Equipping Pastors And Believers For The Spiritual Battle - Vietnam

Derek Prince Ministries NZ
Derek Prince Ministries NZ
Derek Prince Ministries NZ
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Spiritual Guidance

The world in which we live is full of battles – both in the natural and in the spiritual. For believers, there are no exceptions, for as Derek himself put it, “Whether you realise it or not, all Bible-believing Christians are involved in a daily battle against the forces of evil”. Our co-workers in Vietnam recognise the nature of this battle and are equipping church leaders and ministry members with the Word of God – through Derek’s teaching – to help them to grow stronger in their walk with the Lord. This will place these leaders in a strong position to minister to those who desperately need help in their own battles.

Deliverance Through Proclamation

One of our Vietnam Coordinators, Ps. “A” in Ho Chi Minh City has seen first hand the difference that Derek’s proclamation cards, coupled with prayer, can make for someone going through a major spiritual battle. She advised us:

“There was a woman attacked by a demon for a year. She backslid and left the church. At first, she was very rich in her business; she didn’t need God and she chose to be a single Mum. Then her business closed due to Covid; she went bankrupt; lost control; lost her mind and wanted to kill herself many times. She also could not take care of her daughter. But thank God for His mercy and His grace; He protected her and connected us with her. We visited her at her house to pray for the deliverance of God to come upon her. It was a process, and we visited a few times to do deliverance using Derek’s proclamation cards, guiding her to read them as well. She read the proclamation cards every day; prayed and read the Word of God. We praise God that she is now delivered; has become a happy person and loves God. She now faithfully attends church and said: “I want to serve God; I feel my life now is full of joy and I feel stronger than ever before”. Through this testimony, we saw how God anointed all the words written in the proclamation cards. We believe that God will continue to deliver many other lives through Derek’s proclamation cards.”

Training Pastors And Leaders

This year, the two DPM-Vietnam teams are holding several seminars for pastors and leaders to train them using Derek’s teaching. Each pastor is also receiving a gift pack of Derek’s Vietnamese books and proclamation cards to use in their ministry. This material is vital for these leaders who have little access to Bible teaching. Your generosity in sowing into our Vietnam ministry enables pastors like “N.A.S.”, who serves God in a central Vietnam church, to not only grow in his own life and ministry, but to help others.  Ps. “N.A.S.” writes, “I give thanks to God for the teaching materials of Derek Prince. It has had a great impact on my life and ministry. I believe in God's Word, but I rarely confess the promises of God over my life, so I haven’t experienced much of what God promised for me, my family and ministry. Thank God that through pastor “D” of DPM, I came to know Derek Prince’s books. Since I read his books and started confessing God’s Word and promises, His words came alive to me more than ever before. I started to see the effect of God’s Word on my life. I have grown in the Word a lot through the Self Study Bible Course and now I am leading many groups using this book in their churches. May God bless Derek Prince Ministries greatly.

Supporting Local Pastors

Derek Prince Ministries-New Zealand is financially supporting five pastors in central Vietnam in order to help them with evangelism and discipleship of new believers. One of our DPM coordinators, Ps. “D” in Da Nang, writes:

“Thank you very much, DPM-New Zealand, for your generosity and ongoing support, especially for the five pastors you are sponsoring. Some of the testimonies we have received from them are as follows”:
“Thank you so much, DPM! The teaching in the book Self Study Bible Course has been a great blessing for me and my church. I have come to know the truth of the Bible systematically and we use it to teach in our home groups, training new believers. This is a wonderful tool for discipleship. Other books also help me a lot to be balanced between the Spirit and the Word. Thank you for supporting my ministry; it helps me a lot to go out to reach more people for Jesus.” - Ps “S”
“Thanks for your support; it enables me to train tribal disciples for Jesus. We have monthly Bible classes. We bought lunch for the people who came to study and we go out togther to win souls.” - Ps “T”
“Derek’s books, especially Self Study Bible Course are being used effectively in a new area where the gospel has been preached for the first time. One of our brothers has given the books out and taught Self Study Bible Course, together with the Bible. The people in this area have now burned all witchcraft and demonic objects and books. Thanks a lot for your love and support. - Ps. “D”
“Derek’s book, God’s Remedy for Rejection, was really a huge blessing for us. We used this book to help the drug addicts and people who were cast away from their families. We know why they behaved like this and how to help them. Thank you so much.” - Ps “P”
“Thank you so much, DPM, for Covid-19 relief aid; we are so grateful for this timely help. Many belivers are encouraged and it helps us to reach out to many more unbelievers with this tool.” - Ps “S”

On behalf of Ps. “A” in Ho Chi Minh City; Ps. “D” in Da Nang and the five pastors in central Vietnam, we would like to extend our grateful thanks to you for your generous support which enables us to equip the Body of Christ in Vietnam with Derek’s vital teaching material.  

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