This thorough, scripture-based study, explains how Christians can shape history through prayer, how fasting increases the effectiveness of prayer, and offers practical direction on both.
Christians have altered the course of history and governments by emphasizing biblical methods of prayer and fasting. Best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince recounts from personal experience how history was shaped through prayer during the Second World War in North Africa, the birth of the State of Israel, the end of the Stalin era, and the independence of Kenya, East Africa. Learn how you can implement change - in your family, church, locale, country, and the world.
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"A brilliant and incredibly well-written book, filled with tons of Scripture links and historic references... Extremely recommended."
"This is the best book on fasting I have ever come across. Period!"
"A must-read for all those who desire to exercise an effective ministry of biblical intercession. I have benefited greatly from this work."