A Legacy Beyond the Years

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Derek Prince
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As 2023 comes to an end, we pause to reflect on the profound legacy of Derek Prince, the founder of Derek Prince Ministries (DPM), who passed away over two decades ago, on September 24, 2003. In remembering Derek Prince, we celebrate not only the life of an extraordinary individual but also, and most importantly, the faithfulness of God.

A Little Stream

The vision of DPM has its roots in a dusty, hot army barrack in Egypt during World War II. In this desolate and unassuming place, while serving in the British Army, Derek had a life-changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, which led him to devote his life to His service. It was during this time that Derek received an incredible word from the Lord, a prophecy that would shape his future and touch countless lives: “It shall be like a small stream. The stream shall become a river. The river shall become a great river. The great river shall become a sea. The sea shall become a mighty ocean, and it shall be through you; But how, you must not know, you canst not know, you shalt not know.”

"It shall be like a small stream. The stream shall become a river. The river shall become a great river. The great river shall become a sea. The sea shall become a mighty ocean..."

Changing People’s Lives

Today, the remarkable reach of DPM stands as a powerful testament to the truth of God’s promise to Derek. Over the past twenty years, his teachings, writings, and messages have been translated into more than 150 languages, and have reached every continent.

Dick Leggatt, President of DPM USA, sheds light on the factors fueling the expanding outreach. "Central to DPM's growing outreach is Derek's unwavering dedication to the Bible. His teachings, firmly rooted in the vibrant and powerful Word of God, were not mere scholarly talks. Derek had made a solemn promise to the Lord, that he would always invite his listeners to actively engage with and apply the truths of Scripture in their lives. This approach led to countless stories of transformation. People contact us frequently, saying, ‘I prayed the prayer, I took the step, I responded to what God’s Word is telling me to do.’ That is what changes people's lives."  

Derek's humility has been another key ingredient to God's blessing of the ministry. "Derek's preparation for speaking was a lesson in humility and dependence on God," Leggatt recounts. "Before Derek went on a stage to speak somewhere, he would always be on the floor of his room before the Lord, saying, 'Lord, if you don’t give me something, I have nothing to give.'"  

‘I prayed the prayer, I took the step, I responded to what God’s Word is telling me to do.’  That is what changes people's lives.

A New Chapter in Derek's Legacy  

The fact that many new outreaches were launched after Derek’s passing confirms that the ministry of DPM is not centered around a person, but upon God’s Word and Spirit. The impact of DPM in Africa is a striking example of this. In Kenya alone, hundreds of students across 27 schools have been blessed with a unique opportunity to deepen their faith and their understanding of God’s Word, through Derek’s Bible teaching in their native languages.

According to Geoffrey Auma, DPM's East Africa Coordinator, "By making these teachings accessible in native tongue of these students, DPM has bridged a crucial gap, bringing profound biblical insights into communities across East Africa."

As one of the students told us, "I grew up surrounded by African spiritualism, but it was Derek Prince's messages that introduced me to Jesus. Even though I was born long after Derek's time, his words have deeply influenced my faith."  

'I grew up surrounded by African spiritualism, but it was Derek Prince's messages that introduced me to Jesus.'

Peter Lindop, the DPM Africa Director, attributes this impact to the transformative effect of Scripture, as he quotes Derek Prince: "When you are reading your Bible and absorbing it and letting it do its work in you, all the creative power of Almighty God is at work in you. God used nothing but His word and His Spirit to create the universe. And the same Word, the same Spirit, are available to us when we read the Bible. So never set limits to what the Bible can do in your life."  

Aligning A Nation With The Gospel

Moving to South America, and one of our newest outreaches, we meet another example of God’s faithfulness. In Brazil, where the prosperity gospel and new age movements have shifted the spiritual focus from the diligent study of God's Word, there's a palpable hunger for the authentic gospel. Here, the translation into Portuguese of Derek's profound teachings on repentance, the power of the cross, and deliverance stand out as transformative. They offer a much-needed counter-narrative to the prevailing religious ethos.

"Embracing DPM's vision has reoriented my own journey towards Christ, reinforcing the importance of a life rooted in Biblical principles."

The response to Derek's teachings is reflected in the words of Delma, one of our translators in Brazil. She passionately shared, “Embracing DPM's vision has reoriented my own journey towards Christ, reinforcing the importance of a life rooted in Biblical principles. I believe deeply in the need for these life-changing messages by Derek. Through them, I am convinced that God will realign our nation with the truth of the gospel.”

Harvest of Souls: A Beacon of Hope Amid Challenges

In the heart of East Asia, amidst the vibrant tapestry of cultures and traditions, Pastor "D" embodies the spirit of dedication and courage of the new generation of DPM outreach workers. With a smile that speaks of unwavering faith, he says, "Derek's Bible teaching is more than just lessons; they are beacons of hope, encouraging our youth to grow in faith and boldness, to stand firm in the light of truth."  

Called to serve within his own community, Pastor "D" has faced challenges head-on, including hostile scrutiny from local authorities for sharing God’s Word. Yet, these trials only serve to strengthen his resolve.

This story of Pastor "D" is not an isolated one. It's part of a larger narrative of impact and expansion since Derek Prince's passing. Warren Smith, the Director of DPM in New Zealand, oversees the ministry across South East Asia and India. He speaks with a sense of awe and gratitude of God's faithfulness, "Through Derek’s Bible teachings, now available in the heart languages of many of these regions, we are witnessing a remarkable transformation. We praise God for the thousands of souls, from Vietnam to the Philippines, who are being touched. We see new house churches emerging in areas where the gospel had never reached, and villagers embracing Christ for the first time."  

Armenia's Awakening: God Stretches DPM’s Tent Pegs

Vazgen Arseni's journey with DPM is another story of faith and transformation. As the Outreach Director for the Former Soviet Republics and Caucasus, his connection with DPM began in adolescence. At just fifteen, he encountered Derek Prince's teachings in Russian, though he never met Prince in person.

In 2002, just a few months before Derek's passing, Vazgen experienced a life-changing dream. "I saw Derek in my dream and, in his specific British manner, say 'Hey you, young man; you will take me to Armenia.' When I woke up, I was excited but somewhat overwhelmed, thinking, 'Who am I to bring Derek Prince to Armenia?'" This dream became a turning point that led to the stretching of not just Vazgen's faith, but also the tent pegs of DPM. Vazgen’s efforts resulted in the translation of over 40 books and 100 videos, profoundly affecting Armenia.  

Vazgen joyfully proclaims, 'God is on the move!'. And he’s not wrong, what started with a prophetic dream, echoing Derek’s vision of a stream becoming a mighty ocean, has now expanded beyond Armenia to nations like Turkey, Iran, and Russia.

The Legacy Continues Through You

In the 20 years since Derek's passing, we've witnessed remarkable stories of hope, providing a glimpse into our ongoing impact and the exciting future ahead. The growth of outreaches in Iran, Tajikistan, Sudan, Algeria, Brasil, Estonia, and many other nations testifies to God's faithfulness and the enduring power of God's Word. And now, as we look to embrace new technology and ways of sharing and teaching the gospel, we realize that the story is far from over.

The growth of outreaches in Iran, Tajikistan, Sudan, Algeria, Brazil, Estonia, and many other nations testifies to God's faithfulness and the enduring power of God's Word.

With hearts full of gratitude towards God and a steadfast commitment to Jesus’ Great Commision, we are dedicated to sharing the Bible teachings of Derek Prince, anchored in the transformative power of God’s Word, with more nations, peoples, tribes, and languages. We are also deeply grateful to our friends and partners in this mission. Your prayers and financial support is helping spread the gospel to new generations and people across the globe.

Thank you for being part of this journey.

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