dominion all who have refused the love of the truth. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe “the lie.” What was that lie? It is the original one Satan used to deceive our first parents: “You will be like God...” or “like gods.” Basically, this is the essence of humanism.

Derek Prince had a lot to say on the subject of humanism.

"I had always thought of humanism as a comparatively harmless error. When I consulted a dictionary, I was taken aback by its definition: ‘the denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion in favor of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts.’”
From this definition, Derek drew this conclusion: “I realized that humanism is not spiritually neutral. On the contrary, it is a deliberate denial and rejection of God’s power and authority. It is an anti-religious religion."

Our Obligation as Christians

In his teaching “Humanism: Forerunners of the Antichrist,” Derek conveys background information by drawing a line between the Greek origins of humanism and the current, global effects of this thought construct. He also highlights our unique responsibility in the spiritual conflict behind the scenes. His word of encouragement is that Christ has committed to us alone the spiritual insight and weapons that can give us victory and bring to others the inner peace and identity they are seeking.

My hope is that this teaching by Derek Prince will give you a new understanding of this topic. May it be a blessing to you during this pivotal time in our service to Jesus Christ!

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