New: Online Course From Curse To Blessing

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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Spiritual Warfare
Online Courses

We're excited to announce the launch of a new online course, starting on the 20th of September: From Curse to Blessing.

In this online course, Derek Prince shows how the spiritual forces behind blessings and curses are a reality today. This powerful Bible teaching on blessings and curses has changed countless lives. We believe it can do the same for you, and your loved ones!

Discover the impact of curses and blessings

For many years, Derek Prince's groundbreaking Bible teaching on blessings and curses has been impacting the Body of Christ around the world. Now, this teaching has been turned into an online course, to help people understand and apply these vital Biblical truths even deeper.

The Bible identifies blessings and curses as invisible forces that determine each person’s destiny, whether for better or for worse. Furthermore, it shows us how to relate to these forces in such a way that we can enjoy the beneficial effects of the one and protect ourselves from the harmful effects of the other.

"Both blessings and curses are real. It’s illogical to say that you believe in blessings but not in curses. That’s like saying, “I believe in day, but not in night.”
(Derek Prince)

If you are continually frustrated by sickness, financial pressure, strained relationships or other struggles that just won't go away, there might be a curse at work in your life.

However, as Derek points out in one of his teachings, the problem today is that the majority of Christians have no clear concept of what a curse is, how it operates or how to recognize it. In his own words, "If we’re sick we usually know we’re sick. If we’re sinning we frequently at least know we’re sinning. But when we’re under a curse we don’t know what the nature of our problem is or how to recognize it or how to deal with it."

Online Course

In our new online course, Derek Prince shows how the spiritual forces behind blessings and curses are a reality today. Drawing from God’s Word and real-life experiences, Derek will help you understand the causes of curses and teach you how to be set free from curses, so you can start enjoying the benefits of God’s blessings.

The course consists of 6 lessons, released weekly. Experience a variety of interactive questions, video clips featuring Derek Prince’s Bible teaching, proclamations and worship songs, taking you deep into God’s Word.

Registration and Information

All essential information about this new online course is available for you. Join us in this course, starting 20th September 2024. Register today, and get a taste of what's awaiting you by making the introductory lesson. Don't let a curse hinder you from stepping into what God has prepared for you through the Cross!

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