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Stories from Around the World

Inspired by the teachings of Derek Prince, we regularly receive testimonies from pastors, church leaders and believers from around the world. Discover why Derek Prince Ministries remains a trusted source of Bible teaching and inspiration for Christians everywhere.

What People Say

“I was led to the teachings of Derek Prince a few months ago. I can’t thank him enough for everything I have learned. A new world of spiritual knowledge has opened up to me. I hear him daily and I thank our Heavenly Father for his teachings.”

Carmen M, France

“The name of Derek Prince became a synonym around the world for integrity and for courage, courage to speak on Bible topics that most preachers were afraid to think about, let alone teach.”

John Hagee, Founder of Hagee Ministries

“I’ve been watching Derek Prince on YouTube for some years now. His teachings are so solid and refreshing that even now he continues to have an impact in a time when solid teaching is scarce.”

Minerva O, United States

“I am so in awe of the power of God that had worked in Derek Prince’s life, how His leading brought about change in world events through Derek’s prayers and obedience and ushered in a fresh awakening in the lives of so many people. I am most captivated by God’s love and purpose for and through this man.”

Phil Keaggy, Award-Winning Musician and Recording Artist

“I have learned so much from your teachings.”

Pastor Lazarous P, Zambia

“[Derek Prince] is a pioneer and father of the faith to millions. Similar to the prophet Elisha, his death has been a seed in the ground that continues to breed life. It was an honor to meet Derek in person, and I can truly say that there is an awesome man behind the ministry.”

Kimberly Daniels, Kimberly Daniels Ministries International

“I have been listening to Derek Prince’s teachings and it has changed my life. Thank you Derek Prince Ministries.”

Susannah T, Australia

“Even though I had won two Academy Awards and many other accolades, meeting Jesus and having Him in my life is the most important thing that has ever happened to me. And having Derek Prince as a friend and teacher brought me a great amount of love, joy, and peace. To this day, I quote Derek in my monthly Bible studies.”

Al Kasha, Academy Award-Winning Composer-Songwrite

“My life has been changed by Derek Prince’s teachings.”

Miriam G, United Kingdom

“The truly apostolic quality of Derek Prince’s leadership over the years of his life and influence has left a quality of content, depth of insight, and righteousness of spirit in his literary legacy of teaching and exhortation.”

Jack W. Hayford, President of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and Chancellor of The King's College and Seminary

“I continue to be blessed and encouraged by Derek Prince Ministries! Thank you for making Derek’s profound teachings so readily available.”

Lynne C, United States

“Derek Prince was the general of deliverance ministry; there is no doubt he was way ahead of his time. He being dead, yet speaketh, amen.”

Greg Lock, Founder of Global Vision Bible Church

“I love this ministry. I got delivered from the grip of the enemy.”

Patrice A, Trinidad and Tobago

“Patriarchs of faith are recognized by the wells of refreshing they have dug and by the altars of sacrifice they have built. As it was in ancient times, so it is in our day. Foundational Truths for Christian Living is evidence that a patriarch has graced our generation. The truths in this volume were mined by a man of such spiritual passion, classical scholarship, and transforming revelation that they have become both well and altar for an age in desperate need. May God grant us from the life of Derek Prince an army of young lions like him.”

Stephen Mansfield, Author of 'Derek Prince - A Biography'

“By accident I came across one of Derek Prince’s teachings on YouTube. In the world we say ‘by accident’, but I know this was no accident. I truly believe this was the Holy Spirit leading and guiding me into all truths. And this first occurred approximately one month ago and I’ve been watching every day.”

Lisa J, United States

“It would not be an overstatement to say the world is indebted to Derek Prince. His life and legacy span continents and generations. His unique writings take that which is spiritual and sometimes complex, and by grace and through [personal] experience, [Derek] demystifies the spiritual and deconstructs the complex. In a world that is cluttered with self-help books, pseudo-psychology and designer-ethics he has created a space and a voice that keeps us from drowning in information while perishing for a drought of wisdom. Those who start their journey or further it with the ministry of Derek Prince are always the better for it. May you continue in the apostles doctrine and not only run but win the race before you.”

Michael Pitts, Cornerstone Global Network

“I have truly been blessed by Derek Prince Ministries. Your teachings are clear and I’m a regular listener.”

Darryl L, United States

“We remember Derek Prince speaking in our sanctuary. It was our honor to host this precious man of God...”

Kehilat HaCarmel, Carmel Congregation

“I found Derek Prince’s sermons during the pandemic lockdown and have been feeling peace and joy while listening to his teachings.”

Meing, Malaysia

“It was always part of Derek’s heart to take care of those in need and to have a burden for the lost.”

Barry Segal, President & Co-founder, Vision for Israel

“I was baptised in high school and was much involved with Christianity, yet I didn’t know Christ’s work on the cross was for me. I thought Jesus was needed by others, but not me. I lived a sinful lifestyle. Several years later I was sick of my empty life and I wanted a solid direction. I watched all the inspirational videos I could find yet there was no lasting peace within me. After some time of searching, I was determined to have God for real. One night I knelt down in my bedroom and called out to God for forgiveness, and I began to read the Bible again. God led me to Romans 10:9-10 and gave me the faith to accept it. Finally I knew what Jesus Christ did for me on the cross. Praise God! Through your YouTube channel I found much teachings that increased my faith, and they are so practical to my walk with Christ.”

Samuel Z, Taiwan

“We remember Derek Prince with great fondness and respect...”

Alison Eastwood, UK National Director, Ebenezer Operation Exodus

“My life will never ever be the same after listening to Derek Prince’s teachings. It’s been two months now and I am completely committed in my walk, talk and thinking. Glory to God! Thank you.”

Shawnda J, United States

“Derek’s passion for fatherhood is also a living legacy to the body of Christ and an example for other leaders to emulate.”

Cheryl Wilcox, Christian Broadcasting Network

“Derek Prince is my teacher. I learn from him every day. He has been a blessing in my life and I thank our Lord for this. Thank you!”

Carmen R M, France

“Derek Prince Ministries has been a leading force in the area of spiritual warfare and teaching on the spiritual realm from a Christian perspective. With 45 offices around the world, this ministry has had international recognition, reach, and influence for decades.”

RMI Media

“Thank you for your steadfast service unto to world. I’ve been listening to Derek Prince’s teachings for the better part of the last year. Such an inspiration.”

Daniel, United Kingdom

“A couple of years ago I was desperately searching for someone who could teach me the Word of God. Until then I had found none and my knowledge just came from reading alone. At that time I was seeking God and browsing YouTube, where I found a teaching from Derek Prince. I was mesmerized. Ever since then I have watched his videos daily.”

Bruno S, Portugal

“Derek Prince opened my eyes through his teaching and set an example for me to follow.”

Lucinda, United States

“My wife and I discovered Derek’s teachings on YouTube and it really helped us to understand spiritual warfare. We are delivered now and continue to walk in faith with Jesus.”

Pietro P, Switzerland

“I thank God for Derek Prince Ministries. You’re in the right place at the right time.”

Charles M, United States

“I was born in a Hindu family but accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour some years ago. I have since discovered Derek Prince on YouTube and have been healed of depression. I have learned a great deal and found a reliable Bible teacher (after so much of searching). Thank you so much Derek Prince Ministries for spreading the Word of God and the Gospel throughout the world.”

Shreyas J, India

“Today was the first day I watched a message by Derek Prince. It was so inspiring. Thank you.”

Theresa, United States

“I am really blessed by the teachings of Derek Prince.”

Annamma Q, India

“I thank God for Dereck Prince Ministries. It is a blessing to have such teachings so deep and straight to the core.”

Ann M P, USA

“A while back I was trying to read the Bible but didn’t understand it because I had the KJV. I didn’t know there were other versions. I was so ignorant. So I tried looking for a church to go to because I thought surely there I will be taught and they can explain. I went to several and ended up disappointed. No one around me could show me the way. So I gave up! I was recently watching YouTube and stumbled upon Derek Prince. Now I’m hooked! He was the type of person I was looking for. I am so thankful that his videos are still out and are being translated. I am learning so much! I watch his videos everyday.”

Belisa G, USA

“I am immensely encouraged by Derek Prince Ministries’ messages. My desire is intensified to learn the Word of God and bring blessings into our family. Thank you for all the resources you’ve made available.”

Pilli B, India

“Derek Prince’s teachings have transformed my life. I now live more aware of the supernatural world than ever before. I am excited to be on this new journey with the Holy Spirit. Learning about curses and blessings have been so God ordained. Even through the online video messages of Derek Prince I feel a powerful presence of God in my room. A true prophet and man of God. I wait to greet and thank him in Heaven!”

Suzie Grace, United Arab Emirates

“I thank Derek Prince for his thorough teachings! His love, patience, and dedication was very noticeable from the very beginning! He taught me so much! He is one of my ‘go to’ preachers! God spoke through him and he helped open my eyes to truth!”

Elizabeth, Canada

Derek Prince

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