Hope Streams Into Africa

Derek Prince Ministries Australia
Derek Prince Ministries Australia
Derek Prince Ministries Australia
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Equipping Believers

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Rivers are an important theme for Derek Prince Ministries. Soon after Derek’s dramatic conversion to Christianity, the Lord spoke to him and gave him this powerful prophecy regarding his future ministry: “It shall be like a little stream; and the little stream shall become a river; and the river shall become a great river; and the great river shall become a sea; and the sea shall become a mighty ocean. And it shall be through thee…”

Opening Doors

In the continent of Africa, we are witnessing an amazing fulfillment of this prophecy, reflected in the impact of a remarkable river, the Niger. This river rises in the highlands of Guinea, West Africa, travels inland through the Sahara Desert, then turns south and empties its vast volumes of water into the Atlantic Ocean. The Niger also serves to name two nations through which it flows—Niger and Nigeria—two nations where the Lord is opening doors for the outreach work of Derek Prince Ministries to flow.

From its source, as a stream makes its way to the river mouth, it swells and grows from the addition of water from tributaries. One such “tributary” is bringing Derek’s solid biblical teaching to northern Nigeria amongst the Hausa people, whose tribe straddles the border into Niger.  

Nigeria is a strong, populous, and fruitful country within Africa, with a population that is divided evenly between Muslims and Christians. The northern region is primarily Islamic, and it regularly makes news headlines owing to the Boko Haram terrorist attacks on Christian settlements. This challenging climate is where the Lord has opened a door for DPM's Africa ministry to be established.

Exciting Testimonies

Over the past 20 years, DPM's Africa ministry has been translating Derek’s audio messages and books into local languages and dialects for wide distribution. Through one ministry partnership, 1500 illiterate women are being taught each year to read and study the Bible using Derek Prince’s Self-Study Bible Course.

In 2023 and 2024, we have seen the work mature. We have recently appointed a qualified representative, and the organization is officially registered in Nigeria to enable us to expand the work throughout the nation.

One person in Nigeria who had received Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting called to give us this testimony:

I got a Hausa translation from a neighboring village. When I received that book, I was going through difficult situations in my life. I had many questions for which I was looking for answers. When I started reading the book, the message was as though it was written for me. It spoke directly to my heart.
I began to fast and pray concerning my own situations. I saw God answer and transform my life. I thank God for making it possible for me to get the book at the time that I needed it.

Another encouraging testimony from Nigeria took place in a taxi:

*Name and image changed to protect identity
Grace* was going through a very difficult time in her marriage and was seriously contemplating a divorce. As a believer, she had been praying, asking God to help her. But she could see little hope in the situation.
One day, she was travelling from her village to another town in a minibus taxi. As the journey began, the driver inserted a cassette with Derek Prince teaching about the marriage covenant. As Grace listened to this message, it made clear sense and ministered deeply to her. She made up her mind to give her husband a second chance, and to practice what she had learned. She went back home and reconciled with her husband. Happiness returned to their home and their marriage was saved.

Touching Niger

From our base in the north, DPM's Africa ministry is working with church groups in Niger. With so little Bible teaching in their mother tongue, the impact is significant and the reports are encouraging, like this one from a church leader in Niger:

The Derek Prince books are God-sent materials for the Nigerien Church at this moment when we are facing a lot of challenges in spiritual warfare and Christian living. I believe the book compilation Life-Changing Spiritual Power will bring a great change in the lives of the believers in Niger.
Through the study of these books, we hope to start Bible Study and Prayer groups that will encourage the church and build up the spiritual life of the believers.
When I read these books, I can feel the fire of the Holy Spirit radiating in my soul, igniting a fresh desire for the move of the Spirit in my heart. I can feel the presence of God as I read through these books. We are now equipped to do the work, and the books are in our native language. We can go to our people and present the truth to them in their own mother tongue.

Bringing Life and Hope

Like the mighty Niger river, the new streams of the Word of God are bringing life and hope to thirsty people groups. Despite the extreme persecution of Christians in northern Nigeria and in Niger, God is doing a new thing. The power of the gospel is bringing forth a harvest.

We are witnessing the establishing of the Kingdom in West Africa and throughout the whole continent. Please join us in prayer for increased impact. Also, as the Holy Spirit leads you, please consider supporting this important work financially. Our goal is to continue to translate and distribute Derek’s excellent Bible teaching. As people throughout Africa receive the Word in languages they understand, we are seeing them encounter Jesus and grow strong in Him.

Thank you for your help in making this happen.

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