Help provide discipleship resources for Christians in China

Ross Paterson
Director, Derek Prince Ministries China
Ross Paterson
Director, Derek Prince Ministries China
Ross Paterson
Director, Derek Prince Ministries China
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Digital Discipleship

Meet Han, a new believer in China.

Just weeks after accepting Christ, his pastor was imprisoned, and their church was shut down. Now, Han's home is a secret meeting place for fellow believers who look to him for guidance despite his limited knowledge of the Bible.

Due to increased persecution, many believers like Han find themselves in leadership roles without proper theological training. The Chinese government is blocking access to Bible study materials, creating a significant barrier to discipleship.

Our outreach team is working tirelessly to bypass this 'Great Firewall' and deliver Derek Prince’s discipleship materials to believers in China.

But we can't do it alone.

Will you give £30 right now to provide vital discipleship resources to believers like Han?

Your gift of £30 can enable our team to create and upload a new discipleship resource from Derek Prince’s teaching on our secure digital channel.

£100 can put resources like “Unshakable Hope” by Derek Prince into the hands of Chinese believers in 350 house church communities.

£1,000 can support our digital team for a week, and £4,500 for a month, enabling them to resource thousands of spiritually hungry believers for whom our digital channel is the only place where they can access Bible teaching materials.

Your generosity can help us ensure that believers like Han receive the resources necessary to grow in their faith. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Thank you for your support.

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