‘God broke the curse on my family’ – a testimony from Belarus

Derek Prince Ministries
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Bible Schools

The DPM team in Belarus is seeing more and more people wanting to take the DPM Correspondence Bible School. Many students share their testimonies, like the amazing story from Alina below.

“If you grew up in a Christian home, you know what a privilege it is to be surrounded by your parent's prayers from your childhood”, Alina wrote. “But things were quite different for me. My parents grew up under Communism, with a great fear of talking about God, and so did I.

When I got married, my husband and I moved to another town, together with his parents. Shortly after this, my father-in-law left his wife for another woman. But she was a quarrelsome person who put a curse on all his relatives. From that time onward, everything went wrong. My family started falling apart: my husband began to have suicidal thoughts, my son became seriously ill, and my daughter couldn’t get out of bed in the mornings."

“I went to several witches, asking them to break the curses on my family, but it was getting even worse.”

That kind of scenario is not uncommon in the former Soviet Republics. Many people in Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and elsewhere in the former Soviet Republics struggle to make sense of life without God.

Often, they are searching for spiritual breakthroughs—but in the wrong places, just like Alina did. In Alina’s case, as she tried to find solutions for the troubles of her loved ones, she became fascinated with magic. She started to consult with witches, asking them to break the curses hanging over her family.

But everything just continued to get worse.

This is Alina’s Faith Story

God used a local Christian lady and Derek Prince’s Bible teaching to transform the situation of Alina’s family. Listen to Alina as she continues her story:

“One day, our neighbor came to our house. She said: ‘I have been praying about you and God told me to come and see you. I want to speak to you about Jesus because He is the only one who can break the curses on your family.’

At first, I was quite sceptical about God; but my resistance didn’t last long. I felt like my life was destroyed by all the problems, and I was simply too tired to fight them alone. Finally, I took a step toward God. It is so amazing that He accepted me, called me by name, and blessed me. He protected me when I was threatened by evil. As I read my Bible and prayed, God purified my selfish and proud heart. He healed my wounds and helped me to move on.

“I want to speak to you about Jesus because He is the only one who can break the curses on your family.”

Then He brought me to Derek Prince Ministries. That changed everything in my family. Because of your ministry, I have learned about important topics such as blessings and curses.”

Thanks to the ongoing generosity of DPM supporters, Alina was able to obtain a free copy of Derek Prince’s book, Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose. That was the key for her and her family.

While reading Derek’s book, Alina repented of her sin of seeking help in the wrong places. But more importantly, she learned how to break the curses on her family using God’s powerful and life-changing Word.

She also signed up for DPM’s Correspondence Bible School to learn more about God and to build a strong faith-foundation.

Your story

Alina's life changed - and so did the course of her children's lives. Today, Alina and her family are walking with God, and she and her husband are surrounding their children with prayers daily.

This could not have happened without your help. Thanks to the prayers and gifts from people like you, the team of DPM in Belarus was able to help Alina - and many people like her.

But this testimony isn't limited to Alina's story. Alina grew up with fear of speaking about God, but - thank God! - Alina's neighbor received boldness from the Holy Spirit to speak about Jesus with her nonetheless. You could be that same person to your own neighbor. Perhaps they need to hear the message about Jesus' power to break curses, too. That is why we pray Alina's testimony will encourage you. We also want to provide to you with the resources you need to share the good news about God.

Check out our resources to find what you need or contact our team nearest to you.

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