DPM Southern Africa - Newsletter February 2025

Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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Ministry Update
South Africa
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Dear Derek Prince Supporters, Donors and Prayer Warriors,

Greetings in Jesus Name, the name above every other name.

It was a very busy time since I wrote the last letter. I was in Spain in October at the Fellowship of National Outreach offices. There were 70 delegates from around the world. We heard all the reports of how Derek’s teaching is reaching and impacting peoples lives. You can read  some of the outreach to the nations on the website under the NEWS item.

While in Spain  I had a call from my daughter Margaret to say she had to take Brian my husband to a private doctor. He was not on medical aid. We then had to take him to Steve Biko Government hospital for CT Scan and a kidney biopsy as they found a large growth on his kidney.  He had the biopsy but would only get the results on the 20th January. At Margaret’s home he fell and fractured the head of his femur so had to go back to hospital and a week later he had surgery. He was very weak and anemic. He was discharged on Wednesday. On Friday he had an infection set in, we gave him the antibiotic but on Saturday morning 21 December he went to be with the Lord. He did not want chemo if the results were cancer, which it was and he wanted to go Home he was tired. He was 80 and had nursed his mother of 100 with dementia until she went to be with the Lord 18 months before this. We could only have the funeral on the 3rd of January due to the holidays. The Lord was good in providing a pastor friend who lived across the road who conducted the funeral. We know Brian is with the Lord and out of further suffering and pain.  

We are well into 2025 I trust that this year will be a year with new opportunities to get involved with the harvest and discipling of the nations. Seeking more ways to get Derek’s clear teaching across the nations in Africa. Thank you so much for those who donated and prayed so faithfully during 2024. Many lives have been changed and brought nearer to the Lord. We so value your support. I just wish I could meet you all in person to say thank you. Without your support we would not be able to give so much of Derek’s material to ministries, Bible Study Groups, Prayer groups, Prisons etc.

The staff came to work a week before we opened the office for an auditors stock take. People were already phoning wanting to buy books. We have had a number of visitors who are running Bible Study groups. One group has 27 ladies who we were able to give Derek’s Afrikaans books and English Self Study Bible Course too. They were so grateful.

Peter Lindop our Derek Prince Ministries Sub Sahara Africa director will be visiting SA on the 14th March 2025.

He would like to meet with ministries, Bible Schools, Radio Stations pastors and leaders who are working into countries in Africa.  
If you know of anyone please would you email me [email protected] as soon as possible as I am busy making the arrangements.

We had a request for books for 2 prison Libraries in Kwa Zulu Natal.

One in Eshowe and the other in Empangeni. We printed and spiral bound 50 English and Zulu Self Study Bible Courses and a selection of books for their prison libraries.

The Full Gospel Church in Valhalla Pretoria has invited  Ina and myself to share on what is happening through Derek Prince Ministries This is a morning service.

I will be presenting the Power Point Presentation. Ina will also assist with the book table. This will take place on the 13th April 2025.

I would like to share an amazing testimony we were privileged to hear and record a video.

Zola writes:

Hello, about a year ago, I was introduced to Derek Prince by my boyfriend, with whom I have been dating for 1.5 years. I explored various resources related to Derek Prince, and through the radio broadcasts, I learned about the gift of speaking in tongues and have since learned to speak in tongues myself! As someone with a chronic illness who has often been hospitalized, I read the book "God's Word Heals," and I am grateful to say that I have not been hospitalized since! My boyfriend's mother also gave me the book about Lydia's life, which I could not put down. I am so thankful that the Lord led me to Mr. Prince's teachings and blessings. My name is Zola, and I am South African. My boyfriend is British, and we met in the United Kingdom. In January 2025, he will be coming to meet my family. I would love to take him to the Derek Prince Ministries location in South Africa. My question is whether your offices/store/location will be open between January 2 and January 17, 2025. I hope to hear from you soon so I can arrange my travel plans around visiting the location in Pretoria. He would really enjoy that. Sincerely, Zola

Zola’s dad brought her and Peter to meet the DPMSA staff. We had a wonderful time of fellowship, and we managed to do a video clip of Peter and Zola’s testimony.

The Healing Power of God’s Word: A Testimony

Derek Prince may have gone to be with the Lord long ago, but his teachings continue to impact lives daily. Isabel Surgeon from DPM South Africa, recently had the privilege of hosting Peter from the UK and Zola from South Africa as they shared their powerful testimony about the impact of Derek Prince’s teachings.

Discovering Truth, Faith, and Love

Peter was the first to encounter Derek’s messages, and his story is one of transformation not only for himself but also for his loved ones.

Reflecting on his journey, Peter shared:

“I remember, it was around 2011 or 2012, the first message by Derek I was given was Truth, Faith, and Love—My God-Given Goals, which is about Derek’s own testimony. When I heard that for the first time, it had an impact, not just on me, but on my family as well.”

He was deeply moved by the logical and structured way Derek Prince presented biblical truths, progressing from the pursuit of truth, then faith, and ultimately realizing the greatest of all—love.

Peter’s passion for Derek’s teaching led him to introduce it to Zola, knowing that she appreciated logic and clarity in biblical instruction.

“She likes logical things, and I thought, well, Derek Prince is very logical in the way he presents his teaching. So, I knew she would love that.”

Zola, initially unfamiliar with Derek Prince, quickly developed a deep appreciation for his teachings.

Healing and Faith

Zola’s testimony is one of remarkable healing and restoration. When she met Peter, she was struggling with severe health conditions, including lupus and kidney disease, which required frequent hospital visits.

“I was going through a difficult time. Every three months, I would be in the hospital—either for my kidneys, my heart, or my brain, as I had recently suffered a stroke. It was rough.”

As she sought healing, she came across Derek Prince’s book God’s Word Heals. “I started reading it chapter by chapter. I was so taken by his testimony—when he was in Egypt, very ill and unable to move. He highlighted all the Bible passages where God speaks about healing, resulting in what he called his ‘blue Bible.’ I just kept reading and praying those declarations every morning.”

As she applied these biblical truths, she witnessed an incredible transformation:

“From someone who had kidney disease and lupus and was in and out of hospitals, during that time in the UK, I did not go to the hospital once! My medication reduced drastically—from 10 serious medications to just three, which were mostly vitamins.”

Her family, once deeply concerned, was now filled with hope and joy, seeing her restored health.

Foundational Truths for Christian living and God as a Matchmaker

Peter and Zola’s relationship continued to grow, and Derek Prince’s teachings played a foundational role in their journey together. For Zola’s 30th birthday, Peter gifted her Foundational Truths for Christian Living.

“I wanted to give her something that would provide a deep understanding of the basics of faith. Today, many don’t get a proper introduction to foundational biblical truths, but Derek’s teaching presents them so well.”

Before Zola returned home, Peter also gifted her an MP3 player loaded with Derek Prince’s sermons. Their long-distance relationship was strengthened as they studied these teachings together, reinforcing their commitment to keeping God at the center of their lives.

Peter and Zola also embarked on a journey of learning about biblical relationships through Derek Prince’s book God is a Matchmaker.

“It blew my mind away! As we listened to Derek’s testimony, we saw similarities in our own story. It became clear that God had been orchestrating our relationship from the beginning.”

Peter, inspired by Derek’s relationship with his wife Ruth, expressed admiration for how they proclaimed God’s Word together.

“One of the things I don’t see much today is both husband and wife standing together in ministry. Derek and Ruth did this beautifully, and it really inspired me.”

A Legacy That Lives On

Zola concluded with a heartfelt declaration of gratitude:

“All I can say is that God is so good. He has been so faithful in our relationship and in my personal healing journey. From severe kidney disease to now being in remission—it is all thanks to Him. And I continue to pray that He will lead me to complete healing.”

This testimony stands as a powerful reminder of how God uses His Word and faithful teachers like Derek Prince to bring healing, restoration, and divine purpose into people’s lives.

Zola did not stop there she wanted to help others who were suffering so started a prayer care group. A lady with her 12-year-old daughter with Lupus contacted her. Zola explained about going through Chapter by Chapter of the God’s Word Heals book which they did. They began to see improvements in her daughters Lupus condition. The doctors are amazed at how much better she is. This testimony will also be available soon.

The Spiritual Warfare online Course

The Spiritual Warfare online course has just been launched one can still register till the 15th of February. You can work through the course at your own pace some finish it in weeks, but you do have 6 months to complete the course. These are the two books (Spiritual Warfare & Prayers and Proclamations) for the course. We do have stock. R90 each. Currently there are 75 South Africans registered for the course.

The previous online courses on Blessing or Curse you can choose 65 South African people signed up for the course.

Promised Land online course 40 South African people signed up to do the course.

Online SA Shop

Online Course

Another interesting door of opportunity to highlight is Cape Agulhas!!

The most Southerly tip of Africa where the two oceans meet!

Cape Agulhas Lighthouse the most Southerly tip of Africa. Many shipwrecks around this treacherous coast
Prayer groups do a Prayer Walk from Struis Baai past Cape Agulhas. Flag Dance & Shofar blowing. Jennette and Pieter were part of this Prayer Walk.

24/7 Prayer House Cape Agulhas Cape.

Today we are highlighting the 24/7 Prayer House in Cape Agulhas. We are supplying the prayer room with Derek’s books on Prayer and Spiritual warfare and related books. Jennette who does DPMSA finances online from Struisbaai and another couple who love Derek’s teaching are involved in the Prayer Center. People come from other parts of the world to pray. Koreans, Chinese and many other nations. Hi Isabel,” I went to the Prayer house that you saw on that video and its was a nice surprise to find Hanna there. She and her husband work in shifts. I gave her a few books and she said they would absolutely love to have Derek's books there. I took a short video of the place.

The place where intercessors often pray.
The owner of the prayer center is part of 7th Trumpet Ministries International.

Pieter Jennette’s husband met a Christian brother who loves Israel and prays for Israel. Jennette gave him the Xhosa Foundation 10hr DVD set for his friend he has been discipling.

All these testimonies would not be possible without your prayer and generous donations.


The following video translated subtitles have been completed in Xhosa and Zulu with assistance from Paul and his team at DPM Netherlands and Timothy’s editing team in SA.

More videos have been uploaded to YouTube. Subtitled videos.

Zulu and Xhosa

  • Husband and Wives ST-4287-200-ZUL /XHO
  • How to be a Christian Father ST-4288-200-ZUL/XHO
  • Invisible Barriers to Healing ST-4258-200-ZUL /XHO
  • Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship ST-4267-200-ZUL/XHO
  • The Nature of Witchcraft ST-4263-300-ZUL/XHO
  • How to be a Christian Father ST-4288-200-ZUL
  • The Man Behind the Ministry ST-2500-200-ZUL
  • Why Should We Be Longing for Jesus' Appearing? ST-4133-200-XHO
  • Casting Down Strongholds ST-4326-200-XHO

These videos will be voiced in South Africa

On YouTube you can choose from a variety of languages which one you want to have the subtitles.

Thank you again for being part of all this outreach. You make it possible to bless so many people with Derek’s teaching. Many who are watching Derek on YouTube, or the cell phone app go on to donate towards the ministry as a thank you for the free material.

Would you consider adding Derek Prince Ministries in your Legacy?


Isabel Surgeon
Managing Director - Derek Prince Ministries Southern Africa

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