South East Asia: 2022 Highlights

Warren Smith
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Asia/Pacific
Warren Smith
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Asia/Pacific
Warren Smith
Director, Derek Prince Ministries Asia/Pacific
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Teaching Distribution

As 2022 draws to a close, we want to take this opportunity to firstly say a huge “thank you” for your generous financial gifts to our south east Asian outreaches over the past year. Without your faithful support, we simply would not have been able to distribute Derek’s teaching to the extent we have, and the impact on thousands of individual lives would have been far less.

We would like to share just a few of the highlights that your giving has enabled over the past year...

Thailand and Laos

2022 Highlights

Our New Zealand based coordinators, Alex and Jan D’Ath, have just returned from 10 weeks in Thailand and Laos, and are very excited about the way God is working there using DPM resources. The highlight was their time in Laos, where they took two suitcases of The Divine Exchange booklets (the first ever Derek Prince Lao book printed) and large numbers of proclamation cards in Lao, through the border. Then God showed them where to sow them. They met pastors, who oversee groups of churches, who were eager to take ‘gifts’ back to their churches; individuals with ministries who God highlighted to them at gatherings, and ‘random’ people God caused them to meet as they travelled. God laid on their hearts that they should go to one Laos city where they had no contacts, but this ended up being a very significant ministry time.

A large answer to prayer has been God’s provision of a Thai-Singaporean couple, Jason and Arisa Tan, to help co-ordinate the ministry in Thailand in partnership with Alex and Jan. They will be able to take the work further and in ways that are appealing to Thai people. Jason and Arisa are missionaries and we would love to be able to help support them – our budget for this is NZ$7,500.

This year new webpages for both the Thai and Lao languages have been launched, with 24 Derek Prince booklets, many proclamation cards and the first Teaching Letters, all available for free download. This has been a very productive and exciting year for DPM in Thailand and Laos and we pray many will use these resources to grow in the Lord, and to encourage others.

Thailand and Laos: Looking Ahead to 2023

Significant progress has been made in the last 12 months and we need to continue building on this. The best and safest way to do this is to have as much Derek Prince teaching material available as possible on the two websites.  So, another 30 of Derek’s Teaching Letters will be translated into Thai and Lao in 2023. Would you like to sponsor one or more of these translations for just $124 each?

Derek’s Thai Resources for Church Leaders


2022 Highlights

  • Eight more books translated into the Khmer language.
  • 49,000 Khmer-language books published, with on-going distribution to pastors and leaders.
  • 12 teaching seminars held for pastors and Christian leaders.
  • Humanitarian aid distributed to tribal communities.
  • Two new websites launched: English:  and  Khmer:
“I am a pastor, 29 years old, living in Ang Krosang village. I came down with a serious case of Dengue Fever, with a very high fever for three days and nights, and I was sent to a hospital ICU for treatment. Praise the Lord; He sent pastor David to the hospital who prayed for me. After reading Derek’s book, Applying the Blood, we proclaimed that by the blood of Jesus Christ I am healed. I was healed - not because of the medication - but because the Lord loves me and wants me to be healthy.”  – Ps. Da Moeun

Our vision and goals for 2023 in Cambodia include:

  • 12 pastors’ seminars with a total cost of NZ$20,500
  • Five evangelistic outreaches (NZ$12,780)
  • Reprinting up to 25 Khmer-language books (up to NZ$50,000)
  • Printing 10 proclamation cards (NZ$2,700)

Pastors’ Seminar, Battambang Province, Cambodia


2022 Highlights

  • Four Bible camps for young adults and seven Bible classes held for tribal Christian workers, as well as five pastors’ seminars held.
  • Evangelistic outreaches held, along with baptisms for new Christians.
  • Humanitarian aid distributed in conjunction with Derek’s books.
  • Ongoing translation of Derek’s books and Teaching Letters into Vietnamese for free download from the website.
  • Two new websites launched:  English:  and  Vietnamese:

Testimony from Pastor "T"

“The Self Study Bible Course has been a great blessing for me and my church. I have come to know the truth of the Bible in a systematic way and we use it to teach in our home groups, training new believers. This is a wonderful tool for discipleship. Other Derek Prince books also help me a lot to be balanced between the Spirit and the Word. Thank you for supporting my ministry; it helps me a lot to go out and reach more people for Jesus.”

Vietnam: Looking Ahead

  • Up to 14 books will require reprinting or first printing (and adding to the website for free download), along with 1,000 copies each of 30 proclamation cards. The cost for this will be NZ$26,500.
  • Four teaching seminars for pastors to be held, costing approximately NZ$9,900, along with four outreaches costing approximately NZ$3,400.
  • Voicing 163 of Derek’s two-minute Word from the Word devotionals into Vietnamese: NZ$2,747.

We are both encouraged and excited at all that has been accomplished in our south east Asian outreaches this year. We are very mindful of Jesus’ words in John 9:4 when he said, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no-one can work”. We need to use every opportunity we have now to make Derek’s life-changing Bible teaching available to pastors and Christian leaders. Would you please prayerfully consider making a special end-of-year gift so our national workers can continue to do this?

You can donate securely below. All donations for this Derek Prince Ministries South East Asia outreach appeal are tax-rebatable.

Your support is very much needed and greatly appreciated.

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