The Ripple Effects of God’s Grace

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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“If you carry a wound inside you, turn to God and say, ‘God, this is a time of restoration. It is a time of regathering. You are healing the brokenhearted. You are binding up their wounds. Lord, You know the wound I have carried so long in my heart. Will You heal me?’”
(Derek Prince - Healer Of The Brokenhearted)

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

Derek’s teachings emphasize the gentle yet powerful touch of the Holy Spirit, capable of healing the deepest wounds. Psalm 147:2-3 says, “The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” This beautiful truth led to God bringing incredible healing, through Derek Prince Ministries, to some of the most remote provinces of Cambodia.

In Kratie, a province on the banks of the Mekong River, pastors gathered not just to expand their knowledge of God’s Word—they sought His healing. Fifty-one pastors, many from far-off villages, travelled through difficult conditions to attend a Derek Prince Ministries seminar. These sessions explored Biblical truths from Derek’s books like You Matter to God, Applying the Blood, and Praying for the Government. Derek Prince described this work as “the invisible finger of God, the Holy Spirit, reaching down where no surgeon can reach and touching that wounded place.” And this is what happened for these pastors.

During the seminar, it was evident that God was at work, touching hearts and minds. The pastors, many of whom had been carrying hidden burdens for years, began to experience a spiritual release. When we allow the power of God to move, He does just that, in profound ways. And for these pastors, the impact of God’s grace will ripple through their churches and their communities.

Pastor Chan, for example, had been struggling with frustration and criticism toward the government’s policies. But through the teaching on Praying for the Government, his perspective shifted. He shared how he felt a burden lift as he turned his frustrations into intercessions. “It feels like a divine appointment to discover this book here,” he said. “Our country has been in turmoil, and many of us have been critical. However, this book has inspired me to pray for our government instead. True progress and freedom come through God's guidance. Let us be a people of prayer, blessing our leaders and trusting in God's perfect timing.”

In Stueng Trang, near the Laos border, another powerful move of the Holy Spirit occurred. Here, the seminar was more than just teaching—it was a deeply spiritual encounter. The pastors, many without formal biblical training, were profoundly touched by the sessions on Hear God’s Voice and The Power of Proclamation.

One pastor, who had endured severe personal trauma, shared her experience of healing. The abuse she had suffered and the silence of her family had left deep scars. In the midst of the seminar, she found herself pouring out her heart to God, echoing Derek Prince’s prayer: “Lord, You know the wound I have carried so long in my heart. Will You heal me?” The gentle, reassuring words of the teachings began to penetrate her heart. “You matter to God. Jesus loves you, and He can give you a new life,” she heard repeatedly. Those words became her lifeline. By the end of the seminar, she was not only feeling lighter but was also filled with a newfound passion to serve others. “Today, I serve the Lord passionately, sharing my story and offering hope,” she said. “The abuse left scars, but God's love healed the deepest wounds. I am living proof that He can offer a new beginning.”

Derek Prince’s teachings emphasize the unseen hand of God, the Holy Spirit, healing wounds that no human can touch. This was clear in Cambodia as pastors found healing and renewal. The seminars provided not just knowledge but deep healing that rejuvenated their spirits.

Pray for these pastors as they each return to their communities - pray that the healing and restoration they received will encourage them and strengthen them to minister with a renewed faith.

Derek taught that there "is an ongoing ministry of the Holy Spirit that is very special—a ministry to the brokenhearted. It is a ministry to those whose hearts are wounded.” If this speaks into your situation, we pray you are blessed and ministered to, through Derek’s teaching Healer Of The Brokenhearted.

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