East Africa: Marriage Saved From Divorce

Geoffrey Auma
East Africa Program Coordinator, Derek Prince Ministries Africa
Geoffrey Auma
East Africa Program Coordinator, Derek Prince Ministries Africa
Geoffrey Auma
East Africa Program Coordinator, Derek Prince Ministries Africa
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Pastor Nicholas from Uganda had decided to divorce his wife, but after a powerful encounter with the Word of God, he changed his mind and withdrew the divorce paper. Let me tell you what happened.

A Marriage Saved From Divorce

The DPM team in East Africa has worked hard over the past few years, establishing an accessible Bible school program based on Derek's teaching. Classes take place during 3 days a month at nearly 30 locations. When we offer our Bible schools, we stay for several days in the village. In the evenings, after the classes, students often come to us with questions on various issues. It is a time for prayer ministry and deliverance and that is why we often call these sessions our clinics. We offer pastoral care and Biblical advice, combined with intercession and prayer for deliverance.

Pastor Nicholas from Uganda was one of the people who came to us.

His marriage was in serious trouble. So much so, that he had decided to divorce his wife. He simply did not see a way to continue their marriage. When Pastor Nicholas first married his wife, he was under the impression that she was a born again Christian, but he soon found out that she was manifesting another spirit. His wife came from a family that was heavily engaged in witchcraft, and she was exercising these practises herself, too.

Then there was the issue of infidelity, reaching the point where his wife got a child out of wedlock. For a long time, Pastor Nicholas had tried to cover up their marital problems, fearing how a divorce could impact his church. But now, he had come to a point where he couldn't continue.

Aligning with the Word of God

Through our lessons and personal ministry, based on Derek's teaching (The Marriage Covenant), we explained that marriage is a holy covenant. We started teaching him about the principles of long-suffering, perseverance, and overcoming, aligning ourselves with the Word of God. Pastor Nicholas took the step of faith, trusting God for a breakthrough, and withdrew the divorce paper.

"The success of a marriage does not depend on lack of tension or problems, but it depends on establishing a relationship which can stand and overcome those tensions and problems."

We also realised that his wife was in spiritual bondage and that the demon she was manifesting sought to destroy his ministry as a Pastor. When we contacted his wife, her initial response was very hostile. However, we knew this was a manifestation of the evil spirits. Praise God, a new start was made. As Derek says in one of his sermons: "The success of a marriage does not depend on lack of tension or problems, but it depends on establishing a relationship which can stand and overcome those tensions and problems."

Thank You

Our outreach workers in East Africa are passionate about seeing people walk in their calling. This testimony of Pastor Nicholas is just one example of that. When in 1956, God led Derek Prince to serve Him in East Africa, Derek commented on a reality that is just as true today: “There are undoubtedly powerful satanic agents and influences at work seeking to produce conditions of hatred, disorder, and bloodshed here in Kenya. In the face of such opposition, spiritual results can only be achieved by unrelenting labour in prayer, in ministry of the Word, and in fasting.”

So, on behalf of all our outreach workers in East Africa, I want to thank you again for your prayer and support in making these transformations possible. Thank you for standing with us, and being a partner in the mighty things that God is doing here. We give God all the glory and honour.

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