Joy to the World! - Christmas outreach

Joyce de Jongh
Team Lead - Communications, DPM Connect
Joyce de Jongh
Team Lead - Communications, DPM Connect
Joyce de Jongh
Team Lead - Communications, DPM Connect
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Ministry Update
Evangelist Training

Good news: the Savior is born! These words, once proclaimed by the angels, still resound today. Joy to the world! Unfortunately, millions of people do not yet know this wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. But you and I can change that!

Derek Prince Ministries is dedicated to reaching the unreached and teaching the untaught. Especially in the days before Christmas, several DPM outreach workers will hold evangelistic events. Please pray for them, so that God’s 'joy to the world' will reach many this Christmas.

Cambodia Christmas outreach

In the period leading up to Christmas, our team in Cambodia will hold a number of large meetings, in partnership with the Provincial Pastor Association. During these events, the gospel will be proclaimed, and Derek's books and proclamation cards will be distributed.

“This collaboration with the Provincial Pastor Association only started recently, after we organized leadership seminars for them,” DPM Cambodia leader, Huy, advises, “These were well received, and now they want to partner with us to reach their communities. We are extremely grateful for this opportunity. It not only allows us to reach more people, and more effectively, but new believers also become part of a local church from the start to receive the support they need.

  • On December 12th, Huy and his team will be sharing the Gospel in Koh Kong Province for a group of 2,000 people.
  • On 13 December, another outreach will take place for 1,000 people in de K.Spue province.
  • On 16th December, the team will share the Gospel in the Tbong Kmom Province for about 500 young people.  
  • From 18th - 22nd December, Huy and his team will visit some 6,000 prisoners in different regions: Kampot, Siem Reap, Takeo, and Kep Province. All prison libraries will also receive a set of Derek's books.
  • On the morning of December 24th, our outreach workers team up with a local church in Phnom Penh City. They have rented a theater hall and are expecting about 4,000 people.  
  • On Christmas Eve, Pastor Vicheat, one of our translators, will lead an outreach together with Pastor Sokun for about 1000 people at Sambo Prey Kuk.

Thank you for lifting up Huy and his team in your prayers.

Encouraging Israeli believers

In Israel, 'peace on earth' these days seems far away. Just like in the days when Jesus was born, again the cry can be heard of mothers who lost their children. But the Savior will return to His land! Until then, we continue encouraging Messianic believers and to  help seekers find their Messiah.

Our partner ministry in Jerusalem, Christian Friends For Israel (CFI), are receiving more and more requests from congregations asking for Derek's Bible materials. Rudy Friessen, from CFI, shared: “This week, we plan to drive up north of Tiberias to deliver some items to the IDF military such as raincoats. They are greatly appreciative of Christians standing with and supporting them. With the rise of anti-Semitism globally, this is now the time for us to stand with Israel.”

Rudy added, “We appreciate your prayers as we continue on with the work the Lord has given us to do here.”

India: Orphans Christmas Party

The first Saturday of Advent always marks a special occasion at DPM India, where we begin to celebrate Christmas with our annual Orphans Christmas Party. As an organization committed to take up Derek's challenge - "God cares for the Orphans, the Widows, the Poor and the Oppressed... Do We?". This event holds a significant place in our hearts.

India Director, Elsie, advises: “This year, our DPM youth team and dedicated staff cheered on 401 children from 7 different orphanages during the annual Orphans Christmas Party. The joyous event included activities such as action songs, skits, puppets and games, creating a festive atmosphere filled with laughter and celebration.  Through events like these, we seize the opportunity to share the reason for the birth of Christ with children from diverse backgrounds - most of these, teenagers from backgrounds that do not know Christ. Our aim is not only to bring joy and celebration, but also to convey the significance of the greatest gift — Jesus Himself. At the end, each child is given the opportunity to invite Jesus into their heart.”

The main event is then followed by visits to 5 centers where 303 children from poorer economic communities, affected with cerebral palsy, are cared for.

Elsie: “While these children may be unable to dance due to their severe physical challenges, their faces light up with radiant smiles when our young people sing and dance for them, sharing the message of Christmas with the help of puppets. The Caretakers in these centers express their joy - that our visits are the brightest days in the lives of the children. This feedback reinforces our belief that, through our efforts, we bring light into what might otherwise be a dark world for these children. That, to us, is the greatest reward!”

On the second Sunday of December, the DPM India outreach extended to 200 street and slum children. “We distributed bags of goodies made up from the remaining gifts after our main events. Many of these children exhibit unruly behavior due to their challenging backgrounds and upbringing. However, our dedicated team consistently excels in calming them down.

Despite facing restrictions, our team skillfully imparts the message of Christmas through soulful songs and a concise yet impactful story. These moments of connection go beyond the surface, offering a glimmer of hope and joy to children who often experience life's hardships at an early age.”

In the upcoming weeks, the DPM India team is set to visit nearly 150 widows and their children in the hill regions of an adjoining state. Their mission involves delivering not just clothing, but also the heartfelt message of Christmas. During these visits, they aim to share in their joys and sorrows, offering a compassionate presence. Additionally, they will gather in prayer, seeking God's guidance and provision for their needs until they have the privilege of meeting them again, ideally next year during the festive season.

Elsie: “As we reflect on these heartwarming events, we extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to making these moments possible. God bless!”

May you experience the peace of Christ

Your support in prayer and finances have made a true difference this year. On behalf of all our staff and outreach workers, we want to wish you a very merry Christmas. It is our hope that during this Christmas season, you experience Jesus' peace.

Inspiration during Christmas season

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