The Unshakeable Power of the Cross

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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The Cross
Spiritual Guidance

In a world where faith is increasingly challenged, the Cross stands as an enduring symbol of sacrifice and redemption, holding profound meaning and value for our lives today. Derek Prince’s teachings bring us back to this foundational truth, emphasizing the critical importance of keeping the Cross central in our lives.

Derek Prince's insights, particularly from his series The Enemies We Face, reveal the subtle ways the spirit of Antichrist infiltrates the church. He shares, “Ruth and I have friends in America who belong to a church which would be classified as evangelical. One day, they said: 'In our church, you can talk about Buddha, you can talk about Socrates, you can talk about Plato, you can talk about Martin Luther King, and no one gets upset. But if you talk about Jesus everybody gets upset.' What is that? It is the spirit of Antichrist.” This disturbing trend underscores the critical need to keep Jesus and the Cross at the heart of our faith.

In his book What’s So Important About The Cross, Derek Prince emphasizes that understanding and embracing the Cross is essential for accessing God’s power and provision. He explains that "the cross is the supreme lesson that our own power is totally inadequate. We do not qualify for the grace of God as long as we can do something for ourselves."

Derek’s ministry of deliverance revealed that demons are not impressed by religious practices or theological knowledge but tremble at the power of the Cross. He recounts, "When you deal with demons on the basis of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, that is when they ‘believe—and tremble’ (James 2:19)."

Following Jesus requires self-denial, a principle Derek articulates with clarity: "If you want to follow Jesus, the first step is to say no to yourself. Your cross is the place where God’s will and your will cross." This act of self-denial aligns us with God’s purposes, making us resilient against spiritual attacks.

By embracing the Cross, we root ourselves in God’s power and stand firm against the deceptions of this world. Derek Prince’s teachings, especially his sermons like The Cross at the Center and The Exchange at the Cross, challenge us to delve deeper into the significance of the Cross and its transformative power​​. His wisdom, shared through these powerful messages, guides us to a more profound understanding and application of the Cross, equipping us for the spiritual battles ahead​.

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