Day 29: From Curse To Blessing
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The Decision Is Yours Series
Background for From Curse To Blessing
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Day 29: From Curse To Blessing

Yesterday, we saw that Jesus was made a curse, so we might receive, through faith, the blessing. But bear in mind that it comes through the Holy Spirit because in the 14th verse of Galatians 3, it says: “He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might comes to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit [capital “S,” the Holy Spirit].” In other words, the Holy Spirit is the administrator of the blessings that have been legally obtained for us by the atoning death of Jesus Christ on our behalf.

Let me say those simple statements once more: the exchange is from curse to blessing. The cross is the place of decision. The Holy Spirit is the administrator of the blessings as we hear and obey God’s voice.

I’ve pointed out that the transition from curse to blessing in your life will come by your making the right decision. And you can make that right decision right here and now. But I need to add that making the right decision will not necessarily change every aspect of your life immediately. What it will do is change the course of your life. You’ve been walking into the shadows, now you turn round and begin to walk into the sunlight. It’s a process, not one single instantaneous experience. As you are thenceforth led by the Holy Spirit, the blessings will be worked out for you. Let me remind you of what Moses said in Deuteronomy 28:2. If you hear and obey the voice of the Lord,

“[All] these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.”

So you turn around, towards the sunlight of God’s favor. You begin to walk towards it, away from the curses, into the area of blessings. Now it doesn’t follow that all the blessings will immediately be yours but as you continue to walk in that direction, to hear and obey God’s voice and to be led by the Holy Spirit, then the blessings will come on you and overtake you; a total change in the course of your life. That comes by decision. You can make that decision right now. The outworking of your decision will really take the rest of your life, but your life will be going in a different direction from what it has been up to now.

Are you ready to make that decision? Perhaps many of you that have read the list of curses had to say, “Well, that’s what I’m experiencing. It just describes my life. So many things in that list are what are happening to me. I want to change. I want to turn around. I want to turn my back on all that darkness.” If that’s what you want to do, let me show you very briefly and simply how to do it.

Prayer Response

I want you to think of yourself mentally standing at the foot of the cross, looking up at the body of Jesus hanging on the cross and saying, “Thank you, Lord. I understand. You were on that cross. You hung there because You were made a curse for me. And You were made a curse for me that I might receive the blessing. And, Lord, I want to thank You. First and foremost, I want to thank You that you love me so much that You were willing to endure all those curses that I might have the blessings. And, Lord, from now on I turn my back on those curses. I turn my back on sin and rebellion and pride and stubbornness and self-will. I won’t go my own way any longer, Lord. I turn around. I leave the curses behind me. I’m going to hear and obey Your voice. I’m going to be led by the Holy Spirit. By Your grace, Lord, I’m going to walk out of the darkness into the sunlight, out of the curses into the blessings.

This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
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