DPM Southern Africa - Newsletter June 2024

Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Isabel Surgeon
Director, Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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Ministry Update
South Africa
Digital Discipleship

Greetings in Jesus Name.

This past quarter has been a remarkably busy with so much happening with all the new developments in Derek Prince Ministries Internationally.  
South Africans have just had the National and Provincial Elections.  We sent out a letter and prayer that Derek compiled for a previous election. We made free material available relevant to the elections. See further comments in the testimony section of this letter.  A 90yr DPMSA supporter and his daughter set up a WhatsApp group to pray for the elections.  There are 150 people on the group who were fasting and praying pre-election and will continue while the new government members are elected and installed.

  • NEW DPM Worldwide Ladies WhatsApp group that meets once a month via google/team to encourage and pray for each other.  
  • New Africa Call meeting once a week for the DPM national and outreach offices in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria/Ghana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, South Africa with Peter Lindop the Africa Director and Elaine Andrianatos (SA. Living in UK) assistant to Peter. Involved on the Arcon team (archiving all of Derek’s teaching material), assisting with the Online courses and meetings, Wikipedia capturing as much of Derek’s teaching historical and current events and content worldwide.  Working with the Connect Team with future developments in the digital field.

I decided to include some of the testimonies and what to pray for this time in the newsletter.


South Africa is 3rd in the number of people watching YouTube, 100,000hours per month.
We thank the Lord for all the SA and other African countries people who are watching Derek on YouTube and enjoying the cell phone App with 5 years of Legacy Radio Broadcasts, 2 and 3min devotions and the Foundation 10hour series.

A lady came to buy the next Foundations New A4 Study Guide in the series.  She is part of a group of ladies from various churches meeting once a week.  I asked her to send testimonies of what the study books are doing.  She immediately told me about 2 ladies who had worked through the Baptism study book and asked to be baptized in water.  The lady immediately baptized them.

A lady from Knysna a beautiful place to live on the Eastern Cape Coast visited the office. Her daughter in Pretoria has been getting teaching and watching on YouTube.  The mother remarked at how her and her husband have been watching Derek on YouTube in Knysna. She said she loves the way Derek teaches straight to the point and is so solid in his teaching.  We gave her some free Afrikaans outreach books and Why Israel and Our Debt to Israel.  She was thrilled to know there is a mobile app where she can get 5 years of Legacy Radio Broadcasts and 2 and 3min devotions, one with drone coverage of Israel.

We managed to send 2 Mega Voice players to Sheila at DPM Zimbabwe, a lady who works once a week in the DPMSA office kindly took them, Wendy is from Zimbabwe.  We are planning on printing the Shona and Tonga books here in SA as getting them from country to country is quite a mission.

Jennette who does DPMSA finances from home in Struisbaai, next to Cape Agulhas on the most southerly tip of Africa, met a Zimbabwean man, her husband was involved with through his work. The Zimbabwean man was very interested in Derek's teaching.  We hope we can get the Shona books for him as he was returning to Cape Town.  We will be printing the books in SA for the Zimbabweans living in SA.   The books are available in Shona and Tonga from Sheila in our DPM Zimbabwe office in Harare.

A generous donor has made it possible to have 6 each of the DVD titles of the Video Bible School translated, subtitled and voiced into Zulu and Xhosa.

Albert and Elaine Chipps attended the recent Messianic Testimony SA Annual conference in Cape Town.  We were able to bless Leigh Tilli with the ‘Israel Declaration Cards”: Praying for Israel, Peace, Comfort, Salvation, Return of Israel and Watchmen on the Walls, And other Israel related books, CDs DVDS.   Leigh Telli expressed her gratitude for the material we sent to bless those who attended the conference.  It was a very blessed morning with worship, dancing and rejoicing.  Manfred from Emet Ministries in Pretoria was one of the speakers. Pastor Manfred is a strong promoter of Derek Prince teaching.

Albert writes: “We had an awesome day at Church on the Rise! Very excited to see a DPM desk there and to hear a speaker say, “Derek Prince is the best teacher you can have”. (Ps Manfred Nochomowitz comment). God has been meeting with me daily and revealing stuff to me.  God is good.”

A thank you was received from Leigh with a selection of her beautiful cards.  Leigh is an artist. Albert and Elaine have both been challenged in the past few years with their health and both have come through the attack. Albert retired as an electrician from the Communication Cable Ships and being working at sea for the past 45years.  Albert has been one of the most serious students of Derek’s teaching. Studying and capturing word for word what Derek has taught through Roman’s and Hebrews and other teachings. He had a Bible Study and prayer group on the ship for his fellow shipmates. He survived a near death experience at sea and has written a book “From Darkness to Light” his biography. If anyone would like to purchase this incredible biography email: [email protected]  
Albert dedicates a chapter of the book to the impact Derek Prince had in his life. He may have been dead if he had not had Derek’s teaching. 

A couple in Port Elizabeth will be traveling to Namibia at the end of July to visit Udo Wahl in Namibia who has 12 Bible schools 10 in Namibia and 1each in Angola and Zambia.  They will be able to take Derek's Portuguese material that we will be able to get to the Angolan leaders of the Bible Schools and ministry bases in Angola.  We will send English and some Afrikaans books as well.   USB and SD cards and the Mega Voice Solar Players with 400hours of Derek’s teaching to their Bible Schools.
Udo's message: "Our work is going on fine and we have +/- 135 students in training. In Angola we're busy in the border town Santa Clara and hope to open another branch in Lubango in the future".

One of our supporters in Pretoria has been doing friendship evangelism with a lady who owns a shop in a mall.  The lady is Russian, and her husband is Jewish. 

Russian Self Study Bible Course

We were able to print the Russian Self Study Bible Course and will do some other titles.  We had a Hebrew copy of Appointment in Jerusalem and Pages from my life's books to give her husband.  

We thank the Lord for new people who have contacted either via email or phone calls or visited the shop.  They are overwhelmed when they see all the resources that are available.
We thank the generous donors and prayer supporters who have made all this possible.  We thank the Lord that we have the privilege of having all of this incredible legacy of Derek's teaching to share with others.  We give the Lord all the Glory. 

Prayer items   

If you would like to receive the Praise and Prayer letter it is available https://www.derekprince.com/prayer-guide  or email me at [email protected] and I can include you on the e-mail prayer recipient list.

  • Pray for the new National and Provincial government leaders in SA.  Pray for them to lead in righteousness and humility serving not self-seeking and corrupt.
  • Pray for all the outreach opportunities above. For current distribution of books and the Mega Voice Players into Angola, Namibia and Zambia. 
  • Pray for the printing of books:
    • Portuguese books for Angola,
    • French for the Mission Exposure Training for pastors from Congo who receive the French material when they graduate in SA,
    • Tigrinya (Eritrea), Amharic(Ethiopia), there are churches in Pretoria and around the country,
    • Books in the following languages Afrikaans, North Sotho, Shona, Tonga, Chichewa for Malawians in SA.
    • Pray for the books that we still need to print; most are translated but need the layout and final edit done.
    • Blessing or Curse...Afrikaans, will be in print soon.
    • Life’s Changing Spiritual Power book in Xhosa and Tswana
    • Complete Salvation in Xhosa
    • North Sotho and Afrikaans “Power of Proclamation”
    • Zulu Appointment in Jerusalem -translator needed.
  • Pray for the 6 DVD titles of the Video Bible School the subtitles have been translated into Zulu and Xhosa and need editing and voicing.

The DPM International Connect Team(Digital Team), has been very busy setting up additional country and language websites. DPMSA is responsible for 11 countries who all have their own websites. Each of these will be in English and a local African language when we have material in that language.
DPM International site is http://derekprince.com  Then the SA site is http://derekprince.com/en-za
A list of all the countries will be attached to the email we will send out with this newsletter.
English, Afrikaans and Zulu websites are already available.

The Promised Land online course

The Promised Land online course was launched at the beginning of May.  Approx.1200 worldwide are taking the course, approx. 50 are from South Africa.  The course will be offered again for those who missed it.  There will be other courses in English.   DPM Netherlands have been running online courses for years already. France also has online courses. https://courses.derekprince.com/

The course consists of 8 lessons. Each week, a new lesson is released. You can take these lessons at your own time, at your own pace on your pc, laptop, tablet or mobile device. A variety of question types is used to make your study a pleasant experience.

Topics covered:

  • Prophecies about Israel and how to interpret the developments in the Middle East.
  • Birth pains of a nation: what preceded the state of Israel?
  • God's predetermined plan: the Scriptures talk about the several phases of Israel's recovery and the origin of the conflict in the Middle East.
  • The regathering of Israel: prophecies fulfilled.
  • After the political recovery of Israel, the spiritual recovery will follow. What did Jesus teach about this restoration of Israel?
  • Whose is the land? A controversial but important question!

The judgment of the nations. God’s Word describes a final, dramatic climax of history, where all nations will gather to fight against Israel.
How do we respond to the biblical prophecies about Israel?
What is our responsibility for antisemitism in the Church?
How can we contribute to God’s fulfilment of His purpose with Israel and the nations?

New Inspirations Series   

We are excited to announce there lease of our Inspirations series, short videos of approximately five minutes long. This makes them perfect for a quick spiritual boost during a busy day. Be sure to share them on your socials (for instance, by sharing this article)
Each Inspiration combines powerful excerpts from Derek Prince's popular teachings with modern visual imagery and music, creating a captivating and engaging experience.  Topics include spiritual warfare, relationships, the Holy Spirit, deliverance, healing, the Cross, End Times, and more.

Are you seeking inspiration in your faith journey? Do you yearn for do you yearn for encourage welcome back with me we're talking about how God speaks to in many different ways but the main way that God speaks to you is through his son Jesus Christ let's take a look at our main point and a deeper understanding of God? Look no further! Derek Prince Ministries is excited to announce the release of our new series. Discover Over 160 Inspirations. Our Inspirations library features over 160 short, impactful messages designed to uplift and inspire. Each Inspiration is approximately five minutes long, making them perfect for a quick spiritual boost during your busy day. Engaging and Insightful Content.   Each Inspiration combines powerful excerpts from Derek Prince's popular teachings, with modern visual imagery and music, creating a captivating and engaging experience. These Inspirations cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Relationships
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Deliverance
  • Healing
  • The Cross
  • End Times

Each Inspiration also includes a link to the full teaching, allowing you to delve deeper into the subject and continue your learning journey.
Popular Titles to Explore
Here are some of the popular Inspirations you can explore:

Expanded Library of Shorts

In addition to our Inspirations, we have significantly expanded our library of Shorts. Previously, we offered 32 Shorts, but now, you can explore a collection of 313 ShortsThese Shorts provide concise, powerful messages that are perfect for a quick dose of spiritual insight.

Once again, I wish to thank all our donors, prayer support family and all who have shared Derek’s teaching in Bible Study groups, WhatsApp, Zoom/TEAM, Bible Study groups, home fellowship groups and to your family and friends.  Don’t keep this blessing to yourself share Derek’s teaching as far and wide as you can especially in these critical days we are living in.  So much is happening so fast.  We know and have the Life-giving message of Hope to the nations.  Let’s work together to reach the Gospel and disciple the Nations to hasten the coming of the Lord in Glory!

This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world and then the End Will Come!!

Isabella Surgeon
Managing Director –Derek Prince Ministries SA

Teaching Letter: Follow Me!
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