Joyce de Jongh

Team Lead - Communications, DPM Connect

Joyce de Jongh, a dedicated Christian residing in the picturesque Netherlands, serves as the Global Communications Manager for Derek Prince Ministries. Her journey with the ministry began in 1999, only a couple of years after a dramatic conversion to the Lord.

Joyce recalls, "At my baptism, I received as a gift Derek's book 'Objective for Living' (Life's Blueprint). Derek's way of teaching from the Bible made a deep impact. It showed me what God's Word says, what it means to us today and how we can practically apply it in our lives. After this first book by Derek, I read many more and they helped me mature in my faith. It is such a privilege for me to be part of DPM, helping to fulfil our mandate to 'reach the unreached and teach the untaught'. I want others to experience the same blessing that I've received through Derek's teaching of the Bible."

In the realm of communication, Joyce is a seasoned professional, skillfully wielding the power of words to convey profound messages. Her passion for God, rooted in a deep love for His Word, is the driving force behind her work. Actively engaged in her local church in Sunday school, youth work and preaching, Joyce finds joy in the community of believers and the shared commitment to living according to biblical principles.

I want others to experience the same blessing that I've received through Derek's teaching of the Bible.

A published writer, Joyce's words breathe life into various platforms. Among her books are a children's Bible and several devotionals. The canvas of her work spans Christian organizations, publishers, and entities dedicated to themes such as marriage and family, identity, mission, and Christian living.

For Joyce, writing is not merely a profession but a calling—an optimal way to give substance to her deep longing to help others draw closer to Jesus Christ. Encouraging, inspiring, and challenging individuals in their life journeys are the benchmarks of her craft.

Her role as Global Communications Coordinator for Derek Prince Ministries is also close to her heart. "For me, this position is an opportunity to help people find the Bible teaching they are looking for, and also to be a voice for out outreach workers throughout the world. God is changing lives, using Derek's Bible teaching. The testimonies are amazing. I love sharing these stories and giving people the opportunity to join what God is doing through their prayers and donations."

Joyce's dedication to her craft and her unwavering faith in God's Word make her a source of inspiration within Derek Prince Ministries and the broader Christian community. Her impact is not only felt through her role as the Global Communications Manager but also through the vibrancy and life that permeate her written expressions.

Meet Joyce de Jongh, a respected and much-loved contributor to our news section. Bio coming soon.

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Proverbs 3:5-6