Geoffrey Auma

East Africa Program Coordinator, Derek Prince Ministries Africa

Geoffrey Auma is a passionate and humble servant of the Lord, dedicated to advancing God's Kingdom across East Africa. Since 2014, Geoffrey has been the East Africa Program Coordinator for Derek Prince Ministries, where he oversees Bible schools, translation and printing projects, outreach missions, and the sales and distribution of Derek Prince's impactful teachings. His efforts are instrumental in making Derek’s teachings accessible to spiritually hungry Christians throughout the region.

Personal Insights

Geoffrey's path to ministry reflects God's guidance and grace in his life. Before joining Derek Prince Ministries, he worked as a sales representative in an insurance company and later as a casual worker in a hospital. These roles allowed him to share the joy of the Lord in both professional and personal settings. Geoffrey's faith and dedication to serving God have been evident in every aspect of his journey, enabling him to touch many lives through his ministry work.

Influence Of Derek Prince

A pivotal moment in Geoffrey's spiritual growth was discovering Derek Prince's book Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting. This book showed him how his family background could affect the progress of his future and taught him the principles of proper fasting. Due to the positive outcomes he experienced, Geoffrey managed to encourage others to consider effective prayer and fasting, leading to significant spiritual transformations.

Some Final Thoughts

Reflecting on his role at DPM, Geoffrey feels a profound sense of gratitude and purpose. Each day, he is inspired by Derek Prince’s legacy and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as he collaborates with the global Derek Prince Ministries family. Together, they work to share God's Word with a world in need of truth and hope. Geoffrey finds great joy in witnessing the impact of God’s love and faith across East Africa. His passion for teaching and sharing the Word of God is fueled by the spiritual insights he has gained through Derek Prince’s teachings. Geoffrey is committed to continuing this vital work, believing that every effort contributes to the eternal harvest.

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