Day 24: Jesus, The Life Giver
Daily Devotional
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The Decision Is Yours Series
Background for Jesus, The Life Giver
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Day 24: Jesus, The Life Giver

Yesterday we saw that the choice between Life and Death is not only something from the Old Testament, but that Jesus Himself puts it before us: if we choose Him, there’s Life and Abundance, blessing and fullness. But Jesus also said: “if you don’t choose Me, the alternative is the thief, the Devil.” And Jesus warns us so clearly the motives of the thief. He says this, “...[he] comes only to steal [to] kill [to] destroy.” Those are three very solemn words. Bear that in mind, if you admit the devil into your life, that’s why he comes. He won’t tell you that, he may offer you a lot of lies and a lot of bluff but behind it all that’s his motivation—to steal, to kill, to destroy.

To steal, he’ll take away the blessings which God wishes you to have: your health, your peace of mind, the happiness of your home and your family, the respect of others. He’ll take those things away, he’ll steal them. Not only that, he’ll kill you physically. Remember, he’s a murderer. He’ll be responsible for your death. But that’s not the end. After that, he’ll destroy soul and body in hell. That’s a terrible option. Remember the thief only comes to steal, to kill, to destroy.

What’s the alternative? The alternative is Jesus. “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It’s exactly the same choice that was presented to Israel. In fact, Moses merely prophetically foreshadowed the great Messiah Jesus.

So, we have two persons standing in front of us: Jesus, and the thief. We have to yield to one. The only option is: To whom shall we yield? Shall we yield to Jesus and receive life? Or shall we yield to Satan and be cursed with death, banishment from the presence of God? Remember, the decision is yours. Each one of us has to make that decision.

Let me say one more thing: I pray for you that you will choose life. I pray for everyone that reads these messages that they will choose life. And let me say one more thing: If you choose life, you need to affirm your choice boldly. I want to give you some words from Psalm 118, verse 17:

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.”

If you choose Jesus, and receive in Him eternal life, then you will not be murdered by the thief. God will take you home in His time but you will not be murdered. You can say, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” Remember, you have to make a positive confession. You cannot be passive, you cannot be fatalistic.

Let me recommend to you that you make this confession:

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.”

I invite you to read it aloud, phrase by phrase. “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” May God bless you.

Prayer Response

Yes Father, I want to choose Life! I want to live, and declare the works of the Lord! I boldly say ‘NO’ to the thief, the murderer, the destroyer, I choose Life, I choose Jesus, the Life Giver! Help me Lord, through Your Holy Spirit, to always discern when I need to make a bold stand and make the right decision, and write these decisions on the tables of my heart. In Jesus’ Name, amen!

This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
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