DPM Southern Africa - Newsletter November 2024

Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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Ministry Update
South Africa
Teaching Distribution

Dear Derek Prince Ministry family,

Greetings in Jesus Name,

This is our 4th Quarter “pre-Christmas” letter and thank you to our faithful donors and prayer partners who have so faithfully and generously supported the ministry this past year. We are so grateful as this has made it possible to continue this amazing work of getting Derek’s teaching out to so many in the Southern Africa region.  “There is still much land to possess”.

Ongoing projects and vison.

DPM have an International Connect/ digital team that is keeping us remarkably busy with new projects. I must capture the history of Derek’s work since the office was established in 1985 for Wikipedia. Fortunately, I was there right from the begging and know and have documents to help put this all together. This includes Derek’s visits to South Africa and the other African countries in this region. If you would like to read this powerful time Derek had in Zambia just email me [email protected] I can email you the pdf.  The Connect team have launched new websites for all 11 countries we are responsible for and websites for each language that we have material for in 13 languages. We are capturing current outreach events and activities for the Southern Africa nations.

At the beginning of October, I attended the Derek Prince Ministries International Fellowship of national and outreach offices meetings in Spain. This is an annual event where all the international directors and outreach leaders come together to share the outreach they have been involved with in the past year. The Connect Team also shared all the new developments. This is a group of exceptionally talented IT DPM family members who are on the forefront of digital technology. Workshops included the new digital developments, online courses, the Septuagint project subtitling 70 of Derek’s DVDS into numerous languages, AI, mobile apps, and publishing of new books,

I gave a 15min presentation at the FNO covering 63 slides and 11 countries.

This will be available on the website shortly. http://derekprince.com/en-za                                                
Here are a few of the slides to give you some idea of the outreach and activities in a few of the countries.

I trust you have been blessed seeing how Derek’s teaching has impacted some of the countries we are responsible for.  I will include the other countries in 2025 newsletters for those who have not been able to access the Power Point presentation.  If you have been blessed by Derek’s teaching this past year please forward me your testimonies and pictures.   We would love to share how Derek’s teaching is impacting lives.   The Blessing or Curse online course has been running for the past few weeks.  There are 59 South African’s on the course besides those in the other coutries.  Many are being blessed by Derek’s teaching on this subject.  At this Christmas as we remember Jesus birth we also recognize that He is coming soon as we see the events in the Middle East unfolding and the nations mentioned in the Word lining up.  As Derek said if you want to know where we are on God’s Time Map just check what is happening in Israel.

We thank the visitors to the shop/office in the past year.  It is always so good to meet the people who are being blessed and to hear their testimonies.  We love sharing the testimonies and the exciting outreach that is going on through this office.  It is also very encouraging hearing your TESTIMONIES PLEASE do send me your testimonies of what Derek’s teaching has done in your life and pictures of yourself.  Let me know if we can share your testimony.

We value your prayers, when one is involved with ministry and Israel there is often attacks on one self or on ones family.

May the Lord bless you and your family during this Christmas season.  Thank you again for your faithful support of the ministry.   If you feel led to support the ongoing outreach to all these nations in 2025 your donations and prayer support would be much appreciated.


Isabel Surgeon
Managing Director - Derek Prince Ministries Southern Africa

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