Elsie Daniel

Director, Derek Prince Ministries India

Elsie Daniel, alongside her husband Daniel Prabakaran, is dedicated to managing the operations of Derek Prince Ministries in India and Sri Lanka. Since 1996, they have travelled extensively throughout both countries, leading Pastors’ Conferences, Youth Training Programs, and DPM Bible Colleges. Their mission is to equip and empower the Church in these regions with Derek Prince's transformative teachings.

Personal Insights

Elsie’s journey to ministry is a testament to God’s divine plan. At 18, she aspired to pursue a career in medicine, but a series of disappointments redirected her path toward computer software, a burgeoning field in India at the time. She earned a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Management, a Diploma in Business Management, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics. When her father began publishing Derek’s books in India in 1997, Elsie’s computer skills proved invaluable in preparing, proofreading, and finalising the books for printing. This unexpected alignment of her education with God’s calling paved the way for her ministry work, expanding DPM’s reach to the South Pacific Region through exports.

Influence Of Derek Prince

One of the most profound influences on Elsie’s faith journey has been Derek Prince’s book "The Divine Exchange." In 2013, Elsie faced a life-threatening skin disorder called Bullous Pemphigoids. Despite high doses of steroids, her condition did not improve until she made a faith-filled confession that Jesus was wounded so she might be healed. Declaring, “Not by the medicine but by the blood of Jesus I will be healed,” she witnessed a miraculous recovery within 10 days. This experience, rooted in the principles taught in "The Divine Exchange," stands as a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith.

Some Final Thoughts

Elsie & Daniel are deeply passionate about bringing Derek’s doctrinally sound, Word-based teachings to pastors across India and Sri Lanka. Their motivation comes from witnessing the transformative impact of these teachings on individuals and communities. They dream of equipping the young generation in churches with these powerful resources, ensuring that the future of the Church is rooted in strong, biblical foundations. The testimonies and results they see and hear fuel their dedication to this mission, making their journey with DPM a fulfilling and impactful calling.

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