Equipping Pastors in Kompong Speu with Spiritual Tools

Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
Huy Ly
Outreach Director, Derek Prince Ministries Cambodia
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Spiritual Growth
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In August, a much-anticipated pastors’ seminar was scheduled in Kompong Speu province, Cambodia. However, due to Government restrictions on large gatherings, the event had to be postponed. Despite the disappointment, this setback served as a poignant reminder of the preciousness of freedom to worship the Lord and the importance of cherishing opportunities for fellowship.

A Joyful Reunion

When the restrictions were eventually lifted, the seminar was rescheduled. The anticipation and excitement amongst the 50 local pastors planning to attend was palpable. The event finally took place, and it was a truly heartwarming occasion.

The pastors, who had been unable to gather in person for an extended period, were overjoyed to see one another again. Warm embraces, joyful greetings, and heartfelt conversations marked the reunion. The extended welcome period was a testament to the deep bonds of camaraderie and shared faith that united these spiritual leaders.

A Fruitful Partnership and Sharing DPM Resources

This seminar was hosted by the Provincial Pastors’ Association proved to be a spiritually enriching and impactful event. The seminar, held at a local church, allowed pastors to deepen their understanding of God's Word and equip themselves for ministry.

The DPM team of six brought a wealth of teaching resources to the seminar. These resources, drawn from Derek’s books such as Hear God's Voice, Applying the Blood, Fatherhood, Praying for the Government, and Pulling Down Strongholds, were designed to equip pastors with practical tools for their ministry.

A Spiritually Uplifting Atmosphere

The seminar began with a powerful time of prayer and worship, setting a spiritually uplifting tone for the event. Participants were then divided into small groups for in-depth discussions based on the DPM teaching materials. The enthusiasm and engagement of the pastors was evident as they shared their insights and experiences. One group, particularly moved by the teachings, spent nearly two hours sharing and praying for one another, highlighting the profound impact of the seminar.

Deepening Understanding of God's Word

The time spent studying the Word of the Lord was a highlight of the seminar. Derek Prince's teachings provided valuable insights and practical applications, enabling pastors to meditate more deeply on Scripture and gain a renewed understanding of God's truth. The seminar was a source of revelation and refreshment, equipping pastors with the spiritual tools they needed to minister effectively.

Praying for the Government

In recent months, a pastor was deeply troubled by the news and social media discourse surrounding the Government's recent decisions. Amidst the negativity and criticism, she felt a strong desire to pray for the Government, seeking guidance from God on how to do so effectively.

Even the night before attending the seminar, the pastor continued to seek God's direction. She poured out her heart in prayer, asking for specific scriptures to guide her prayers for the Government. Miraculously, she was assigned to a small group studying Derek’s book Praying for the Government.

The Bible says: First of all in Christian activity—pray.
The first topic for prayer is all those in authority.

As she delved into the book, the pastor was amazed to find that it contained numerous scriptures on how to pray for Government leaders. It was as if God had specifically answered her prayer by leading her to this resource. The revelation of these scriptures touched her deeply, filling her heart with a sense of peace and purpose.

One scripture which particularly resonated with the pastor 1 Timothy 2:1-4 which exhorts believers to pray for “kings and all those in authority”.  These verses became a powerful tool for her as she interceded for her country's leadership.

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The pastor's experience serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of prayer. Through her seeking and trust in God, she was guided to resources that equipped her to pray effectively for the Government. Her story is a testament to the faithfulness of God in answering the prayers of His people.

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