Warren Smith

Director, Derek Prince Ministries Asia/Pacific

Warren Smith is a dedicated leader with a passion for expanding Derek Prince Ministries (DPM) across the Asia/Pacific region. As Director & Trustee of DPM New Zealand, he oversees regional development, including new initiatives, project management, fundraising, donor relations, and book publishing. His support for DPM Asia-Pacific co-workers has been key in fostering growth and innovation.

Warren’s journey with DPM began in 1978 when he became the New Zealand distributor for Derek’s books. By 1980, he had established DPM New Zealand, and in 1984, the DPM NZ office was officially recognized.

A born-again Christian since 1971, Warren was inspired by Derek Prince’s teachings and answered the call to literature evangelism in 1972. He and his wife, Roseanna, embarked on a faith-driven journey, starting a Christian bookshop and literature distribution company in 1977, which eventually led to supplying requests for Derek’s books.

Warren's notable achievements include organizing Derek & Ruth Prince’s visit to New Zealand in 1985 and establishing the first DPM NZ Outreach office in Indonesia in 1991, followed by expansions into Malaysia, the Pacific islands, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. He also played a key role in creating New Zealand’s first free-to-air Christian TV channel, Freedom TV, now known as Shine TV. Guided by scriptures like 2 Corinthians 9:8 and Matthew 6:33, Warren’s unwavering faith continues to drive him to further DPM’s mission.

Personal Insights

Warren’s faith journey began with a life-changing encounter with Christ in 1971, leading to a profound transformation that shaped his personal and professional life. He and Roseanna have walked together in faith, responding to God’s call with a spirit of obedience and trust. Warren’s qualifications are not from traditional institutions but from a life devoted to following the Lord’s guidance. He believes he is fulfilling his spiritual calling every day.

Influence Of Derek Prince

Warren attributes much of his spiritual growth to Derek Prince’s teachings. Among the many impactful lessons, 2 Corinthians 9:8 stands out as a cornerstone of his faith, encouraging him to step out in faith and trust in God’s provision. This principle has guided Warren in his mission to serve and support DPM’s global network, making Derek’s teachings accessible to spiritually hungry Christians in multiple languages.

Some Final Thoughts From Warren

"Derek's teachings have profoundly impacted my faith journey. One teaching that stands out is from 2 Corinthians 9:8, which taught me to step out in faith when opportunities arise. I still hold this verse as my foundation: 'And God is able to make all grace abound towards you so that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good (or God) work.' My passion is to make Derek's Bible teaching easily available in all main languages of every nation and to encourage, pray for, and support the DPM co-workers in those regions."

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Proverbs 3:5-6